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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:100 题号:22115798

While scientists have many ideas, they are not certain why humans yawn(打哈欠). Still, there is one thing experts know—yawns seem to be contagious(传染)!

Have you ever caught a yawn from someone else? Most people have. In fact, a person is six times more likely to yawn after seeing someone else do so. Experts have done many studies into why yawns seem to pass from person to person. As a result, they have a few theories(理论) for the reason behind it.

One possible explanation has something to do with social mirroring, which is caused by mirror neurons(镜像神经元) in the brain. These mirror neurons help the brain notice useful behavior of others and then copy it. When one person sees another yawn, his mirror neurons observe the action and consider it to be beneficial. That may cause him to yawn, too.

Another popular theory is that yawns are contagious because of social relationships. Being social creatures, humans form friendships, families and live together in groups. That’s why many people mirror others, such as smiling when another person smiles. Yawning may be just another example of this. In fact, research has shown that one is most likely to catch yawns from another person if the two share a social relationship.

The answer could even be that yawns aren’t truly contagious at all. Instead, people yawn together simply because they’re in the same environment. Experts say many things may cause yawning, including temperature and time of day. Whatever the explanation is, experts do know that contagious yawns aren’t limited to humans. One study found that lions in South Africa also caught each other’s yawns.

1. What kind of behavior may be copied by mirror neurons?
A.Important and attractive.B.Useful and beneficial.
C.Hard to understand.D.Easy to copy.
2. Whose yawns are people most likely to catch according to Paragraph 4?
A.Those who yawn a lot.B.Those who like smiling.
C.Those closely connected with them.D.Those sharing the same interest with them.
3. What might the author continue talking about in the following paragraph?
A.Tips on how to avoid yawning in public.
B.A real explanation for contagious yawning.
C.Other examples of animals yawning together.
D.Things that may cause yawning among humans.
4. Which of the following serves as the best title?
A.Why yawns are contagiousB.What causes people to yawn
C.Who yawns more than othersD.Why humans yawn now and then


阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】You might have ever noticed how some people can effortlessly talk to anyone they meet, no matter how different their backgrounds are. Or you may have seen that one person always offends someone, no matter what the topic of conversation is. These two situations describe how we can differ in our abilities to interact, get along with, and relate to others around us. In the same way that we vary in traditional academic competencies, we can vary in how socially competent we are. After years of academic research and development, this social ability is now commonly referred to as “social intelligence.”

Social intelligence is the ability to understand other people, how they work, what motivates them, and how to work cooperatively with them. It is a relationship­based construct that centers on the way we understand others, interact with others, and present ourselves to others. As an example, you would not speak in the same way toward your 70-­year-­old mother as you would to your 16-­year­old daughter. In our working lives, we come across different social groups including those from different countries, varying age groups and cultural identities. Being able to acknowledge and understand people’s different backgrounds is a key way to connect with them.

Our ability to navigate successfully through our lives relies heavily on our levels of social intelligence. It can affect the relationships we form with our partners and children, the friendship circles that we build, and our ability to progress in our careers and ambitions. Given the importance of social intelligence in multiple aspects of life, it is therefore in our best interest to better understand the concept of social intelligence and take the following ways to improve it.

1. What is the first paragraph intended to show?
A.Academic research varies from person to person.
B.Social competencies are crucial to academic research.
C.Social competencies are of difference person to person.
D.Academic research shows people’s social competencies.
2. Why does the author use the example of mother and daughter?
A.To present a fact.B.To justify an idea.
C.To introduce a topic.D.To draw a conclusion.
3. What do we know from the third paragraph?
A.It is difficult to develop social intelligence.
B.Our relationship circles should be enlarged.
C.Better understanding a concept is important.
D.Social intelligence has great effects on our lives.
4. What may be talked about following the last paragraph?
A.How to define social intelligence.B.How to classify social intelligence.
C.How to improve social intelligence.D.How to deal with social intelligence.
2022-05-23更新 | 232次组卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to Use Social Media Positively

Nowadays so common is social media in our society that almost everyone is connected to some form of it. We are in a fast-paced, technologically evolving(进化) society and we are addicted to social media.    1    

So how does one ensure a positive online reputation? It’s simple:

Keep it clean. Party photos with alcohol are an absolute no-no. Would you want to have your boss see these photos?    2     Make sure to post contents that you feel positively reflect you, your creativity and your skills.

