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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:91 题号:21511720

It has been more than 40 years since anyone has spotted a Japanese river otter. And the once common Yangtze River dolphins have either disappeared or are very rarely seen. These are just a few of the species that have been listed as extinct or locally extinct in recent years. But the advancement of technology could mean that the expunction of other species is not a given.

A huge challenge scientists and conservationists encounter is tracking species facing extinction in order to help them. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about a revolution in the way data on these species is collected and analyzed. One example is the Maui dolphin, one of the rarest and most threatened dolphins in the ocean. Familiar with their summer. Behavior, researchers knew that there were just 54 of these elusive mammals living off the coast of New Zealand. However, because of weather conditions, researchers knew next to nothing about their winter behavior. After four years of developing, testing and fundraising, these scientists received permission to use a drone (无人机) with AI that tracked the dolphins no matter the season. The result was the extension of a marine sanctuary to protect their habitat.

In parts of Australia, the koala was declared endangered in 2022 due to bushfires, habitat destruction and road accidents. Saving them was challenging because their whereabouts and numbers were relatively unknown. So Grant Hamilton, an associate professor of eco logy at Queensland University of Technology, began using drones with infrared imaging to locate them. An AI algorithm analyzes images to determine if a sighting is a koala. That information is then used to monitor and protect the species by restoring their habitats and providing health protection.

In Zambia’s Kafue National Park, home to 15 more than 6,000 elephants, AI is being used to enhance traditional methods of preventing poaching. Cameras record any boats that try to enter the park on Lake Itezhi-Tezhi, an illegal entry point. Al immediately detects this activity and alerts park rangers, who deal with the illegal hunters.

The use of Al has helped to expedite action and increase conservationists’ ability to protect the natural world for generations to come.

1. What does the underlined worlds “a given” in paragraph 1 mean?
A.A serious problem.B.A rare phenomenon.C.A certain event.D.A false inference.
2. What is the author’s purpose in mentioning Maui dolphin?
A.To observe Maui dolphins’ winter behavior.
B.To get the exact number of Maui dolphins in the wild.
C.To demonstrate the current situation of Maui dolphins.
D.To show AI’s application in tracking the wild animals.
3. What is the advantage of Al in saving koalas?
A.Identifying koalas.B.Tracking koalas.C.Collecting data.D.Preventing hunting.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Saving Nature with Technology’s HelpB.Restoring the Habitats of Endangered Species
C.Providing Healthy Protection for AnimalsD.Protecting Wild Species from Extinction


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It is presently harvest season for Christian Nacht Wey, who operates an apple farm, or orchard, in the western German town of Gelsdorf. Besides apples, Nacht Wey’s farm also produces a second harvest: electricity. Many of the farm’s trees grow under solar panels(太阳能电池板)that have been producing power during this year’s unusually sunny summer. Putting solar equipment on the same land as crops is becoming increasingly popular in Europe and North America. Farmers are finding that this method can make the most of their land, while creating a second way to earn money.

But getting the right mix of crop and solar is difficult. Most fruit requires specific growing conditions. Even small changes in the environment can harm crops and cause money losses. Even if the fruit survives, it might turn the wrong color or be less sweet and may be difficult to sell.

For these reasons, Nacht Wey is working with researchers to test which kinds of apples do well under a solar cover. For testing purposes, Nacht Wey covered some of his trees with a traditional netting material. It is normally used to protect sensitive crops from serious weather events.

Juergen Zimmer is an expert with the area’s agricultural services department. He told the AP that apples grown under the solar covers were a little less sweet this year than those under the nets. But almost no solar-shaded apples got damaged in the strong sunlight that hit the area on July 24. In the non-shaded group, about 18 percent of apples suffered sun damage that day, Zimmer said. Researchers hope the tests will show that fruit crops perform well under solar panels. This could help prevent renewable energy production from competing for valuable agricultural land. That competition has become an increasing question as the need for renewable energy increases to fight climate change and rising food prices.

1. What does the author try to tell us in Paragraph 2?
A.The method of the test.B.The disadvantage of solar panels.
C.The importance of solar panels.D.The difficulty of growing crops under solar panels.
2. What are netting materials usually used to do?
A.Speed up the growth of apples.
B.Test what apples are suitable for a solar cover.
C.Examine why some crops are sensitive to heat.
D.Keep some crops from being damaged by terrible weather.
3. What is the researchers’ attitude to using the solar covers?
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.German Farmer Grows Fruit Under Solar Power Equipment
B.Researchers Find Out New Way to Produce Renewable Energy
C.Solar Energy Could Play Big Part in Valuable Agricultural Land
D.Increasingly Popular Way of Operating Orchard Among German Farmers
2023-08-09更新 | 34次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】At a Dalkomm Coffee shop in Seoul, a robot takes orders from you through a mobile app or a touch screen and then makes fresh coffee. Coffee is just one of the many industries that use automated(自动化的) services in this technologically forward-thinking nation. Others include restaurants, food stores, banks and factories. The development comes as many Koreans, especially the young, are struggling to find work.

