组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 动物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:40 题号:21810882

While you’re hiding away the Christmas presents, animals are storing food for the winter! Many animals “cache” (贮藏) or hide food for time to come, similar to how we stock our pantries with food. In the winter months, caching allows animals to survive when food is scarce.

Some animals, such as bobcats and mountain lions, leave dead animals’ bodies for short periods of time buried beneath surrounding vegetation. Other animals, such as rodents and birds, store seeds for long periods of time in places they’ll return to weeks or even months later.

Hiding food throughout an animal’s home range is known as scatter hoarding. This keeps the caches low and less enticing to any potential thieves. However, this technique requires a good memory, as the food is often in dozens, if not hundreds, of different locations.

Another caching technique involves animals collecting food in only a couple of places, referred to as larder hoarding. These caches are often found in cavities such as a hollow tree or a hole in the ground. They are easier to find but require lots of defensive measures.

Here are some of the animals that cache in the Peach State:

Birds such as chickadees, nuthatches, titmice and jays can store hundreds of seeds in a single day. Each seed is placed in a different location, and they usually remember where each is, even months later. Flying squirrels store a variety of seeds, nuts and acorns in their nests and in trees. These nocturnal squirrels will even bury seeds in the ground. It is believed that a single lying squirrel can store over 15,000 seeds in a year! Moles trap live earthworms underground. The mole bites the earthworm’s head off, and colder temperatures slow the earthworm down. If the weather warms up before the mole has a chance to consume its prey, however, earthworms can regrow their heads and tunnel their way to freedom.

1. In what respect are the first two paragraphs similar?
A.Using comparison as a method of exposition.
B.Stressing the importance of storing to animals.
C.Revealing differences in food storage among different animals.
D.Discussing the threat seasonal change brings to animals’ survival.
2. What does the underlined word “enticing” in Paragraph 3 mean?
3. What does the author think of larder hoarding?
A.It is a test for animals’ memory.
B.It is time-saving and eco-friendly.
C.It can easily ensure caches’ safety.
D.It bring animals convenience as well as risk.
4. What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.Moles take earthworms as their only food resource.
B.Chickadees adopt scatter hoarding to store their seeds.
C.A flying squirrel is better at storing seeds than any bird.
D.Earthworms have no chance of survival once bitten by moles.
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In a little over a decade, Manas National Park, located in the northeastern India state of Assam, has seen great growth in its. greater one-horned rhino(独角犀牛) population. Plans for bringing rhinos back to Manas National Park were developed in2005, and translocations(转移) began in 2008 with individuals moved to Manas from other protected area in Assam.

During the first translocation in 2008, two adult males were successfully moved from Assam’s Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary to Manas. Over the next four years, 16 more rhinos were translocated to Manas from Kaziranga National Park and Pobitora. The translocated rhinos were radio-collared(套上无线电颈圈) to know about their health, movement, and behavior, and obtain important data for better management and conservation rhinos in the future. Before the translocations, the park was built to provide conditions for protecting the rhinos, since their safety is always a key consideration once the rhinos are moved.

Since 2008, 20 rhinos have been translocated and all translocated females have given birth at least once since they were moved to their new homes, with 26 babies born by April 2020.

Translocation are just one part of rhino conservation. Local communities that live near or share rhino habitats play an important role in helping to keep their population safe. The local government and many people have led efforts to involve local communities in conservation. They have provided support to local community conservation organizations in and around Manas to raise awareness on the importance of conservation in their area and train youth and other community members to help protect the park. In addition, these partners have been supporting communities to develop local tourism and offering communities to develop tourism in the area, which brings in additional livelihood opportunities.

Today, there are around 3,700 greater one-horned rhinos in Asia, up from only 200 at the beginning of the 20th century. While the species continues to face threats from hunting, signs of population growth like those from Manas are certainly cause for hope.