    3     You have a private account so you can post anything you want? This is decidedly not the case. Privacy settings make it harder to see your full account, but it’s not impossible. Under no circumstance should you rely on privacy settings as a way to protect inappropriate contents.

Ensure you’re careful and professional. Keep it classy (优等的)! Discover your brand, or what you want people to think of you. Proper spelling and grammar is always a plus, but it may not be your brand.    4     In this way, you can earn approval.

Follow these simple rules and you’re on your way to building, or restoring an online reputation. Using social media positively doesn’t mean you can’t have fun and use it to express yourself; however, you want to ensure that you’re OK with anyone seeing everything you post.    5    So your post can get your friends active and happy.

Like it or not, your social networks reflect you—make sure you look like the shining star that you truly are.

A.Try to do everything as well as you can.
B.In fact, we long for social media and need it.
C.Social media is very fast to use but very difficult.
D.Don’t trust privacy settings at all.
E.Be entirely sure about what you’re posting.
F.Once you click post, there’s no looking back.
G.Make sure your post is written personally.
2019-09-29更新 | 63次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Brandon Olsen and Tylor Fritz of Hometown Sanitation(公共卫生) left gifts for three sisters who waved to them each Thursday after learning that one of them,3-­year­-old Rose,had been fighting cancer.

The men also gave their parents free garbage service for one year.

“When they did that,it was a few weeks before the diagnosis(诊断) when every day just felt so impossible,”said Rose’s mother,Angie Evenson,of Blue Earth,Minnesota.“Nothing in reality changes Rose’s diagnosis.But what they did makes us feel we are truly not alone in this fight.”

With binoculars(双筒望远镜) in hand,Rose and her two sisters,Grace,5 and Sophia,2 sat by the window and waved at their garbage men,Olsen and Fritz,as they drove by on their weekly route.

Olsen,29,and Fritz,24,told ABC News that the girls’ smiling faces are what they look forward to while working.They even left Halloween candy for the girls this year to show their appreciation.They hope that more and more people can understand and support their work.

But weeks later,Evenson wrote Olsen and Fritz a note explaining that little Rose wouldn’t be able to wave to them for a while since she’d be undergoing chemotherapy(化疗). Rose had been diagnosed with Stage 4 kidney cancer in September.

“As a father of three,it changed my outlook on things,” Olsen said.“It opened my eyes...you don’t know what someone else is going through.”

Fritz said he cried when he read the note.“I got to the chemo part and there were tears running down my face,” he recalled.“I don’t have any children of my own,but I can imagine if someone very close to me is diagnosed as cancer,I’ll be heartbroken.”

“Rose is being treated at Sanford Children’s Hospital in Sioux Falls,South Dakota.She will miss a few more Thursdays,when she can wave to her garbage men,but her chemo sessions will be switched to Mondays soon and she’ll be back by the window early next year.I have confidence in Rose’s recovery,” her mother said.

1. How did the garbage men help Rose’s family?
A.They took the sick girl to hospital regularly.
B.They collected the garbage for free.
C.They looked after Rose in turn.
D.They offered money to help cure Rose.
2. What can we learn about the garbage men?
A.They made the family famous.
B.They encouraged the family.
C.They gave Angie Evenson a good lesson.
D.They doubted about the doctor’s diagnosis.
3. What do the garbage men wish for in terms of the girls’ smiling faces?
A.People’s appreciation for their work.
B.Good friendship with the young girls.
C.Making more efforts to do their work well.
D.The girls’ family’s caring more for their children.
2020-11-10更新 | 168次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般