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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:58 题号:21953249

Meet Retro, a cloned rhesus monkey born on July 16, 2020. He is now more than 3 years old and is “doing well and growing strong,” according to Falong Lu, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who published a study in the journal Nature Communications that describes how Retro came to be.

Retro is only the second species of primate (灵长类动物) that scientists have been able to clone successfully. The same team of researchers announced in 2018 that they had made two cloned cynomolgus monkeys, which are still alive today. “We have achieved the first live and healthy cloned rhesus monkey, which is a big step forward, although the efficiency is very low compared to fertilized embryos (受精胚胎),” said Lu. “Currently, we haven’t had the second live birth yet.”

The first animal to be cloned — Dolly the sheep — was created in 1996 using a technique called SCNT, where scientists essentially reconstruct an unfertilized egg by joining a somatic cell nucleus (体细胞核) with an egg in which the nucleus has been removed. The Chinese team improved the technique further to clone the rhesus monkey.

During hundreds of failed cloning attempts, they realized that, in the early cloned embryos, the outer part did not develop properly. To address this problem, they performed a process called inner cell mass transplantation, which involved putting cloned inner cells into a non-cloned embryo, and that allowed the clone to develop normally. “We think that there might be additional… abnormalities to be fixed. Strategies to further enhance the success rate of SCNT in primates remains … our main focus in the future,” Lu said.

The researchers said that being able to successfully clone monkeys might help accelerate biomedical research given that there are limitations on what scientists can learn from lab mice. Research on nonhuman primates, which are closer to humans, has been crucial for lifesaving medical advances, including the creation of medicines against Covid-19, according to a report by National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.

1. What can be learned about Retro?
A.It is the second live cloned rhesus monkey.B.It represents a major scientific breakthrough.
C.It is a cloned monkey from a fertilized embryo.D.It has outlived the cloned cynomolgus monkeys.
2. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The purpose.B.The process.C.The difficulty.D.The method.
3. How did scientists address the problem from failed attempts?
A.Give the clone space to grow.B.Fix additional abnormalities.
C.Change a non-cloned embryo.D.Help inner cells develop properly.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To present the recent progress in cloning.B.To reveal challenges in cloning monkeys.
C.To call for research on nonhuman primates.D.To stress the importance of medical advances.
【知识点】 动物 科学技术 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)
I had worked long and hard on this project. Knowing it was finally completed gave me great satisfaction. “Perfect!”I said “Now, all I have to do is to keep the dogs off it.”I went about setting . Up barriers using old fence, deck chairs, planters, and anything I could find so as to avoid footprints both on the oil paint and our carpet . It worked perfectly .
Just before returning to the house and to a much needed shower, I took one last look at this fine work of art. “What is that?”I said. “Where did that come from ?”
Clearly marked and evenly spaced across the entire area, the tiny marks ran in straight lines. .I carefully stepped to our flower garden. It was there I found several of the small markings. Now, almost frozen in place by this shocking discovery, I remained in position so as to prevent further damage to my work.. Just then, off to my left, it appeared. A chipmunk (花栗鼠). He was as surprised as I was . We stood there face to face looking at each other, wondering who would make the first move .
The warm , humid air was now getting the best of me . Sweat now ran freely over my head, and in poor timing into my eyes . I reached up to rub them and when I opened my eyes he was gone .
My only satisfaction was in thinking that when he returned home he tracked oily footprints into his own home . And , hoping he was married , his wife would not let him live it down for the rest of his life . I stood up, shook my head, laughing about it and walking into my house.
Yes, I tracked oil on the carpet. I am married. My wife will not let me live it down for the rest of my life .
1. What was the project the author completed in the passage ?
A.PaintingB.A carpet
C.A fenceD.A flower garden
2. We can know from the passage that the chipmunk_________________.
A.made fun of the author
B.stole something important in the house
C.spoiled the author’s work
D.came for some food
3. What did the author do to the chipmunk ?
A.He made fun of the author.
B.He frightened it away.
C.He tried to catch it but failed.
D.He didn’t do any harm to it .
4. We can conclude from the passage that____________.
A.the author was not satisfied with his family life
B.the author was quite satisfied with his project
C.the barriers the author set up were quite successful
D.the chipmunk had a happy family just like the author
2016-12-13更新 | 60次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Around and around they go — dogs are often seen chasing (追逐) their tails. There are several possible reasons for this behavior, as well as ways to thwart it.

