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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:84 题号:21442511

Do you experience worse car sickness in electric cars than in petrol cars? You’re not alone - and when it comes to self-driving cars, it may be even worse.

Although scientists aren’t exactly sure what causes motion sickness, it has to do with passengers losing the ability to predict future movements. When you read a magazine in a car, your eyes will signal to your brain that the car is not moving. However, your brain will recognize the vibrations (振动) and turns that the car makes. This can confuse the mind and make you start to feel sick.

As for electric cars, one-pedal (单踏板) driving is often linked to feelings of car sickness, according to the US Department of Energy. The one pedal does both the accelerating (加速) and braking (刹 车) - the driver steps on the pedal to increase speed and takes their foot off the pedal to slow down. If you stop accelerating, the one-pedal will automatically slow and stop the car. The deceleration caused by this system is thus more rapid than that of petrol cars, which may lead to motion sickness.

Another technological advance that can also be related to car sickness is the larger and increasing number of screens inside vehicles. These screens overburden users with visual information, which discourages them from looking outside, according to The Conversation. Passengers thereby lose their ability to take in the “correct” visual signals, such as the moving surroundings, which can lead to sickness.

Unfortunately, even when people get used to the movements of electric cars and experience less car sickness, self-driving vehicles might be another challenge for them. According to a 2015 study, as much as 12 percent of the US population may feel carsick while riding in autonomous vehicles.

To ensure the widespread usage of new types of vehicles, car producers are working to solve such problems with better technology. For example, Japanese company Honda is working on reducing the car’s “violent (猛烈的) ”acceleration by making changes to the engine, said Car Magazine.

1. What is the possible cause of passengers experiencing motion sickness?
A.Lack of visual signals in the car.
B.Unpredictable movements of the car.
C.Inability to sense vibrations and turns.
D.The brain’s confusion about movements.
2. What makes electric cars more likely to cause car sickness than petrol cars?
A.Their unique driving mode.
B.Their slow way of braking.
C.Their violent acceleration.
D.Their constant pedal adjustment.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.Potential dangers of placing screens in cars.
B.A technology to reduce car sickness.
C.A design aspect in vehicles that causes car sickness.
D.Passengers’ different responses to car sickness.
4. What is Honda doing to improve its cars?
A.Developing a more powerful engine.
B.Reducing their cars’ deceleration time.
C.Making the cars’ acceleration smoother.
D.Adding more automatic adjustment features.
【知识点】 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Most of us learned what we know about eye color from a chart in grade-school biology. You know two blue-eyed parents are going to have blue-eyed kids. But the story of how eye color is passed down is more complicated(复杂的) than we’re taught.

Humans get their eye color from melanin(黑色素), which also determines skin and hair shades. Melanin is good at absorbing light, which is especially important for the iris(虹膜), the function of which is to control how much brightness can enter the eyes. Once it passes through the irises, the majority of the visible light goes to the retina(视网膜), where it’s translated into images by the brain. The little that isn’t absorbed by the iris is reflected back, producing what we see as eye color. That color depends on the kind and amount of melanin a person is born with.

Though we used to think eye color just came from a simple pattern of inheritance (遗传), in recent years scientists have found that it’s also shaped by many genes acting together. What’s more, tiny changes, or mutations(突变), in a gene can result in different shades in the iris.

The two genes currently thought to be most strongly linked with human eye color are OCA2 and HERC2. OCA2, the gene we used to think was the only player in eye color, controls the production of the P-protein and the organelles that make and transport melanin. Different mutations in the OCA2 gene increase or decrease the amount of protein that’s produced in the body, changing how much melanin is sent to the irises. The HERC2 gene, meanwhile, acts like a helicopter parent (直升机父母) for OCA2. Different mutations in this gene act as a switch that turns OCA2 on and off and determines how much P-protein it produces.

