组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:401 题号:22034655

I was eight years old and wasn’t aware of all the arrangements being made for our journey as a family to London in 1950. My mother was in great pain and wished to visit specialists in London. My father reluctantly had to sell our property in Queensland. The day before we boarded the ship, Father unwillingly said goodbye to his five-year-old cattle dog, Spider, who was loved by us all. Father’s friend Sandy was to be his guardian while we were overseas, as he had been getting to know Spider for many weeks.

Six weeks later, an airletter arrived from Sandy, giving my father the news that Spider had run away just two weeks after we had sailed. Sandy had advertised constantly on ABC and other regional newspapers. Despite many “sightings”, the dog was never found. It seems Spider just kept running and searching for us. As he was cattle dog, my father thought he would shoe or dingo-trapped, because of his appearance. But our family thought that Father held a secrets hope that Spider was still alive.

We sailed back to Australia two years later and re-established our home. My father immediately began his own search for Spider. One cold winter’s Saturday morning eight months after our return, my father had a call from an elderly lady living on her own on the outskirts of the town. As she told my father on the telephone, it was “just glimpses of a dingo-type dog in the shadows” of her disused tennis court. That was enough for my father to interrupt my homework.   

We set off in his blue and black Jensen car which he had brought back from England. It was hardly the right vehicle for the rough roads we travelled that day. Five and a half hours later, we found the run-down old property. Sadly, she told my father that the “dingo dog” hadn’t been around for a few days. My father had a strange look in his eye. He put two fingers to his lips and did his special whistle for Spider.

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Suddenly there was a sound in the bush.
Once home we had the task of getting all the prickles (刺) off him.
2024·山东潍坊·一模 查看更多[8]
【知识点】 人与动植物 生活故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

One afternoon, Jane , a seven-year-old girl whose parents went to their farm to harvest corns, was left home with their dog, Yeller.Feeling rather bored, she decided to go out for an adventure alone. With a toy gun in her hand and a whistle around her neck, Jane had crossed a large of grassland into the woods before she realized that she was lost.

Sitting on a rock and wondering what to do, Jane began crying. After a while, she decided to walk along a wide path lined with tall trees and thick bushes. It was getting dark, but she still couldn’t find her way home. Suddenly, she heard a strange noise, which was the sound of wind blowing leaves. She ran quickly in the woods until there was no road ahead but a river. She lost her toy gun while running. Cold and scared, Jane sat down near the river and fell asleep against a tree.

Her parents were back from work but could not find their daughter.Deeply worried about Jane’s safety, they locked the door and went out to search for her.

Their dog, Yeller, was left home.He noticed something was wrong because it was dark but there was nobody home. He sensed that Jane was in danger.He tried to get out, but the door was locked. He jumped through a window, looked in the fields but couldn’t find her anywhere. However, from the ground came a familiar smell as he lowered his head.He followed the smell and walked across the grassland until he found the toy gun.But Jane was not there. The dog circled around the woods, barking loudly into the air.


Jane opened her eyes and heard Yeller barking nearby.


Weak and hungry, Jane walked back home with Yeller leading the way.


2021-10-14更新 | 70次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

When we first met Lucky, we were surprised at his mini figure. The Labrador (拉布拉多) dog was born last Friday and was one of the four babies. He was the tiniest one we had ever seen, weighing less than 150 grams at birth.

The newborn puppy had a low body temperature and kept trembling all the time. The dog mother seemed too tired to nurse the weakest one while feeding other kids. He was so weak that we didn’t think he could make it to the morning.

I, along with my eight-year-old daughter, Alice, the smallest one in our family, stayed up with him all night. We milked his mother and used an small-sized bottle to hand-feed him. When Lucky got too sleepy to eat, we put honey on his gums (牙龈) to give his low blood sugar a quick boost, an old trick we’d learned from other dog keepers.

I slept on the couch with him on top of me. Alice held the little dog to raise his body temperature, but it failed. He still trembled with cold. Then we used a thermos (热水瓶) and changed the hot water every two hours. Meanwhile, We constantly checked the thermos temperature to avoid burning his delicate skin.

The next day, to our relief, Lucky took a turn for the better. His body temperature recovered to normal, but he appeared hungry. We started to nurse him with a regular baby bottle.

On our farm we have 15 goats plus chickens and dogs. But Lucky was too little to keep outside. Worrying that other animals could have pushed him around or harmed him, we decided to keep him indoors. We were fortunate to meet the neatest one-because he rarely made messes.




He stayed in the house with us for about a month.


Lucky had his own area outside and even had new companions.

2023-11-08更新 | 154次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

One day in 2001, when I was eight years old, my family and I were coming back from a baseball game, which was our usual weekend adventure. But unlike other weekends, a surprise was waiting for us. Two adult wild geese and a small wild goose were wandering around our yard. The adults were frightened by us and flew away, but their baby was still too young to fly and couldn’t follow.

It was freezing cold when night fell. Concerned about the wild goose’s safety, we begged dad to protect the little guy. Dad took the tiny little thing to the back porch (门廊) to keep warm and protect him from wild animals. The small wild goose seemed in a panic, unaware of what could happen. The next morning, we try to drive the wild goose over to his parents, who kept coming back to our yard. He wouldn’t go to them, and they wouldn’t come close to take him. We kept this up for six days, but no luck. By then, the young wild goose had clearly decided we were his new family. My sister Anna called the little guy Peeper, because he would follow us around the yard making a peeping noise, nonstop. Every time we called his name, he would respond. We also decided that Peeper was a boy, I don’t know why; it just felt right.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months until almost a year passed. Peeper liked to sleep on our back porch each night, and every day my dad would clean up all the goose droppings (鸟兽的粪便) carefully. Dad would throw Peeper up into the air so he could fly a circle around the house, coming back again once the porch was clean. But this time, Peeper just flew off.

Paragraph 1
Everyone was very, very sad. We looked for him for days, calling his name, but he didn’t come back.
Paragraph 2
At first, I assumed it was just another wild goose.
2023-02-15更新 | 80次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般