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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:40 题号:21954927

For more than one hundred years, a great number of scientists have believed that tiredness in athletes originates in the muscles(肌肉). Precise explanations have varied, but all have been based on the “Limitations Theory”. In other words, muscles tire because they hit a physical limit—they either run out of fuel or oxygen or they drown in harmful by-products(副产品).

In the past few years, however, Timothy Noakes from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, has examined this standard theory. Tiredness, he argues, is caused not by signals springing from overtaxed muscles, but is an emotional response which begins in the brain. The fundamental nature of his new theory is that the brain paces the muscles to keep them well back from the edge of tiredness. When the brain decides it’s time to quit, it creates unbearable muscle tiredness. This “Central Governor” theory remains controversial, but it does explain many puzzling aspects of athletic performance.

A recent discovery that Noakes calls the “lactic acid paradox” made him start researching this area seriously. Lactic acid is a by-product of exercise, and the increase of it is often mentioned as a cause of tiredness. But when research subjects exercise in certain conditions created artificially, they become tired even though lactic acid levels remain low. Nor has the oxygen content of their blood fallen too low for them to keep going. Obviously, something else was making them tire before they hit either of these physiological limits.

Noakes conducted an experiment with seven cyclists. It has long been known that during exercise, the body never uses 100% of the available muscle fibres(纤维). The amount used varies, but in some tasks such as this cycling test the body calls on about 30%. His team found that as tiredness set in, the electrical activity in cyclist’s legs declined—even when they were making a great effort to cycle as fast as they could.

To Noakes, this was strong evidence that the old theory was wrong. “The cyclists may have felt completely exhausted,” he says, “but their bodies actually had considerable reserves that they could theoretically tap by using a greater amount of the resting fibres.” This, he believes, is the proof that the brain is regulating the pace of the workout to hold the cyclists well back from the point of extreme tiredness.

1. Why do athletes feel tired according to “Limitations Theory”?
A.Because the muscles run out all energy.
B.Because the brain protects the muscles.
C.Because the scientists performed researches.
D.Because Noakes examined standard theory.
2. What has Noakes has found out?
A.Muscle fibres control athletes’ movements.
B.Lactic acid levels remain high in cycling tests.
C.Mental processes control the symptoms of tiredness
D.Different exercises use different amount of muscle fibres
3. What does “lactic acid paradox” have in common with Noakes?
A.The energy in human bodies can be balanced
B.Tiredness is a harmful by-product of exercise.
C.Lactic acid will not caused tiredness necessarily.
D.The oxygen content will rise after taking exercise.
4. Which is the most suitable title of the text?
A.Muscles or Brains?——Which brings athletes tiredness?
B.Lactic acid or Oxygen content——Which is vital for athletes?
C.Working out or Being relaxed——Which will better our health?
D.Common belief or New discovery——Which should we believe?
【知识点】 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了哥伦比亚大学的教授Michael Slepian关于保密的研究,他发现在告诉别人之前把好消息保密可以使人们感到更有活力。

【推荐1】If your partner gets down on one knee to propose, or you get a call with the job offer, your reaction might be to shout it from the rooftops. But new research suggests that keeping good news a secret before telling someone else could make people feel more energized.

“Decades of research on secrecy suggest it is bad for our well-being. However, this work has only examined keeping secrets that have negative effects for our lives. Is secrecy inherently bad for our well-being or do the negative effects of secrecy tend to originate from keeping negative secrets?” asked lead researcher of the latest research Michael Slepian, PhD, a professor of business at Columbia University.

In the experiment, some participants were asked to reflect on the good news they kept secret, while others reflected on good news that was not secret, and then rated how energized the news made them feel and whether they intended to share the news with someone else. The researchers found that the participants who reflected on their positive secrets reported feeling more energized than the participants who thought about their good news that was not secret.

The research nuances our understanding of the science of secrets. Negative secrets tend to deplete us and have also been linked to anxiety and depression. Positive secrets, however, seem to have an energizing effect and make people alive. One factor could be that people often have different motivations for keeping good news to themselves. Those with positive secrets were much more likely to keep quiet for internal reasons, not because they felt any outside pressures.

