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题型:阅读理解-六选四 难度:0.65 引用次数:145 题号:21604854

Modern computer technology has made a new kind of human relationship possible: online friendship.     1     Are online friendships as beneficial as face-to-face friendships? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having virtual friends? Can people form strong bonds online? Today these questions are the subject of lively debate.

Some people believe that the Internet is the best way to make new friends. It’s convenient, it’s fast, and it allows making contact with different kinds of people from all over the world. When you use social networking, websites and chat rooms, you can easily find people with interests and hobbies similar to yours. Information updates and photos add to the experience. Making friends on the Internet is especially good for shy people who feel uncomfortable in social situations. It’s often easier to share thoughts and feelings online.     2     They can make people feel less lonely and help them solve problems.

Although the Internet can encourage friendship, it has a major disadvantage.     3     Online friends only tell you what they want you to know. They sometimes exaggerate their good qualities and hide the less positive ones, so you can’t be sure of what they really like. That is why you should not give personal information to anyone online unless you’re totally sure of who that person is.

Can online friendship be as meaningful as face-to-face ones? There are different points of view. Researchers at the University of Southern California surveyed 2,000 households in the United States. The results showed that more than 40 percent of participants feel “as strongly about their online buddies” as they do about their “offline” friends.     4     In contrast, there are many people who believe that it’s not possible to have deep relationships with online friends, A young Indian software engineer, Lalitha Lakshmipathy, says, “it’s good to feel connected with many people, but all my e-buddies are not necessarily my close friends.” They say that it’s hard to develop feelings of trust and connection when you don’t share experiences in person.

People continue to express different opinions about online friendship. However, most of them would agree that virtual friendships must not replace face-to-face friendships. As one life coach says, “a social networking site should only be the ‘add on’ in any relationship.”

A.In addition, virtual friends can offer emotional support.
B.When you’re not face to face, it’s much easier to deceive people.
C.Many people would agree.
D.Researchers also found that it’s not unusual for online friends to become face-to-face friend.
E.Online friends may be of help in many ways.
F.Online friends, or virtual friends, are people who have become acquainted with each other through the Internet.
23-24高三上·上海·期末 查看更多[3]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。曾经风头无二的 IE浏览器终因其故步自封而被市场所抛弃。

【推荐1】Internet Explorer (IE) is nearing the end of its long and slow death, Microsoft announced this week. In the browser’s (浏览器) death notice, the company said, “The future of IE on Windows is in Microsoft Edge, which is faster and more secure.”

Though it might seem strange to young people who are not familiar with the blue “e” icon, IE was once seen as the most successful browser in the world. When Windows introduced IE in 1995, it killed off the earlier and once-leading Netscape Navigator in less than three years. At its height in the early 2000s, IE controlled 95% of the browser market.

But Microsoft failed to keep pace with the later comers, losing respect among users for its poor security and speed. Disappointed users began turning to Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Google Chrome is now the leading browser, holding a 64% share of the global market, while IE sits at under 4%.

“The brand is so damaged,” wrote Adriana Figueroa who is very familiar with IE. “When you think of IE, the first thing that comes to your mind is its speed. It will be very easy for Microsoft Edge, even though it’s new, to be stuck with the brand, so Microsoft has to work extra hard to prove that Microsoft Edge is really different. It shouldn’t give people the impression that it is just putting lipstick on the pig.”

But another user Kim Song, who runs a small business in China, said, “It’s all I have used and I’m used to it!”

Even though IE will still be available to him for some time, Kim said it will take a little time for him to mourn (哀悼) IE’s death. “I’m thinking that a cup of Shaojiu will be appropriate. I’ll hang on to my old friend, as long as possible,” he said. “I’ll put off upgrading software or buying new devices, if it means I can keep my IE.”

