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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:83 题号:22260994


Deepfakes are videos which have been digitally manipulated (操纵) to show people saying something     1     they haven’t actually spoken. In the past, videos like these could be made only by     2     (experience) special effects artists or video editors. Now, anyone with the right tools can make a convincing deepfake.

These videos are easy to make and dangerous. Cases     3     (report) about misused deepfake technology in the past few months. So, how can we know whether what we are seeing and hearing is real?

Wael Abd-Almageed, who leads     4     team of five researchers at the University of Southern California, is trying to answer that question. This team has designed computer software which can determine whether a video is a deepfake. “If there is inconsistency (不协调) in the video, such as an unnatural eye     5     (move), we can spot it,” he said.

How can you avoid     6     (fool) by a deepfake? Wael Abd-Almageed suggests not     7     (immediate) believing what you see online. Instead,     8     (make) sure you research a video first. “Don’t take anything on the Internet for granted,” he warns. “Ask     9     (you), ‘Would this person really say something like this?’”

Wael Abd-Almageed also advises watching a video     10     a slower rate so you can spot inconsistencies. This is possible by using the settings on most popular video platforms.


语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

China has set up its     1    (one) deep space exploration laboratory with the purpose of carrying out deep space exploration as well as cutting-edge technology research in the field of spaceflight. The laboratory,     2    (locate) in Anhui province, is a new type of science and technology research and development institution that realizes the integration of science, technology and engineering.

The laboratory is     3    (support) deep space exploration and carry out frontier,     4    (base) and strategic research in the field. It will also undertake research and demonstration. The laboratory is an open platform     5     international talents can come to work.

After the     6    (complete) of the Tianwen Ⅰ mission, China will also plan a number of Tianwen series of planetary exploration missions to explore the vastness of space.     7     will be the Tianwen Ⅱ, Tianwen Ⅲ, Tianwen Ⅳ, etc. The main task of the follow-up is to explore the asteroids (小行星) in deep space. The asteroid samples     8    (collect) back. After that, China will be prepared to explore Jupiter and other planets in the solar system,     9    (hope) to complete the exploration of 100 astronomical units in 2049, to reach 15 billion kilometers from Earth, or even     10     the edge of the solar system.

2024-03-16更新 | 162次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Can you imagine singing together with hundreds of other people     1     you are at home alone? You can do this in a virtual choir. All you need is a video camera and an Internet connection. A virtual choir     2     (enable) people to add their voices     3    those of other individuals. The virtual choir was the idea of Eric Whiteacre     4     is an American composer and conductor. He began studying music in 1988 and got     5    master’s degree in 1997. After that, he accomplished many well-received     6     (composition). In 2009,     7     (inspire) by a video he received from a girl     8     (sing) one of his works, he created his first virtual choir. Later, his song “What if”     9     (put) on a performance on 23 July 2014 in the UK.

The virtual choir is a wonderful way to sing with one voice and thus make the world a     10     (good) place.

2022-04-26更新 | 90次组卷
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中 (0.65)

Liu Cixin’s novella The Wandering Earth begins at a time in the future when humanity has accepted the finding that our sun is in the final cataclysmic (灾难性的) stages of turning into a red giant. This transformation will include a helium-burst from the sun that will vaporize (使……蒸发) the Earth unless we either leave the planet     1     move it. This is at first the only aspect on which people disagree, however under the Unity Government     2     is decided that Earth Engines will be constructed     3     (move) the entire planet to the closest most viable (可生存的) star. The story,     4     (tell) from the viewpoint of an unnamed narrator, is really amazing.

The idea of moving an entire planet has always seemed absurd (荒谬的) to me, however the     5     (description) in the story concerning why and how this is accomplished are rather touching and     6     (impress). The science in The Wandering Earth     7     (explain) with a perfect mix of complex ideas and straight-forward wording.

The Wandering Earth by Liu Cixin is a story     8     must be read. If you are a fan of science fiction, this is     9     (certain) a good introduction to the works of Liu Cixin. You will believe the difficult situation of our future civilizations while reading this story, and you will be moved to worry about and root for this unnamed narrator     10     (fight) for his own survival, and for the survival of the human species.

2023-08-30更新 | 77次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般