“People sometimes go to great lengths to plan revealing a positive secret to make it all the more exciting. This kind of surprise can be intensely enjoyable, but surprise is the most fleeting of our emotions, ” Slepian said. “Having extra time days, weeks or even longer-to imagine the joyful surprise on another person’s face allows us more time with this exciting moment, even if only in our own minds.”

1. What did Michael Slepian think of the previous research on secrecy?
2. In the experiment, some participants were more energized because ______.
A.they were optimistic and cheerful.
B.they were free from secrets.
C.they had undisclosed positive secrets.
D.they had shared good news with others.
3. What does the underlined word “deplete” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. According to the last paragraph, what did Slepian suggest readers do?
A.Never reveal a secret casually.
B.Let your imagination run wild.
C.Be creative when surprising others.
D.Delay sharing a positive secret.
2024-05-23更新 | 239次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】“Doppelgänger” is a German word which means “double-goer”, a person who looks exactly like you but has no relationship with you. Luckily, the math says that it’s just about impossible and that you are unique.

If we are talking about measurements of the face, there is a small chance that 2 or more people will match one another on 8 measurements of the face, which include ear length and the space between the centers of the right and left eyes. However, if we look at measurements of the body, the chance is even lower. This is because these measurements are larger. Two people may look very similar at first sight, but when you start the measurement they will not match each other.

Many of us have had the experience of being greeted by a stranger and asked if we were someone we weren’t. It’s easy for us to believe in the possibility of doppelgängers. It’s more possible that you’ll see a doppelgänger of an acquaintance than your mom. You know your mom really well and you can find the difference quickly, but for an acquaintance, it’s not the case.

The result that doppelgängers aren’t really a thing doesn’t mean that researchers will stop their research into body features any time soon. In fact, the differences in human features are becoming more important and measurements of the body are more unique than those of the face. Many wrongdoers who are caught on camera cover their faces, so we need to find out if we can use the body in the same way as the face is used.

1. What can be learnt from Paragraph 2?
A.Measurements of the face are not exact.
B.There are no similar people in the world.
C.People are more similar in body measurements.
D.People are less alike in body measurements.
2. Why do some people believe there are “doppelgängers”?
A.They don’t believe in face measurements.
B.There are many twins around the world.
C.They don’t know the “doppelgängers” so well.
D.There were doppelgängers in German history.
3. What do researchers think of measurements of the body?
A.They are helpful.B.They are popular.
C.They are against the law.D.They are difficult to make.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.You can be measured mathematicallyB.You are the only one in the world
C.Who can be your doppelgänger?D.Why are there doppelgängers?
2022-01-21更新 | 33次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】It's common to communicate by way of text, and that works well for everything from setting plans with a friend to asking you to pick up a grocery item.     1     . Fighting over text, can cause problems and can even break up friendships or partnerships. Ahead, we'll examine why.

● There's no vocal tone involved

When we speak, the person we're talking to can tell how serious or light we are by our tone.     2     . Everything is flat in writing, so without vocal tone to clarify, it's easy to assume the worst in someone and their intentions.


We also communicate in person through nonverbal ways. How we act physically lets others know how we feel. And without that in text, an argument can be worsened to a terrible point without one person even becoming aware of how upset the other is.

● Different communication paces affect a lot

    4     . And when arguing, it can get even faster. It happens not to read all of a person's reply before you respond again, and the more upset you get, the harder it may be to express yourself clearly or to understand the person you're fighting with.

● Emojis and gifs can be hurtful

In the same way that visual communication tools like emojis and gifs can add fun to conversations, they can also make things much worse in a text disagreement. It can be challenging to know when you've taken emojis or gifs to a hurtful place, especially if the other person holds in that information and doesn't tell you at the moment.     5     .

A.Body language is absent
B.Text, on the other hand, has no tone
C.Long-term healthy relationships collapse
D.Texting is generally a quick back-and-forth exchange
E.This happens if he is feeling unsafe in the discussion
F.However, we may have taken communication by text too far
G.Our tone tells us a conversation is heading in the wrong direction
2024-04-16更新 | 127次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般