组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 动物
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:107 题号:22135415

In the heart of the forest, there was an annual event that all animals looked forward to—the Great Forest Race. The big animals, like the majestic deer, the powerful bears, and the swift foxes, always dominated the race. They believed that their size and strength were the keys to victory.

Among the small animals, there was a brave rabbit named Hopper who had always dreamt of winning the Great Forest Race. Hopper was small, but he had quick feet and a determined spirit.

The day of the race arrived, and the forest was filled with excitement. The big animals took off, their powerful legs carrying them swiftly through the forest. The small animals, led by Hopper, followed closely behind.

As the race progressed, the big animals began to slow down. Their size and strength, which they had thought were advantages, became obstacles as they struggled to navigate the twisty paths and steep hills of the forest.

Hopper, on the other hand, bounded gracefully over the obstacles. His small size allowed him to weave through the trees with ease, and his determination kept him going strong.

One by one, the big animals began to fall behind. They watched in amazement as Hopper and the other small animals passed them by.

Finally, the small animals, led by Hopper, had not only participated but had also triumphed in face of adversity. The big animals realized that they had been wrong to underestimate the small animals. They had judged them based on their size, without considering their skills or determination.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

From that day forward, the big animals treated the small animals with respect.


The Great Forest Race became a symbol of unity and cooperation.

【知识点】 动物 动物故事


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

“A guide dog could be your eyes,” a friend said to me. Was he joking? Over several years, family and friends watched while an eye disease robbed me of my sight. My blindness added to the problem of not wanting a dog near me. “Dogs scare me,” I told my friend. My hands turned to ice if a dog ran over to greet me. But as my world shrank, I sought a solution. Staying active ranked high on my list. So that suggestion from my friend came into my soul. I applied to the guide dog school.

When I arrived at the school, I was greeted by several staff members. One of them was the dog trainer. “Call me Mr. O,” he said. Sitting across the table from Mr. O, I said without a second thought, “I’m afraid of dogs.” He was silent for a moment, but then found a way to work with my problem. “You don’t have to bond with every dog you meet, just one,” he advised.

Day two of the training, the trainer pushed a leather chain into my hand. “Meet Misty. She’s a fifty-pound female German Shepherd (牧羊犬).” My weak knees betrayed (背叛) my smile. Her large size probably guaranteed that she had large teeth to match. “Don’t you want to look her over?” All I knew was that I didn’t want to touch her mouth. Misty sniffed me, so she surely picked up on my fear. Then, Mr. O smiled and suggested, “Go back to your room and get to know her.”

The first night Misty slept in my school room, I had a small victory but not the way I’d hoped. I was so exhausted that I stretched out on the bed, fully dressed. Rolling over on my left side, I felt Misty’s warm breath on my face. She must have looked like a defender, standing guard over me. Covering my head with a pillow, I made a barrier. My blindness kept me from seeing those sharp, pointed teeth. The next morning, as I stepped out of the room, I just wanted this severe experience to be over.


Several days later, it was my turn to take first walk.


Then, as weeks became months, Misty became a member of my family.

2021-03-15更新 | 97次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Before the incident, Jeremy Sutcliffe had actually liked snakes. He’d found them beautiful, even. Besides, the 40-year-old wasn’t someone who kept away from wild creatures.

Jeremy was an adventurous outdoors man who took every chance he could to camp and fish. That love of nature was part of the reason Jeremy and his wife, Jennifer Sutcliffe, 43, had recently moved to South Texas from Kansas.

On a steamy Sunday morning in May 2018, the couple were tidying their yard in preparation for an evening cookout with their daughter.

At around 10: 30 a.m., Jeremy began mowing the lawn while Jennifer worked on the garden. She had just reached down to grab a weed when she saw it: a snake, right next to her hand.

Jennifer leaped up as the snake, a yard long, rose into striking position, its dusty triangular head tensed and its tail making scary sounds. "Snake! "yelled Jennifer as she backed away. "Snake! "

When he heard his wife’s cry, Jeremy figured she had run into the snake that often showed up on the property. He grabbed a shovel(铁铲) to frighten the creature away and jogged around the house to the garden.

That was when he heard the sounds. His wife was cornered between some bushes and the house, the snake directly in her path.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右:
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Jeremy first tried to drive away the snake using the shovel, without success.
He bent down to pick up a stick lying next to the snake’s head so that he could move it away quickly.
2021-04-16更新 | 599次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

We arrived at our new house after two hours' drive from grandpa's farm. Mr. O'Malley, my old dog, simply ran around, smelling every corner of our new house. He cocked his head at the front door and listened to the unfamiliar traffic noise.

On request, I called my grandpa. He picked up on the first ring. "Max, How's your new house?" "Fine. " I swallowed hard, trying to hold back my tears. "I miss you already. "

"It's been so quiet since you left," he said. "Even the squirrels (松鼠) miss being chased by O'Malley, your big ugly dog! You'd better watch him. That dog is used to running wild on this farm. Your mom's going to be busy with her new job. It's up to you to keep him out of trouble. " My grandpa laughed. "You know, I could keep him here on the farm, since you will be coming up every weekend".

"I know," I said. But I couldn't give up my dog for five days a week!

Mr. O'Malley howled all week long. In the evenings, Mom and I walked him together because it took both of us to hold him back. What he wanted to do was run.

At last Friday came, and we packed to go to my grandpa's farm. I was eager to let my dog run loose.

As we started out of the door, Mr. O'Malley pulled hard and I lust the grip. Morn hung on for a moment, but she slipped in the mud and ended up on her face. Mr. O'Malley took off.

We jumped into the car and caught up to Mr. O'Malley. We chased Mr. O'Malley all the way to the park before he'd had enough and was ready to get in the car.

Finally we were on our way to the farm. "That dog can actually run thirty miles an hour!" Mom started to laugh.
As soon as we arrived at the farm, Mr. O'Malley and I slipped away to look for squirrels.
Mr. O'Malley changed quickly when we got ready to leave.
2021-11-06更新 | 189次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般