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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:63 题号:22032820

The Best Ways to Get Good at Any Sport

If sports are something that interests you, it stands to reason that you would want to be good at them. Succeeding in a sport takes skills, and skills take patience and determination.     1     Skills alone may take you far, but you’ll never go all the way unless you have the right attitude and team spirit to back it up.

Join a sports team.

If you want to become a sports superstar, joining a team is a good way to start. Even if your skills are currently low, joining an amateur league will sharpen up your skills. Sports teams are everywhere, and most of them are free to join. If you go to school, you should go for team tryouts when they’re happening.     2    

Practice until your skills become second nature.

If you’re wondering at what point a skill becomes mastered, it is when you’re able to do it automatically and without thinking. This is called the autonomous stage, and it’s where you want to be at if you want to play sports competitively.     3     When you’re in the fight of a game, you won’t have time to think everything through, so practice until it’s all automatic, so you’ll know you’re ready.

Set ambitious but realistic goals for yourself.

    4     Instead, you should take a look at what you are, and figure out where you think you would like to be. Give yourself a suitable amount of time to achieve that goal, and break it down into smaller parts if the goal is especially big.


One of the biggest reasons people join sports teams in the first place is to make friends with new people. Chances are you’ll develop friendships with at least some of them. Making these friendships a priority is a good move if you want to become great at sports. You can practice together on your own time. The morale (士气) boost of playing with friends helps as well.

A.Set your sights wide.
B.Promote friendships with other players.
C.Recreation centers are often host to sports teams as well.
D.This doesn’t mean saying you’ll be professional within a year.
E.But if the desire is intense enough, you will do anything to realize your dreams.
F.Given enough time and repetition, a skill will eventually fall under this category.
G.However, you need to think about other things if you want to be a good sports player.
【知识点】 方法/策略 竞技/比赛


阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】How Work Experience can Benefit A College Student

Competing in the job market is now a serious and frightening scene.     1    . It has therefore become important that you have something that allows you to stand out from the crowd.

Get to try out things

One of the greatest things about being a working student is that it allows you to try out things. You get to see if you are good enough for the industry.     2    .

By working for a company, you will be able to see what they believe in and what it is like working in that type of environment.

Personal development

By getting work experience, you not only improve professionally, but also improve on a personal level.     3    . For example, if you work in a sales environment you will likely become more outspoken and confident. As a result, exposing yourself early to the workplace improves you on different levels.


This is often something that isn’t thought about when students think about work experience, but one of the greatest things about it is that you can actually use it as an opportunity to travel around the world.     5    . This also widens your view of the world. Besides, it is important that you have international experience.

A.You can work abroad
B.Stand out to potential employers
C.And you also see if the industry is a good fit for you
D.This is something that is very helpful in any industry
E.This gives you a chance to learn about different cultures
F.You will discover that you improve your social skills in the workplace
G.With more people going to college, it means more people are fighting for the same job
2020-06-30更新 | 28次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】As winter comes to an end, gardeners in northern parts of the world look for signs of life.     1     By planning, people can grow plants that keep their gardens interesting lo look at even during cold periods. Here are some suggestions for planning an interesting winter garden

First, create a wall in the back of the garden with plants that keep leaves throughout the year. That way, when some plants lose their leaves, the garden will still have structure that provides privacy and interest for the eye.

Next, consider how the garden looks.     2     But the people who see it the most are the gardener and those who live in the house. Gardeners should consider where they spend most of their time. Do they spend a lot of time looking at one part of the garden? They should study how the garden looks from indoors.

When choosing plants, consider how all parts of the plant, from the fruit to the bark, will improve the garden’s appearance. Some plants that are interesting to see in the winter do not look very good during the summer. The red twig dogwood will leave a bright red leafless bush in the winter.     3     It leaves small bright purple fruits, or berries, which hang on all winter—or until the birds cat them.

    4     Wildlife is also a significant aspect that should be considered. A bird feeder that can be seen from inside the home can have a calming effect on everyone. Place it outside the children’s bedroom windows and the children will enjoy its calming effects without even knowing it.     5     They may provide a shelter for wildlife and insects over the winter and their seeds provide food for hungry birds.

A.Trees with beautiful bark can draw people in.
B.Some grasses can be left standing until spring.
C.It matters how others see the garden from the street.
D.They are also a beautiful sight for the borders of gardens.
E.Plants are not the only interesting thing in the winter garden.
F.Another bush that is beautiful in the winter is the American beautyberry.
G.They look for plants that are growing from roots that were planted in autumn.
2022-07-05更新 | 35次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Smile, when making an introduction

Every day we meet people in a number of business and social situations.     1     It’s important to do so in a proper way, no matter whether you are introducing yourself to someone, or introducing two people to each other. To keep you aware of this, we have gathered tips to make a proper introduction.

Always stand when making an introduction

When you are seated and someone comes up to greet you, make the effort to stand up.     2    

Always maintain eye contact while making an introduction

Many people not aware of the value of this simple action.     3    

Always introduce a person of lesser authority to one of greater authority.     4    

For example, when introducing, your supervisor to a job candidate (求职应征者), you would give your supervisor’s name first. “Bob Jones, may I introduce Susan Lee, who has just graduated from AB University?” In a situation where rank is unimportant, an introduction is based on sex and age. A man is presented to a woman and a younger woman to an older woman.

What if you find yourself in a situation where you have forgotten the other person’s name?     5     When doing this, you will usually cause the other person to do the same. However, if the other person does not take you suggestion, it is OK simply to apologize and let the person know that you cannot remember her or his name. This is not the ideal situation, of course, but it does happen to all of us. The other person should be forgiving.

A.Start with a handshake and reintroduce yourself.
B.When you make eye contact, you are giving a confident image.
C.The most important thing to remember is to say the most important person’s name first.
D.Standing up is the most important to meet a person.
E.By doing this, you show respect for yourself and the other person.
F.And the way we meet and greet them creates an impression.
G.By staring at the other person, you show your interest.
2020-12-24更新 | 19次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般