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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:44 题号:21498918

After their three children grew up and left home, Margaret Thompson and her husband, Kenneth, began taking walking holidays in Switzerland. In Interlaken, they would head up the mountain and watch the paragliders (滑翔伞运动员) launch themselves into the sky. Back in town, in a large park, they watched them return to the earth."Some day I’d love to do that," Thompson told Kenneth.

But there was always so much to do in Interlaken. Besides, Thompson didn’t know if Kenneth would have enjoyed it. "He was not so keen on heights as I was," she said. So she continued to watch the gliders take fight and land.

Kenneth died in 2005. Eleven years later, Thompson finally took to the skies herself, in a para glider at the age of 80. Although some people get scared while flying, she said she just feels free. Thompson did her second paraglide when she turned 85, and raised nearly 2,000 for a local charity. Before leaving Interlaken after her second fight, Thompson asked the organizers about the age limit for para gliding. They said: “Any age, as long as you’re fit.” Thompson, now 86, plans her third flight for when she is 90.

Thompson grew up living above her parents shop in Belfast. At 18, she helped in the shop while studying for her music diplomas (文凭) in Stranmillis, south Belfast. She started to teach piano to local children, and at the height of her teaching she gave 70 lessons a week. She still has 15 pupils on her books. “Over the years I’ve had so many that I’m teaching their children now.”

Is she scared of getting older? “Fear? No. People say: ‘Isn’t getting old awful? I say: No. You are free to do more of the things that you want to do.” “People might worry about falling, it being the end of them. But that doesn’t bother me at all. When it’s your time, it’s your time. No matter where you are.” Thompson added.

1. What inspired Thompson to try para gliding at the age of 80?
A.Her long-held curiosity toward it.
B.Her husband’s encouragement.
C.Her love for nature and adventure.
D.Her wish to overcome her fear of heights.
2. How did Thompson feel during her first paraglide?
3. What does Thompson think of aging?
A.It inspires her to reach new heights.
B.It is an opportunity for more freedom.
C.It doesn’t make any difference to her.
D.It limits her ability to do what she wants.
4. How does Thompson view the risks brought by para gliding?
A.They prevent her from enjoying paragliding.
B.They add to the excitement of paragliding.
C.She believes they don’t exist.
D.She accepts whatever may happen.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Newspapers are losing the battle against smartphones as the preferred place to learn the news, but one woman has found a way to bridge the divide and bring the print to the people.

Kelsey Russell makes TikToks in which she goes through a single article and explains the context along the way. “I got a subscription to the Sunday New York Times physical copy,” she said in one video. At first, she didn’t like reading from a small cellphone screen, and it was her doctor who brought her to print newspapers after suggesting she address her anxiety by going back to activities she enjoyed as a kid. “When I was little, I would read the newspaper with my parents,” she said. “So I said, ‘Let me just go back to what made me happy as a child.’”

“When I read the news on print, I actually had time to process what was going on.” Russell approaches her videos as a learning experience. She tries to read at least one newspaper a day. However, a part of Russell feared the bad news, and she said what she read often felt like depressing and disheartening. That experience isn’t unique; a recent report found many people actively choosing to avoid news because they consider news boring and despairing.

Despite the struggles, Russell’s unique approach has appealed to a wide audience, lifting her fame and influencing. She has almost 90,000 followers on TikTok and more than 5.3 million likes on her videos.

Still, Russell said she wasn’t seeking to revive (复兴) the print newspaper industry(a survey found that only 5% of adults preferred print publications) and she instead encouraged people to get their news from wherever they can. Her priority is simply that the news sources are credible. “Media literacy (素养) is bigger than just reading on print,” she said. “It’s also a great way for humans to think critically about the whole entire world.”

1. Why did Russell start reading newspaper in TikToks?
A.To manage her stress.B.To recall her childhood.
C.To digest current events.D.To promote physical reading.
2. What challenge does Russell face?
A.Managing audience engagement.
B.Addressing negative view of Tiktok.
C.Overcoming personal anxieties about news.
D.Approaching audience’s learning difficulties.
3. What is Russell’s main concern according to the last paragraph?
A.Attracting media’s attention.
B.Encouraging creative thinking.
C.Reviving the print newspaper industry.
D.Ensuring the reliability of news sources.
4. What is a suitable title for the passage?
A.Print News Meets TikTokB.News Revolution in TikTok
C.The Rise of Media EngagementD.Improving Digital Media Literacy
2024-05-20更新 | 21次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Kemira Boyd’s 12-day-old daughter, Ryleigh, was choking after being fed 10 minutes earlier. The 24-year- old new mother began patting her daughter on the back, but she didn’t cry as she usually did. She knew Ryleigh needed to get to the hospital fast.