1. Which browser is the earliest one?
A.Mozilla Firefox.B.Google Chrome.
C.Internet Explorer.D.Netscape Navigator.
2. What is IE’s present share of the global browser market?
A.Less than 4%.B.Around 36%.
C.About 64%.D.More than 95%.
3. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.A pig.B.A company.C.A lipstick.D.A browser.
4. What does Kim Song mean?
A.He likes Shaojiu.B.He cannot afford new software.
C.He is a big IE fan.D.He thinks IE’s death is natural.
2024-05-20更新 | 14次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

You've probably noticed that new emoji show up on your phone every year.    1    This year is no different. If you have an Android device, you may have used a new emoji such as a melting face. Other devices, such as Apple products, will have these now emoji soon.

The updates come from a California-based nonprofit called Unicode Consortium. Each year. the emoji committee releases (发布) new emoji that will update the existing keyboard.    2    “It's important for people to understand that we're not inventing language and that it's really the people who create it and are inventive,” says Jennifer Daniel, chair of the committee.

    3    He created emoji because the mobile phone company where he worked offered email communications that were limited to 250 characters and emoji are only one character each but can be used to say more. Emoji have since become popular around the world.

Anyone is allowed to make a proposal for a new emoji. Unicode get proposals in lots of different languages from around the world. If the proposal is strong enough, Unicode will accept it    4    

The process does not simply involve coming up with something that doesn't have an emoji representing it. An emoji idea has to meet certain criteria (标准). These criteria include its uniqueness, whether it can be used with existing emoji and whether it can have lots of meanings.    5    You can pair it with many other emoji to express how you are feeling. Additionally, this emoji has adopted many meanings.

A.The keyboard has acquired more than 3.600 emoji characters.
B.Emoji aren't tied to any language or any region of the world.
C.But it's not the organization coming up with these new characters.
D.And it can take up to two years to create and release the new emoji.
E.The “tears of joy” emoji, for example, is special and easy to identify.
F.The first emoji keyboard was created by the designer Shigetake Kurita.
G.For example, the ninja emoji was introduced in 2020, or the yawning face in 2019.
2023-02-27更新 | 293次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】“The arrival of ChatGPT will push educators to focus more on teaching subjects that technology is not good at.” Andreas Schleicher said, who is director of education and skills for the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development. He welcomes this development and thinks it gives people the chance to concentrate less on tasks that technology can also do well.

The future is not about technology vs humans. The future is about integrating technology with humans. ChatGPT pushes us to think harder of what makes us human.

“The world no longer rewards you just for what you know. Baidu knows everything. The world rewards you for what you can do with what you know, and ChatGPT pushes us to work harder on this. If students are only as smart as a smartphone, it means educators are not doing enough. People should focus on developing human skills that actually are important, such as imagination and creativity.” Schleicher said in an interview with China Daily on the sidelines of the World Digital Education Conference.

The arrival of artificial intelligence (AI) really pushes people to think hard about what education is and the purpose it serves, as well as what knowledge, skills, attitudes and values humans have that complement (补充) artificial intelligence.

ChatGPT is not connected to the Internet, so it can’t replace search engines. Search engines such as Google or Baidu simply extract (提取) knowledge, while ChatGPT goes a step further and analyzes a search before providing a single answer.

As a device, ChatGPT is going to make learning much more interesting and powerful, but as a purpose and objective, humans need to work very hard to win that race with technology.

1. What may Schleicher agree with?
A.ChatGPT is fighting against humans.
B.Students are just as smart as a smartphone.
C.People who can do with their knowledge will be more successful.
D.ChatGPT pushes educators to concentrate more on subjects technology is good at.
2. What’s the advantage of ChatGPT over Google and Baidu according to the passage?
A.ChatGPT has connection to the Internet.
B.ChatGPT has the function of analysis.
C.ChatGPT is a more powerful search engine.
D.ChatGPT knows more than Google and Baidu.
3. What can be a suitable title of this passage?
A.ChatGPT to Influence Future Education
B.The Future Development of ChatGPT
C.The Development of Future Education
D.The Race between ChatGPT and Humans
4. In which section can you read the passage on a website?
2023-04-29更新 | 234次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般