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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:136 题号:21463122

Giraffenap is a new style of sleeping pod (仓) that encourages workers to get power naps during the day as a way of improving concentration and work efficiency.

Japan usually emphasizes extreme dedication to one’s work. In order to get used to this kind of heavy schedule and stress, some workers turn to short power naps. These are known to improve energy levels and concentration, as long as the person doesn’t go into deep sleep. In order to make it easier for people to get power naps pretty much anywhere, one company has begun installing vertical (垂直的) sleeping pods called Giraffenap in cafes all over the country.

One of the main reasons that Giraffenap pods have a vertical orientation is space—it’s much easier to have them installed in small cafes and restaurants because they take up little room—but it’s not the only reason. The standing position makes it easier for the person using the pod to wake up from their power nap.

Each Giraffenap pod features an alarm system that can be set by the user and support points for various parts of the body, which can make sure that the user remains in an upright position when napping. The pods also feature a height adjustment system so that anyone can achieve the perfect posture while using them.

Giraffenap sleeping pods currently come in two styles: a plain white model and one that uses a more traditional bamboo design. They offer great sound insulation (隔音), various sounds designed to support sleep and a built-in ventilation system.

Giraffenap is currently being put into effect in some coffee shops in Japan, and if the response is positive enough, we might also start seeing them in other places.

1. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.Science magazineB.A biography
C.An advertisementD.A novel
2. What is an advantage of Giraffenap?
A.It keeps people healthy.B.It is very cheap in price.
C.It saves a lot of energy.D.It makes work efficient.
3. What is paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.The types of Giraffenap podsB.The effect of Giraffenap pods
C.The features of Giraffenap podsD.The materials of Giraffenap pods
4. What’s the main idea of the text?
A.Hotels are to be replaced soon.B.People’s sleeping habits change.
C.A company launches vertical pods.D.How we keep energetic at work.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Inventions change how we live, work, play and think about what’s possible. Every year, TIME magazine lists the 100 best inventions according to their creativity and influence on our lives. What did the magazine choose in 2021? Let's take a look.

Easier to read

Reading can be a big challenge for those who may have poor vision or reading difficulties. But OrCam Read can help them! It’s the first of its kind reading pen with a smart camera and an AI system. After scanning a page of text with the click of a button, it can read the text aloud to the user. You don’t need to connect it to the Internet. You can use it nearly everywhere.

Sweet idea

Honey is produced by bees. But today’s beekeeping business is not good for these hard-working insects. Dee farmers may kill them after harvesting honey because it’s cheaper than feeding the bees through the winter. To save bees, US company McliBio has found a way to make the world’s first bee-free honey. They used synthetic biology to create honey directly from plants. This kind of honey tastes just like the real one, and it is healthy, too.

Keep you calm

When you feel angry or unhappy, what do you do about it7 Scientists say you can try to calm others. This can help you calm down. That’s why Purrble was invented. This furry, bear-like toy has 9 sensors. It has a quick “heartbeat” and can respond to your touch. As you hold and pet it’s its heartbeat slows. And it purrs(发出咕噜声)like a cat. It sounds like it really enjoys your touch!

Through petting Purrble, you will become more aware of your own feelings and learn how to feel calm yourself.

1. How should people with reading difficulties use OrCam Read?
A.Connect it to the Internet.B.Connect it to a small camera.
C.Use it to scan pictures they can’t see.D.Use it to scan the text they need to read.
2. What do we know about the new kind of honey?
A.It is made from real honey.
B.It is not good for human health.
C.It has the same taste as real honey.
D.It helps beekeeping businesses make more money.
3. How can Purrble help calm you?
A.It can help you know your feelings.B.Its sensors can sense your anger.
C.Its purrs can slow your heartbeats.D.It can touch you with its furry hands.
2022-01-27更新 | 46次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】For many kids in Africa, the colorful PlayPump (踏水车) is the first playground thing they have ever seen. When the children give it a push and jump in for their first ride, smiles of wonder appears on their faces.

The fun of going round and round in a circle is just part of the wonder. The wonderful invention doesn’t only change the kids’ play time, but also makes a big difference to the people’s lives.

As the merry-go-round starts, it pumps (用泵输送) clean water up from deep underground and keeps it in a huge tank (桶). People are welcomed to come and help themselves to get the water for free. They are very happy these days.

