组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 公益行为 > 善行义举(个人)
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:170 题号:22201149


It was a Saturday in May. It was my third Mother’s Day. The air was warm, the sun was bright, and I spent the morning leisurely drinking coffee and getting ready with my daughter. My husband returned home from his shopping trip, giving me a Mother’s Day gift.

Afterward, I needed to head out and go to the grocery store. But I decided to take my daughter to play at the park first. She ran and played until she grew sticky with sweat and exhaustion (筋疲力尽). At that moment, I realized I had forgotten to pack any snacks. So I promised her I would buy her snacks at the store.

Thirty minutes later, we parked and headed in. I kept thinking about the gift my husband had given me, a dress for my cousin’s wedding the following month. My daughter was going to be the flower girl, and we still didn’t have a dress picked out for her. So I decided to check out the children’s clothes next door before buying groceries. In my excitement, I’d forgotten about the promised snacks. However, my daughter hadn’t.

We just spent two minutes looking at the girl’s section before my daughter began to scream. It felt as if her lungs could break glass and puncture (刺穿) the eardrums of everyone inside. I tried to help her calm down and allow us to look a little longer, but her scream deepened in volume.

We quickly made our way out of the store, with eyes following us as my daughter proved her vocal strength. We stopped just outside of the doors because my daughter began to lie on the floor and scream her heart out as the rest of the world looked on. Really, it was embarrassing and frustrating (令人沮丧的).

Just then, a grandma approached us. She wanted to pick up my sad daughter and comfort her. I had done that before, but at this point, my daughter was too far gone. She didn’t want anyone when she was angry. The grandma offered to hug her, but she refused and cried harder.


1. 续写词数应为150个左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

That’s when another young mother approached.


My daughter finally got tired of crying after a while.



书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

“Is this all I got?” asked my daughter, Allison. “I asked for a new cell phone and a tablet!”

“Where are the rest of the presents?” asked my son, Blake. “I wanted a set of golf clubs and a skateboard!”

Money had been tight, and as a single parent, I was doing the best I could. My children received almost everything on their wish lists when their father was alive, but things were different now.

Blake was now thirteen years old and Allison twelve. I knew we had somewhat spoiled(宠坏)them, but I had no idea it was this bad. I looked at my children and their confused faces. My feelings were hurt, but I didn’t want to show it. I was also very disappointed in their reactions to their presents. I was on my own, and I couldn’t maintain our old lifestyle.

That was the most terrible Christmas I had ever had.

The months went by quickly.I was planning our next Christmas celebration in my head a little every day. One day, I learned a local charity was seeking for help for a family that desperately needed help. It was a family that lived on a farm. There were four children in the house ranging in age from three to eight. The father had lost his job. They were a low-income family.

Although living a quite tough life myself, I still felt an urge to reach out to this family. I told Blake and Allison we would be giving gifts to a family that truly needed them. I went on to explain my disappointment in their actions and words the previous Christmas. Blake and Allison didn’t seem happy with the situation, but I was sure I had them thinking about their attitudes last Christmas.

We went shopping that weekend and bought gifts for all the children. We purchased everything they would need for a nice dinner and then picked out somethings to help them get through the winter.


The day before Christmas Eve, we arrived at the small home of this family in need.


It was time to go home, and we said our goodbyes.

2023-04-27更新 | 183次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

Many years ago, I was at a girls’ school and our teacher made all the girls in the class sit next to someone different every day.

On one of the days, my teacher paired Madhuri, who I had never talked to, and me to sit next to each other. I noticed that she seemed very anxious. I asked her what was wrong. She remained silent at first, but eventually, she told me that she had three sisters in her family and that her father couldn’t afford school books for all of them.

My primary school was strict, as was the standard then, and if you didn’t have your school books the teacher would make you leave the class. Madhuri was very anxious that day because she thought that the teacher would tell her to leave the class. When the teacher saw that she didn’t have the books, he told Madhuri that she couldn’t attend class for a week.

Madhuri was very upset. I felt so bad when I saw her pain that I decided to help her. I went to speak to her and offered to buy the books for her. She refused my offer to help. She had very strong principles and she would never accept things bought by others.

When I got home from school I told my mom the story. She said that it was good that I had tried to help but I should stop worrying about it because there was nothing more that I could do if she had refused my offer to help. I couldn’t stop worrying about it though.

Paragraph 1:

Then I had an idea.

Paragraph 2:

The next day, I got up early so that I could go to her house before going to school.

2023-02-18更新 | 197次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

16-year-old Tim looked up to his father Roger, who worked as a firefighter. While the teenager always talked about his dream of joining the fire department, the man didn’t believe the boy was cut out to be a firefighter because Tim left the usual stereotype of a bookworm: a straight-A student who wore large glasses, and was physically weak.

It was a typical school day. Tim’s math teacher announced their weekly test results, and the boy was delighted to learn that he had scored the highest mark. His friend Harry, however, was upset because he got a bad grade.

Seeing him sit in a corner with his head resting on the table, he approached him and said, “Hey, Harry, I know you got a bad grade, but I can teach you these topics. You’ll grasp it in no time, I’m sure. And you can improve your grade next week. What do you say?” “That’s so sweet of you, Tim! Let’s meet at my house after school today,” Harry said with a smile. “Sure!” Tim replied.

Harry lived on the outskirts of town. It took Tim, who passed his driving test recently, half an hour to drive there. Once his car neared Harry’s estate, he was shocked to see a blazing fire. Upon driving closer, he realized his house was on fire. Frightened, he quickly picked up his phone and called 911.

Then, Tim took off his shirt, grabbed a bottle of water from his car, and poured it on the shirt. He wrapped the wet shirt around his face, as he had seen in movies, and entered the house. He started climbing towards the hallway window of Harry’s bedroom.

Tim found a baseball bat in the hall. It took him five whole minutes to swing it hard enough to break the window. Once the glass was broken, he rushed towards Harry’s room. He couldn’t see much because of the thick black smoke floating in the air, but he managed to locate him. He was lying unconscious (昏迷的) on his bed after breathing in the smoke.

1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
Paragraph 1:

He knew he had to act fast before it was too late.

Paragraph 2:

Roger received an unexpected call from the hospital telling him of Tim’s heroic act.

2024-04-05更新 | 28次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般