组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:64 题号:21977005
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Meagan and her close friend Samantha, both school teachers, lived together in an apartment in Denver. On mornings when Samantha had class, Meagan would help to watch her 2-year-old daughter, Hannah. Also part of the household was Meagan’s pet, Willie, a particularly intelligent and chatty parrot.

Willie was indeed funny and a good talker. In addition to some vocabulary learned from Meagan, he became a great mimic (会模仿的动物) of cats, dogs, and chickens. Plus, he could sing along to the radio. The bird was a nice playmate for the little girl, and he always knew how to lift her spirits. The bird was more than just a pet; he was a member of the family.

One day, with Samantha at school, Hannah had comfortably positioned herself in front of morning cartoons while Meagan was busy cooking in the kitchen, preparing the little girl her favorite breakfast treat, an apple pie. When Meagan was done baking the apple pie, she placed it at the center of the kitchen table to cool. She looked at Hannah and, confident the child was fully engaged with the TV, walked out of the kitchen quickly to use the bathroom.

Meagan was gone maybe 30 seconds. And suddenly, she heard the bird going crazy, screaming loudly. She heard two very distinct words from the parrot’s mouth. “Mama! Baby!” Repeated over and over again. “Mama! Baby! Mama! Baby!”

Meagan ran out of the bathroom to find Hannah in the kitchen, holding the partly eaten apple pie, fighting for breath, her face and lips a terrifying shade of blue. And Willie was still screaming loudly.Hannah had climbed up on a chair, gotten the apple pie from the kitchen table and was clearly choking on it.

注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右;

With a pounding heart, Meagan grabbed Hannah immediately.


Around lunchtime, Samantha came back from school.

【知识点】 人与动植物 动物故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Lunch hour. Escaping from my office, I fled down Main Street in pursuit of freedom from the routine of the day. An old bell clanged(叮当作响)against the door of a dusty used bookstore when I pushed it open.

Looking through the horizon of shelves and lots of magazines, my eyes suddenly met his and my heart began to race. They were the blazing(闪烁) orange eyes of an African lion on the cover of a National Geographic magazine. I hadn’t seen those eyes in thirty years, but their impact on me hadn’t faded. As a kid I used to dream about Africa, living with wild animals.

The opportunity of spending a “gap year” volunteering in Africa or joining the Youth Corps had long since passed. Or had it? Yes, it’s true I couldn’t go to Africa for several months, but maybe I could volunteer in Africa for a few weeks.

Over the next several weeks I began to budget and save, determined to make it happen. The big day came. I arrived and met my boss, a young South African ranger(护林员)named Gary. He said, “Let me guess, you’re here because you dreamed of Africa.”

“Yes!” I smiled.

“Well it’s time to wake up. This is a working game reserve. These are wild animals.”


“You’re going to have to get out of your comfort zone, take some risks, Have the courage of a lion.”

The next morning when we began our patrol(巡逻)in an open-air jeep, giant African elephants appeared in the morning mist. I was no longer dreaming in the pages of a National Geographic magazine. I was living them.

Moments later Gary parked the jeep and handed me a heavy shovel(铲子) and said, “Time to shovel dung(粪).” Elephant dung. Mountains of it. It will be used as fertilizer in the reserves sustainable vegetable garden.

Within fifteen minutes my back was aching, and my new work gloves were stretched out and so slippery with dung and sweat that they refused to stay on my hands. This wasn’t the dream of Africa I had.

Paragraph 1:

I began to question myself.

Paragraph 2:

But at that moment I remembered Gary’s words “step out of your comfort zone”.

2023-07-19更新 | 132次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Even before I reached the tent, I knew there would be trouble. My little brother Andy was following me, with a sleeping bag, a flashlight, and his stuffed bear. My friends Wade and Bred think Andy would ruin everything. He would get scared in the middle of the night and have to be taken back to the house. They complained so much you'd think they were hospital patients instead of kids I'd invited for an outdoor sleepover.

Andy promised that he wouldn't ruin anything. He wormed his way into the tent and settled in the far corner. Night was settling in, too, with the woods around us fading toward black. The house, with its porch light, seemed a long way from us.

“Time for ghost stories!” Brad announced as soon as I'd closed the tent. He told a   story about vampires (吸血鬼), but it only made us fall over laughing. When it was Wade's turn, he told a story of three guys who were camping in a tent. He described our situation exactly-except for Andy. When he was describing a terrifying creature, somewhere outside, a branch snapped (发出咔嚓声)。The hairs on my arms shot straight up. “These guys were crawling into their sleeping bags, right?” Wade continued. “When out of the darkness rang this terrible cry.” And out of the woods behind us there was a cry! High-pitched, frightening, and strange. The hairs on my head shot straight up!

“What was that?” Bred asked as the cry came again. We all looked at each other in horror, speechless. Wade suggested someone should go out to check, but no one dared. “What if it's something trapped or hurt?” Andy said anxiously. We focused our flashlights on Andy, whom we'd forgotten, sitting in the corner with his arms around his bear. Andy would adopt every lost or hurt animal in the world if Mom would let him.


“I'm going to see.” Andy ran out of the tent and disappeared in the darkness.


Andy said it was a baby monkey caught between branches, and it was crying for its mama.

2021-10-13更新 | 979次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Whenever I spread marmalade(橘子酱), I think of my mother. She was a wonderful woman, a five-foot-tall angel. She even befriended a skunk(臭鼬).

One day she was out back picking beans when she turned to see a skunk no more than a yard away. The skunk had a marmalade jar stuck on his nose. Mother took pity on him. Stillon her knees, she inched across the grass, reached out, and turned the jar very carefully. The jar slid off. The skunk nodded a thank-you, then turned and slipped into the woods at the back of the garden. None of spraying(喷)business. Not on my wonderful mother. She told that story over and over. And she always called the skunk Marmalade.

That’s not all. There was the time, maybe three summers later, when I was about twelve. It was a rainy morning. Dad went to work, and Mother went shopping. My friend Rob came over so we could run the electric train in my room. All of a sudden, a scratching sound came from the attic(阁楼).

“Sounds like some kind of animal, ” Rob said. “Yeah. Let’s take a look. ”

Out in the hall, I opened the attic door—very slowly. The noise stopped. I climbed a few steps. My eyes were at floor level. I saw nothing but boxes and trunks and an old dollhouse. I climbed to the top of the stairs with Rob after me.


“Let’s look around, ”I said.

I found the animal behind a box near the chimney. You guessed it. Black with a white stripe down its back. Was he scared? You bet. At least that’s how I remember it.

I backed away. Would he spray me? Do skunks bite?

“Hey, Rob. I found him. Let’s go to figure out a plan to get him out of here. ”We climbed down the steps quietly.

“It’s a skunk, ”I said. “It might even be Marmalade. ”“Marmalade?”

I explained. But was this really the same skunk? Would he remember?

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
“Come on, ”I said. “Let’s go to the kitchen and do an experiment to see what would happen. ”
Rob and I followed as Marmalade ate his way downstairs, through the kitchen, and out to the back yard.
2023-05-18更新 | 178次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般