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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.94 引用次数:114 题号:22015131

Selecting gifts for your beloved ones can be one of the most difficult parts. But don’t worry! We can help! Here are some gift ideas to suit all pockets.

Air purifier

Do you have a loved one who suffers from allergies (过敏) or other skin diseases? Why not gift him or her an air cleaner? Research has shown that air purifiers can help reduce allergy reactions, remove asthma (哮喘) causes such as dust by improving air quality in your home. Look for purifiers with more than one filter and, especially, a high efficiency air filter.

Electric toothbrush

One review of 56 studies has found that a powered toothbrush resulted in a 21 per cent reduction of plaque and an 11 per cent reduction in gingivitis (牙龈炎) after three months, compared with a manual toothbrush. It’s also a fun way for children to look after their dental hygiene.

Dark chocolate

Nothing screams a gift quite like chocolate. Good news is that dark chocolate is associated with several health benefits. Small amounts of this sweet treat may lower the risk of heart disease, improve brain function and give your immune system a boost, potentially reducing infection.

Your time

Quality time spent with your nearest and dearest is completely free, but is the most precious gift you could give them. If you’ve been too preoccupied of late, determine to put aside more hours to do fun things together, or if you have time to devote to others outside your immediate circle, consider volunteering with Age UK as a friend to an elderly person.

1. Which of the following is suitable for someone with a dental problem?
A.Air purifier.B.Electric toothbrush.
C.Dark chocolate.D.Your time.
2. What do the first three presents have in common?
A.They belong to tech presents.B.They are non-physical objects.
C.They are intended for the elderly.D.They help promote healthy living.
3. What is special about the last present?
A.It is priceless.B.It is worthless.
C.It is physical.D.It is rare.
【知识点】 方法/策略 应用文


阅读理解-七选五 | 容易 (0.94)

【推荐1】Maybe you are an average (普通的) student.     1    This is not necessarily so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here’s how:

Plan your time carefully. When planning your work, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First, time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then, decide a good, regular time for studying.     2    A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.

Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials (材料). No games, radios, or television. When you sit down to study, put your heart into your work.

Make good use of your time in class.    3    Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes, review the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material.     4    If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you’ll remember it longer.

Develop a good attitude towards tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be over worried.

    5    You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.

A.This will help you understand the next class.
B.You probably think you will never be a top student.
C.Don’t forget to set aside enough time to relax yourself.
D.Make full use of time to do exercises as many as possible.
E.No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.
F.Take advantage of class time to listen to what the teacher says.
G.There are other methods that might help you with your studying.
2021-04-24更新 | 357次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 容易 (0.94)

【推荐2】Making money isn’t just for adults. Kids can do it, too. Making money gives you more than money.     1    By working to make your own money, you’ ll learn how to succeed in the world. This includes dealing with money, understanding and getting along with other people.     2    

Collect soft drink bottles. You can sell the collected bottles and use the money to buy a new basketball.     3    Make greeting cards. If you are good at drawing, try making special cards. You can sell your cards to make money

    4     You may have some books that you have read but you don’t want to keep. Then you can sell them to make money.

Win a scholarship (奖学金). If you get good grades at school, you can get some money as prize.     5    

A.Sell old books.
B.Borrow old books.
C.It’s also a learning process.
D.However, you are polluting the environment.
E.It’s easy to make money if you try the following ways.
F.This encourages kids to work harder to get better grades.
G.At the same time, you are keeping the environment clean.
2023-10-26更新 | 268次组卷
阅读理解-任务型阅读 | 容易 (0.94)
【推荐3】阅读下面短文, 根据其内容填写合适的单词或词语完成表格中所缺的信息, 每空不超过三个单词。

Too many people think that intelligence (智力) is a gift of nature and that there is little anyone can do to improve theirs. In fact, it’s not. Just like swimming, cooking, dancing, and many other things, being smart is a skill that requires training. I discovered some of the most important tools to be smart. Now I will share them with you.

Practice self-critical thinking

Critical (批判性的) thinking is the act of questioning the arguments that are put before us. It is a valuable skill—without it, we will get influenced easily. When we use critical thinking to our own ideas, we use self-critical thinking. If you practice self-critical thinking, you can come up with a better idea.

Be persistent (坚持不懈的)

Smart people don’t give up. They believe that they can do it, so they spend months, even years trying until they succeed finally. You might know that Thomas Edison failed thousands of times before he succeeded. Actually, almost all scientists experience failure lots of times. So if you want to be smart, be persistent.

Learn to express your ideas

You may have your good ideas, but if you don’t sell your ideas, no one will know their worth and consider you smart. So you need to learn how to express your ideas. Express your thoughts in a proper way, and most importantly, let your enthusiasm (热情) about your ideas shine through.

Finally, you must also believe in yourself. Those who appear smarter than you simply have used the right tools to exercise their minds. You are smarter than you think.

Practice self-critical thinking

●With critical thinking, we won’t get influenced easily.
●When we use self-critical thinking, we’ ll come up with a     1    

Being smart:

A skill that requires training

Be persistent

●Smart people never give up until they are    2    
●Almost all scientists     3    lots of times.

Learn to express your idea

●You need to sell your ideas to let others know     4    
●Express your thoughts in a     5    with enthusiasm.
2023-06-04更新 | 61次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般