In the countryside of Africa, very few people could drink clean water. They don’t have machines that can get water in their homes. Instead, they often walk a long way to carry water back.

Patricia Molope, a fifteen-year-old girl, explains that before her village in South Africa got a PlayPump, people would pay a taxi driver to take them to a well far from their homes. “Sometimes the taxi drivers were so busy that we would have to stop taking showers in order to save water. It was so far to walk there, but at present we have our own clean water in the village, and the life is better, too.”

The hard job of carrying water usually is done by women and girls. Carrying water for miles and hours each day is such a heavy job that it sometimes prevents girls from being able to go to school.

Thanks to the PlayPump, getting water is quicker and easier-and even boys join in. The pumps have become a new activity. Kids and adults seem to love playing with them while collecting water.

A boy named Khumalo, twelve years old, says, ”I have seen many kinds of water pumps, but have never seen one that can keep water. When I grow up, I want to be an inventor so I can also invent clever things like the PlayPump that will help my country.“

So far, more than 800 PlayPumps are being operated in schools and neighborhoods in four African countries, providing water for almost two million people.

1. What do people need to do to get water from a PlayPump?
A.Walk for a long way.B.Give it a push.C.Make it in a circle.D.Use a big tank.
2. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to the ________.
3. Why getting water used to be hard for Patricia Molope?
A.Because she didn’t know how to use a PlayPump.
B.Because she had no money to pay a taxi driver.
C.Because the only place to get water was far away from home.
D.Because there was not enough water in the well.
4. What is the main idea of the story?
A.The PlayPump can bring people together.
B.The PlayPump helps turn work into play.
C.Every country in the world is thirsty.
D.The PlayPump is a great invention in the world.
2023-12-11更新 | 36次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】It is night in Nairobi, Kenya. Farmers sleep in their homes. Their cows sleep in areas surrounded with fences(栅栏) which keep small animals away. However, the fences do not stop lions, which often hunt at night. They eat other wild animals as well as the cows. On this night the lions get close to the cattle fence. But then, the lions see bright lights. The lights flash, turning on and off, as if there are people holding the lights. The lions run away. They do not know that no one is awake! An eleven year old boy invented these flashing lights. Lion lights are helping people and lions live together peacefully.

Nairobi is the fastest growing city in the world. Sixteen percent of the city is Nairobi National Park where wild animals are living. Since many places where Nairobi National Park is are not fenced, wild animals can leave the park land freely. Some of these animals, like lions, kill and eat other animals, such as cows. But farmers depend on keeping cows to make money. So they kill lions in order to protect the cows, which leads to a rapid decrease of the number of lions in Kenya. Thus, people feel they have to think of other ways to protect cows.

Richard Turere, poorly educated, has been responsible for caring for the cattle for his family since he turned six. He tried every means he could think of to keep lions away. After trying many times, Turere made a discovery. He said: One night I was walking around the cowshed with an electric light in my hand. That day the lions did not come. I discovered that lions are afraid of a moving light. So I had an idea. I got an old car battery and an indicator box, which was found in a motorcycle. It helps drivers if they want to turn right or left. It flashes. And I got a switch where I can turn on the lights, on and off. So I set up everything. The lights flashed. They tricked the lions into thinking that I was walking around, but I was sleeping in my bed!

Sometimes the best solutions are simple and local. Lion lights are a simple design by a local boy with low level of education, but they are part of solving a very big problem.

1. How do lion lights help prevent lions from killing the cows?
A.By making lions afraid of these lights.
B.By killing lions with the help of lion lights.
C.By making lions think someone is walking around.
D.By making lions see people walking around at night clearly.
2. People and lions couldn’t live together peacefully before the invention of lion lights because ________.
A.lions killed a lot of wild animals which farmers depend on
B.farmers killed lions to protect the cows they raised
C.lions were dangerous to people
D.Farmers hunted lions for their fur
3. What can you infer from Paragraph 3?
A.It didn’t take Richard much time to solve the problem.
B.Lion lights are invented from Richard’s own life experience.
C.When the switch is turned on, the light will be on all the time.
D.Richard will walk around frequently at night to keep the lions away.
4. What do you think is the best title of the text?
A.A Simple Design, a Local Boy, and a Big Difference
B.The Story of Richard Turere
C.Local People’s Solution to Saving Lions
D.The Invention of Lion Lights.
2019-11-11更新 | 97次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般