Those are just the two genes we know about in detail so far. Newer studies have linked as many as 16 genes to eye color, all of which pair with OCA2 and HERC2 to generate different iris colors and patterns. With all these genes and their structural changes, it’s hard to say for sure what a child’s eye color will be based on their parents’.

1. Which of the following shows how light reaches the brain?
A.The irises→ melanin→ the brain.
B.The retina→ melanin→ the brain.
C.The irises→ the retina→ the brain.
D.The retina- the irises -the brain.
2. What’s the connection between OCA2 and HERC2 according to the text?
A.OCA2 is controlled by HERC2.
B.OCA2 can be changed into HERC2
C.Both can make and transport melanin
D.Both are the cause of mutations in genes.
3. Which of the following can determine a person’s eye color?
A.Different colors received by the retina.
B.A lot of genes as well as their mutations
C.The amount of protein the person has in his or her body.
D.OCA2 and how much melanin it produces and transports.
4. What does the text mainly discuss?
A.Whether the melanin plays a key role in mutations.
B.Whether oCA2 and HERC2 can influence each other.
C.Whether melanin results in different shades in the iris.
D.Whether your eye color just comes from your parents.
2021-02-25更新 | 70次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约190词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Strange things happen to time now and then when you travel, because the earth is divided into twenty-four time zones (areas), one hour apart. You can have days with more or fewer than twenty-four hours. And weeks with more or fewer than seven days.

If you make a five-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters a different time zone every day. As you enter each zone, the time changes one hour. Travelling west, you set your clock back; traveling east, you set it ahead. Each day of your trip has either twenty-four or twenty-three hours.

If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you cross the international date line. By agreement this is the point where a new day begins. When you cross the line, you change your calendar (日历) one full day, backwards or forwards. Travelling east, today becomes yesterday; traveling west, it is tomorrow!

1. Which of the following should be chosen as the title of this passage?
A.Different Time.B.Twenty-four Hours.
C.Time Zones.D.The Changing Time.
2. How many time zones is the earth divided into?
3. What’s the difference in time between zones?
A.Twenty-four hours.B.Seven days.
C.Twenty-five hours.D.One hour.
4. What will you do if you travel east?
A.Set the clock back.B.Set the clock ahead.
C.Make the clock fast.D.Make the clock slow.
5. What happens when you cross the international date line ?
A.Your calendar is of no use.B.Today becomes yesterday.
C.Today becomes tomorrow.D.Both B and C are right.
2022-04-01更新 | 24次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】A mother goat is able to pick out her own baby from its voice alone by the time the kid is just five days old.

Researchers from University of London played kids’ bleats to female goats and studied their responses. They were surprised to find that the animals were able to pick out their own kids’ voices.

“A mother and the kid rely a lot on smell to recognize one another and, in the wild, during the first week of their lives, the animals hide in grass and don’t call much. It’s a strategy they use to avoid enemies,” Dr Elodie Briefer, who led the research, explained to BBC News. “The mother call to the kids when she want them to come and feed, so we expected that kids would recognize the mothers’ voices.” In fact, this was the case for deer, which also use this hiding strategy, although they do not belong to the same family of species as goats.

She and her team recorded and played back young kids’ calls to the female goats and recorded their responses.She explained, “Even when the calls came from kids that are five to six days old, we could see the mothers responding more to the voices of their own babies.” Hearing the voice of their own kids, the females would look towards the speaker that the sound was coming from, moving around and calling in response.

The scientists say that understanding how goats behave and communicate is very important. “This helps us understand just how smart these animals are,” said Dr. Briefer. “Farmers might be able to change their way to raise goats considering this natural behaviour.”

1. What does the underlined word “bleats” means?
2. During the first few days of the baby deer, the mother and the kid mainly depend on ______to recognize each other when they are hiding in grass.
3. In the experiment, what does a mother goat do when hearing her kids’ voice?
A.Making voice in response.B.Jumping over and over.
C.Hiding herself somewhere.D.Behaving just as usual.
4. The passage is mainly written for ______ to read.
2019-02-03更新 | 262次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般