Just this week, workers who operate about 2,500 large cranes(吊车) at building sites went on strike(罢工).They were against the growing use of robotic small cranes for building. Other labor unions have also been against the use of automated devices instead of human workers at Emart, South Korea's biggest food store group.

South Korean officials also changed plans to completely automate the nation's road fee collection system. They acted after receiving blame for cutting 6,700 jobs. Instead, the system will be partly automated and keep all its existing human fee collectors.

South Korea had the highest percentage or robots to human workers in the world in 2017. The International Federation of Robotics says South Korea has 710 robots for every 10,000 workers. The international average is 85 robots per 10,000 employees.

South Korea's lowest permitted worker wage has increased by 27.3% over the last two years. This has led more businesses so cut labor costs by using automation, says Suh Yong Gu of the Business School at Sookmyung Women's University in Seoul.

Even with the job losses, South Korea's businesses are replacing employees with automation and young people are welcoming the change. Suh said, "Nowadays, Millennials those who were born after 1980 are prime consumers. This generation tends not to like meeting other people. So they like technology that enables people to minimize face-to-face interactions."

1. Why did construction workers go on strike this week?
A.6,700 workers had been out of work.
B.They feared being replaced by robots.
C.Their wages were cut down by 27.3%.
D.Their demand for a pay rise was refused,
2. What do we know about the young generation in South Korea?
A.They're less competitive in modern world.
B.They're victims of modern high technology.
C.They're unwilling to communicate face to face.
D.They're strongly against the use of automation.
3. What can we infer from the text?
A.Human fee collectors have disappeared.
B.South Korea produced the most robots in 2017.
C.Robots have taken the place of humans in building.
D.It remains a problem whether to make full use of robots.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Robots Made Their First Appearance in Cafes
B.Koreans Are Ready for Challenges from Robots
C.Automation: A Double-edged Sword in Job Market
D.South Korea: A Leading Country in Technology
2021-04-29更新 | 108次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When it’s time for a wardrobe makeover (形象改造), who’s the best person to give you some advice? You’ll probably turn to your friend for some feedback and fashion tips — they know you best and can offer an honest opinion about which colours don’t match and which outfit makes you look pretty.

However for someone like me, who’s not a follower of fashion and has a more practical dress sense, I don’t need help-it’s just jeans or... jeans! But for people who care about their appearance, they can now get some trustworthy advice with the aid of technology.

Of course, using social media is a good way when you are at a loss about fashion, but this—sometimes brings in too much conflicting advice and opinions that are sometimes straightforward! That’s why one woman has developed an app to help women crowdsource advice from stylists in a safe, non-violent communication environment.

Sophia Matveeva’s Style Counsel app allows users to post a photo and receive “yes” or “no” answers from other users, or more detailed advice from fashion stylists and bloggers very quickly. According to Mathew Wall, BBC Technology of Business editor, this is a growing business; with several new apps such as AskAnna, Mallzee and StyleDotMe all offering young women tips on suitable and fashionable clothes to wear.

There’s also a website called EyeFitU which finds clothes to fit your figure. Its chief executive, Isabelle Ohnemus, says there are no international standards in clothes sizes but she explains, “We can set up your size profile in a few seconds with 80% accuracy just knowing your gender, height, weight and age”. This information is used to find clothes that suit your actual shape. And the internet giant, Amazon, has also developed a camera that links to a “style check” function that compares photos and gives its opinion of which outfit is better, based on fit, colour, style and current fashion trends.

But does technology make fashion advice a bit impersonal? Sophia Matveeva admits that women in particular are social creatures and that “AI will never stop us talking to each other. . . girls will always want the approval of the cool girl at school.” But as for me: an app with someone I don’t know could be the place to start with some careful-in-speech fashion tips!

1. What is the problem of asking for fashion advice on social media?
A.No feedback.B.Dishonest opinions.
C.Too many choices.D.Contradictory advice.
2. Who are the possible target users of the fashion apps?
A.Cool boys at school.B.Young women fashion-goers.
C.Fashion stylists and bloggers.D.People with a practical dress sense.
3. How does the website EyeFitU help users find suitable clothes?
A.By developing a super camera.B.By assessing current fashion trends.
C.By analyzing users’ basic information.D.By setting agreed standards for clothes sizes.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Fashion AnxietyB.New Fashion Trends
C.Wardrobe Decoration.D.Tech-driven Fashion Advice
2024-03-15更新 | 121次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般