They had barely made it out of their neighborhood when the flash lights of a police car appeared behind them. Deputy(警官)Will Kimbro figured that the speeding driver was either too careless to notice him or simply unconcerned. Once she’d stopped to his call, Kemira jumped out and handed the baby to Kimbro, exclaiming that her daughter had stopped breathing. He put a hand on her little chest. Ryleigh’s heart was barely beating. Kimbro radioed for an ambulance-it was seven minutes out, and the hospital was even further away. That was seven minutes Ryleigh didn’t have.

Kimbro is an officer who usually spends his days going around the halls of a middle school ten miles away. But he travels farther when school is out in the summer. He had recently completed a CPR class. “Shocked as I was, my training kicked in, and I went to work to keep that baby alive,” says Kimbro. The deputy checked for a pulse and began tapping her chest, hoping to bring her heart back into action. Kimbro used one finger to clear the airway. That was a magic touch; 20 seconds later, there came her crying. Until the ambulance arrived, Kimbro continued with delicate chest pressure and regularly clearing her airway. “The whole time I was thinking: Do not let this baby die in front of her mother,” he later told Inside Edition.

At the hospital, Ryleigh recovered quickly-thanks to a determined school officer who was in the right place at the right time.

1. Why did Deputy Kimbro call to stop the car?
A.He wanted to help the young mother.
B.He was eager to give first aid to the baby.
C.He would punish the driver for speeding.
D.He was angry that the driver didn’t notice him.
2. The underlined phrase in paragraph 3 can be replaced by ________.
A.started to work.B.calmed me down.
C.woke up the baby.D.made some progress.
3. What is mainly talked about in the passage?
A.A policeman’s first aid skill.
B.A mother’s love for her baby.
C.An officer’s duty for road safety.
D.A timely and lifesaving traffic stop.
2021-05-07更新 | 52次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】One day Hilary Krieger was sitting in her parents’ home when her friend accidentally squirted (喷、射) himself with an orange slice. “I said, ‘Oh, the orange just orbisculated,’” she recalls. “And he said, ‘It did what?’” The two made a $5 bet, and Hilary confidently grabbed the family dictionary. But “Orbisculate” is somehow not in the dictionary!

Hilary burst into her dad’s study and told him the shocking news. He looked kind of embarrassed, and said he had made up this word in college and defined it as “When you dig your spoon into a grapefruit and it squirts juice directly into your eye.”. He had just been using it all the time. She was mad at his words but quickly came to see her dad’s made-up word as a gift, one that showed his creativity and inventive spirit.

Two decades later, Hilary found herself telling that funny story again and again. Her father, Neil Krieger, passed away in April 2020 at age 78. Then Hilary began to think that “orbisculate” is such a great word; it should be in the dictionary!

Getting a word into the dictionary isn’t easy. Merriam-Webster adds only about 1,000 new words to its master database every year. Only words with a large and broad readership in publications can enter the dictionary.

Then Hilary, 44, hatched a plan. She built a website called orbisculate.com and encouraged people to use the word publicly enough. Many friends and strangers are inspired. Some wear T-shirts with the word printed on them. Some use the word in an online crossword puzzle. Some even put a homemade orbisculation warning sign in a grocery store.

It has been three years since Neil’s death. Even if the word doesn’t make it into the dictionary, Hilary feels her effort to get her father’s word into the dictionary has helped her recapture a little of the joy that has been missing from their lives.

1. What can we know about the word “orbisculate”?
A.It was widely acknowledged.B.It was made up to trick others.
C.It was of practical use.D.It was wrongly used by Hilary.
2. What’s the function of Paragraph 4?
A.Presenting some evidence.B.Adding some background.
C.Introducing a new topic.D.Making a comparison.
3. Why did Hilary build a website?
A.To make a profit.B.To appreciate friends and strangers.
C.To memorize her father.D.To get the word officially recognized.
4. What’s the best title of the text?
A.Warning: This Fruit May OrbisculateB.Love: A Daughter Recalls Her Father
C.Wonder: A Word Went Into DictionaryD.Memory: A Creative and Inventive Father
2023-05-11更新 | 116次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般