Puppies and younger dogs may simply chase their own tails for fun. Puppies, especially, may not yet realize their tails are actually part of their own bodies.

Boredom may be another reason, especially when dogs are left alone for a long time. “Anytime a dog is not enriched or exercised fully, they have the potential to be bored,” Russell Hartstein, a dog behavioral consultant said. For these dogs, a simple solution may be to play fetch or take a walk. Most dogs would rather chase a ball than their own tails.

Another reason dogs may chase their tails is to seek attention. A dog’s owner may have rewarded this behavior by laughing or praising it. Even blaming a dog for tail chasing may draw attention that enhances this behavior. To control tail chasing, ignore the behavior while otherwise supplying the dog with a healthy amount of attention.

Unluckily, a number of physical diseases are linked with tail chasing. An injury to the tail, itching; or reaction to some food may cause dogs to bite or chase their tails. If dogs suddenly start chasing or biting their tails, the owners should schedule a visit with their vet.

“Interestingly, we found that dogs that received dietary supplements (补充剂), especially vitamins and minerals, expressed less tail chasing compared to dogs that did not receive any supplements,” Hartstein said. “In addition, compared with dogs that didn’t chase their tails, tail chasers were often shyer and had separated earlier from their mothers.”

If a dog is otherwise healthy, “practicing dog training and engaging their mental and emotional aspects of their lives will help stop tail chasing,” Hartstein said. “There’s no harm in training more with your dog and making sure they are fulfilled and enriched in every way possible.”

1. What does the underlined word “thwart” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. What can be learned about dog’s chasing its tail from Para.5?
A.It is a normal scene for fun.B.It is an indication of lacking exercise.
C.It is a sign of a problem.D.It is a behavior of seeking attention.
3. What may be Hartstein’s suggestion?
A.Practicing dog training at the vet’s.B.Encouraging dogs to chase tails to relax.
C.Giving dogs a small number of vitamins.D.Getting puppies independent as early as possible.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Why Do Dogs Chase Their Tails?B.Can Dogs Communicate by Tails?
C.What Functions Do Dog Tails Have?D.Does Every Dog Like Chasing Its Tail?
2024-05-13更新 | 28次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Most polar bears follow the sea ice as it grows and melts (融化) throughout the year. They depend on sea ice as the platform from which they hunt for sea animals. But as global temperatures have been rising, sea ice has been disappearing. And some bears have traveled so far in search of ice that they risk dying of hunger.

But in southeast Greenland, where the sea freezes over for just a few months, some polar bears are subsisting locally. Polar bears here have adapted to hunting from the glacial mélange, which is a mix of ice, snow and slush (雪泥). “These polar bears are residents of sea ice-free areas for more than eight months of the year,” says the biologist Kristin Laidre. “Normally, a polar bear wouldn’t be able to live without sea ice for that long.”

In northeast Greenland, the distance traveled by bears was 40 kilometers every four days. But in the southeast, the distance traveled was just one-fourth of the distance.“Apparently, those southeast Greenland bears are able to use resources that are present, so that they don’t have to make these big movements,”says Steven Amstrup, a zoologist. They make the sea ice home for a few months each winter and spring. For the rest of the year, the bears hunt from the glacial mélange. They use it just like sea ice.

However, researchers say that most polar bears will die out by 2100 unless emissions (排放) of climate-warming greenhouse gases are sharply cut back. Southeast Greenland and similar, small regions could become the last places for some of the remaining polar bears. Yet even they will disappear if climate change continues to melt the sea ice on which this species depends.

“Despite having learned to adapt to their slushy world, southeast Greenland polar bears will die without human climate action,” Amstrup says. “The glacial mélange isn’t widespread in the regions around the North Pole. And it could disappear if temperatures rise much more. Polar bears still suffer hunger.”

1. What is the problem with polar bears nowadays?
A.They hunt for food in polluted areas.
B.They can hardly adapt to a new environment.
C.They lose their living space to some sea animals.
D.They have difficulty hunting due to the loss of sea ice.
2. What does the underlined word “subsisting” in Paragraph 2 mean?
3. Why do those southeast Greenland bears travel less far?
A.They have poor swimming ability.
B.They depend on existing resources to hunt.
C.They change their diets at different times of the year.
D.They need to produce babies in familiar environment.
4. What may be largely responsible for the reduction in bear populations?
A.Human hunting.B.Natural disasters.
C.The industrial farming.D.The warming climate.
2023-10-26更新 | 32次组卷
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