1. Why were the rhinos radio-collared after they were translocated?
A.To collect data for their upcoming babies.
B.To guarantee their safety in a certain area.
C.To monitor their fitness and how they behaved.
D.To improve their well-being and help them move faster.
2. What can be learned about the plans from the numbers mentioned in paragraph 3?
A.They worked rather well.B.They were easily achieved.
C.They led to natural imbalance.D.They were far from satisfaction.
3. Which of the following can best describe local communities’ efforts?
4. In which section of a magazine may this text appear?
2022-10-26更新 | 327次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In Canada, you can find dogs, cats, horses, etc. in almost every family. These are their pets. People love these pets and have them as their good friends.

Before they keep them in their houses, they take them to animal hospitals to give them injections (注射) so that they won’t carry disease. They have special animal food stores, though they can get animal food in almost every kind of store. Some people spend around two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food. When you visit people’s houses, they would be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them. You will also find that almost every family has a bird feeder in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. They are free to come and go and nobody is allowed to kill any animal in Canada. They have a law against killing wild animals. If you killed an animal, you would be punished. If an animal happened to get run over by a car, people would be very sad.

People in Canada have many reasons to like animals. One of them might be: Their family ties are not as close as ours. When children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own life. Then the old will feel lonely. But pets can solve this problem. They can be good friends and never leave them alone.

1. The passage mainly talks about ________.
A.how to keep disease from petsB.pets in Canada
C.how to take good care of petsD.life of the old in Canada
2. They give their pets injections before keeping them at their houses because ________.
A.the pets are sickB.the pets are wild
C.they want to stop them from carrying diseaseD.they want them to sleep on the way home
3. This passage shows that Canadians ________.
A.hate animalsB.often kill animalsC.love animalsD.don’t keep pets inside houses
4. In Canada, children leave their parents when they grow up because ________
A.they don’t love their parents any moreB.they can only find jobs far from their parents
C.their parents’ houses are too smallD.they wouldn’t depend on their parents any more
2024-01-11更新 | 23次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Most people agree that honesty is a good thing. But does Mother Nature agree? Animals can't talk, but can they lie in other ways? Can they lie with their bodies and behavior? Animal experts may not call it lying, but they do agree that many animals, from birds to chimpanzees, behave dishonestly to fool other animals. Why? Dishonesty often helps them survive.
Many kinds of birds are very successful at fooling other animals. For example, a bird called the plover sometimes pretends to be hurt in order to protect its young. When a predator(猎食动物)gets close to its nest, the plover leads the predator away from the nest. How? It pretends to have a broken wing. The predator follows the "hurt" adult, leaving the baby birds safe in the nest.
Another kind of bird, the scrub jay, buries its food so it always has something to eat. Scrub jays are also thieves. They watch where others bury their food and steal it. But clever scrub jays seem to know when a thief is watching them. So they go back later, unbury the food, and bury it again somewhere else.
Birds called cuckoos have found a way to have babies without doing much work. How? They don't make nests. Instead, they get into other birds' nests secretly. Then they lay their eggs and fly away. When the baby birds come out, their adoptive parents feed them.
Chimpanzees, or chimps, can also be sneaky. After a fight, the losing chimp will give its hand to the other. When the winning chimp puts out its hand, too, the chimps are friendly again. But an animal expert once saw a losing chimp take the winner's hand and start fighting again.
Chimps are sneaky in other ways, too. When chimps find food that they love, such as bananas, it is natural for them to cry out. Then other chimps come running. But some clever chimps learn to cry very softly when they find food. That way, other chimps don't hear them, and they don't need to share their food.
As is mentioned above, animals behave dishonestly for survival. Is it OK to lie for us human?
1. The writer uses the three questions at the beginning of the passage to _________.
A.ask the readers to answer the questions
B.draw the readers’ attention to the topic
C.seek answers to the questions
D.show he is at a loss about the question.
2. Which of the following is not an example of animal’s dishonest behaviors?
A.A plover pretended to have a broken wing to protect its baby birds.
B.A scrub jay dug out its buried food and reburied it somewhere else.
C.The adoptive parents feed their baby birds of cuckoos.
D.A losing chimp starts fighting again after taking the winner’s hand.
3. The underlined word “sneaky” in paragraph 5 most probably means______.
4. What is the common reaction of most chimps when they find their favorite food?
A.They let out a loud cry
B.They cry in a very low voice
C.They hide their food immediately
D.They share their food with other chimps.
2016-11-26更新 | 98次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般