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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:23 题号:21616135

A man named Randy liked to look for big trees and old trees. He made maps to show where these trees were. He did not want to cut them down. He wanted people to take care of them.

Randy was told that there was a very tall tree on Vancouver Island. The tree was said to be 314 feet tall. That would make it the tallest tree in Canada. Randy started to find the tree.

But someone else found it first. It was found by a logger (伐木工). Loggers wanted to cut down Canada’s tallest tree and all the trees around it.

Randy made a path in the forest so people could see the tallest tree. The tree was so big and beautiful that it would bring them enjoyment. More and more people wanted to save that forest. Thanks to these people, that forest is now a park. Canada’s tallest tree is still there.

1. Why did Randy make maps of big trees and old trees?
A.To carry out his duty carefully.B.To avoid getting lost in forests.
C.To show where these trees were.D.To get information for selling them.
2. What did the loggers want to do to Canada’s tallest tree?
A.Take care of it.B.Cut it down.
C.Take pictures of it.D.Make it famous.
3. Why did Randy make a path to the tallest tree in Canada?
A.To help people cut it.B.To help people see it.
C.To help people water it.D.To help people move it.
4. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.The path.B.The forest.C.The tallest tree.D.The park.
【知识点】 记叙文 生活故事


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Mr. Read was born in a small village with high mountains all around it. He has few fields and he can’t get enough food for his family. He’s often worried about it. So he works harder and harder and tries his best to get more money.

One afternoon, Mr. Read went out to look for some grass for his cows. It was very hot and he had to have a swim. Suddenly he saw a big tortoise in the water. He swam there and caught it. The next morning he went to the town to sell it in the markets. When he was walking in the street, a car hit him down and he was hurt. He was sent to hospital at once. The doctors looked him over and had an operation on him. Two weeks later he felt much better. The doctors were satisfied with the operation and said,“You’ll be fully recovered in a week. We’re sure you can write when you leave hospital.”

“It’s really a miracle (奇迹)!” shouted Mr. Read, “I could neither read nor write before!”

1. The Reads have little food because                    .
A.they have few fieldsB.they live in a small village
C.they’re too lazy to workD.nobody would help them to get money
2. Mr. Read jumped into the river because________.
A.he wanted to have a swimB.he wanted to look for a tortoise in the water
C.he wanted to have a good rest in the waterD.he wanted to get some grass in the water
3. Mr. Read’s ________was hurt in the traffic accident.
A.HeadB.LegC.right handD.left hand
2022-01-15更新 | 30次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Lisa started climbing five years ago when a friend asked her to climb Mt. Rainier. The ability to experience part of the mountain that few people reach drew Lisa to continuing her climbing. By 2012 she and her husband had climbed the highest points in North America, South America and Europe. They had also volunteered for numerous projects with Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation (ASC). Their latest goal was Mt. Vinson in Antarctica to collect snow samples for ASC.

It was difficult for Lisa’s family who had spent all their lives in Illinois to picture what would draw her to such a remote continent (大陆). Her primary motivation was to safely climb Mt. Vinson, but secondarily she wanted to share the experience with others who, like her father, couldn’t imagine what the coldest continent was like.

As they gradually made their way up toward Mt. Vinson, Lisa’s body got used to the cold, dry air and a heavy pack. Her mind was filled with the vastness of this continent. How is it possible that so few people have seen it? How can it be kept so that others have the opportunity to responsibly do so? Part of her duty was to answer the last question.

After she had collected the snow in a small plastic bottle, she labeled (贴标签) it and stored it for safe keeping. As she watched the snow inside, she thought about the story it would tell. What would researchers learn about this mountain? What had it endured during its lifetime? What would we, as servants of this earth, do with this information? She didn’t have the skills to answer these questions by herself, but knowing that she played a small part in allowing them to be answered was exciting, just as gratifying as reaching the top.

1. What pushed Lisa to continue her climbing?
A.Her great ability to reach the mountain top.B.Her love of challenging herself.
C.Her friend’s encouragement.D.Her desire to win.
2. What did Lisa’s family think about her climbing Mt. Vinson?
A.It was inspiring.B.It was meaningful.
C.It was entertaining.D.It was unbelievable.
3. What can we know about Lisa on her way up to Mt. Vinson?
A.She could not bear her heavy package.
B.She was not curious about people’s visiting.
C.She was greatly impressed by the large continent.
D.She felt nothing of the continent.
4. What does the underlined word “gratifying” in the last paragraph probably mean?
2022-01-05更新 | 115次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Most people will rest and relax when they are old. They do not work. But Grandma Moses is different. She started a new job at the age of 70. She was born in a poor farmer’s family in 1860. Her parents named her Anna Mary Robertson. She married Thomas Moses in 1887. He was a farm worker.

It was 1930. Anna Mary Moses was 70, and was a grandmother. She began to paint pictures. She did paintings of country life. One day, her daughter took her paintings to a store in the town. Her paintings were put in the window. A man from New York saw the paintings in the window and bought them. And he wanted more!

The man liked Grandma Moses’s paintings. He wanted to help her. So he took her paintings to galleries(美术馆) in New York City. Otto Kallir had a famous gallery there. He liked the paintings by Grandma Moses. It was 1940 and Grandma Moses’ paintings were in Kallir’s gallery. She was 80 years old.

Grandma Moses suddenly became famous. Everyone wanted her paintings. So she painted more and more. She won many prizes for her paintings. She become famous in the United States and Europe. When she was 100 years old, the State of New York made her birthday “Grandma Moses’ Day”. After her 100th birthday, she painted 6 more paintings. She died at the age 101 and a lot of people thought she was amazing.

1. Grandma Moses started to paint pictures________.
A.when her daughter asked her to do thatB.when she got married
C.in the year 1940D.at the age of 70
2. Grandma Moses’ paintings were first bought by________.
A.a man from New YorkB.her daughter
C.Otto Kallir’s galleryD.the owner of a store in town
3. When were her paintings on exhibition?
A.When she was 70.B.When she was 80.C.When she was 100.D.When she was 101.
4. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Grandma Moses and New York State
B.Grandma Moses and her paintings
C.Grandma Moses’ family
D.Grandma Moses’ Day
2022-03-16更新 | 100次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般