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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:40 题号:22272366

The animal kingdom is dotted with species that give birth to spotted young, from deer to birds and fish. Even species that we don’t typically associate with spots, such as lions, wear the pattern as babies, only to lose it later in life.

But what purpose do these spots serve, and why do only some species seem to have them? Kiyoko Gotanda, a biologist at Brock University, said it is likely so common because spots are useful in keeping babies hidden from their enemies.

Spotted young tend to be more common in species that live in habitats with some three-dimensional structures, Gotanda noted, and less common in environments that are uniform or featureless. Indeed, baby seals born on pack ice are pure white, and develop spots only when they leave the ice for rocky beaches. But in habitats with some cover, spots function as the sunlight passing through leaves or tall grass, making an animal hard to be discovered in its background.

“It is not as overt a pattern as something like a stick insect that becomes something else entirely, which can be clearly identified. But spots do create these three-dimensional effects that help some species hide better,” said Gotanda.

In other rarer cases, spots actually help babies stand out. Young garibaldi — orange marine fish found along the coast of California and Mexico — have bright-blue spots that advertise their lowly status to highly territorial (有地盘意识的) males. As the fish grow and start to engage in the social order, their spots fade.

In fact, many species grow out of their spots, and the reasons aren’t entirely understood. According to Gotanda, patterning is typically considered more energetically costly to produce than a single, solid color. But spots don’t take a lot of energy to grow and maintain at least in the case of white spots. There must be other reasons to explain their loss, he said.

1. Where are spotted baby animals more likely to appear according to Paragraph 3?
A.In the desert.B.On the ice.C.In the forest.D.In the lake
2. What does the underlined word “overt” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
3. Which statement might Gotanda agree with?
A.Animals with spots on the body are more energetic.
B.Spotted animals often exist in uniform surroundings.
C.The growth of animal spots will consume lots of energy.
D.There are more to explore about the loss of animal spots.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.How Are Spots Protecting Baby Animals?
B.Why Do So Many Baby Animals Have Spots?
C.Where Can You Find Baby Animals with Spots?
D.What Causes the Loss of Spots on Baby Animals?


阅读理解-七选五 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Pets can add extra fun to your everyday life.     1     More importantly, you need to take care of its nutrition and health.

    2     While your pet’s diet will be different depending on what type of animal it is, it’s important to feed it fresh food regularly. Choose food that’s fit for your pet, and only give your pet treats (美味食物) occasionally. If you have any questions about what to feed your pet, consult your veterinarian (兽医).

Feed your pet the suggested amount of food at each meal. Be sure to follow the suggestions on how much your pet needs to eat each day. Feeding too much leads to becoming too fat.     3     These could include heart disease, kidney (肾) problems, and so on.

Know what foods you should never give your pet.     4     So be sure you know what you can and can’t give your pet before you offer it a treat. For example, while it’s perfectly fine to give you dog small bits of chicken or fish, you should never give them food containing chocolate or garlic, as these can be harmful.

Give your pet fresh water every day. All animals require water to live, although some will need much more than others. No matter what the size of your pet is, make sure that it always has access to fresh, clean water. Check or refill the water once or twice a day and if they drink from a bowl, wash out the bowl every 2 to 3 days.     5    .

A.It can cause other health problems.
B.Provide your pet with toys if it likes them.
C.Certain foods are harmful to some animals.
D.Provide your pet with a healthy, balanced diet.
E.However, you should give your pet the attention it needs.
F.Make sure you have everything it will need before you bring it home.
G.If they live in water, change the water and clean the container at least once a week.
2020-08-11更新 | 93次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The world can be a scary place when you’re young. It can be even scarier when you’re a young little blue penguin, the tiniest of the penguin species. Luckily, there are some humans willing to help. They stepped in to protect Billy, a blue penguin that appeared on a beach in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Spotted on November 29 at the slipway at Moncks Bay, near Sumner, in Christchurch, the little penguin immediately attracted a small crowd. Jeff Mein Smith saw the crowd while he was bicycling that afternoon, and he biked home to get his camera. When he returned to the scene, he found that the penguin had received a little sign, one that read, “Hi, I’m waiting for my mum to come back.DOC (Department of Conservation) knows I’m here. Please leave me alone. Keep your dogs away. Thanks, Billy the baby blue penguin.”

Billy didn’t move away from the sign. The DOC arrived later that afternoon to pick up Billy, though they were surprised to see it on the beach. “It’s unusual for a blue penguin to be out in the open on the beach during the day,” Anita Spencer, a DOC senior ranger, told Stuff.

Billy was taken to the Christchurch Penguin Rehabilitation Center after being brought back from the beach. Volunteers believe the bird may actually be a female penguin, and is around 2 months old. The chick weighs merely 550 grams, less than a standard basketball. A blue penguin should weigh around 900 grams at this age. Most little penguins grow up to weigh 1 kilogram.

The center will help the little penguin gain some weight by feeding it with fish juice, before it’s set free into the ocean.

1. Who is Billy?
A.A penguin.B.A fish.C.A dog.D.A ranger.
2. What can be inferred from the text?
A.Billy is a male penguin.B.Jeff will take care of Billy.
C.Billy weighs more at its age.D.Some dogs probably chased Billy initially.
3. How did the DOC feel about Billy appearing on the beach?
4. What will happen to Billy at last?
A.It will be studied by scientists.B.It will live in DOC.
C.It will come back to the ocean.D.It will stay in a zoo.
2022-07-12更新 | 61次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中 (0.65)

This photo taken on Feb 19,2023 shows giant panda Xiang Xiang at Ueno Zoological Gardens in Tokyo, Japan. People flocked to Tokyo’s Ueno Zoological Gardens to see Xiang Xiang on Sunday, the final day for public viewing for the beloved five-year-old female giant panda before her return to China.

Giant pandas are among the most lovable animals alive today.Unlike their relatives, such as the polar bear, pandas don’t eat meal but survive on a diet of only bamboo. So why and how have pandas abandoned their taste for meat to pick up a vegetarian diet?

Pandas today don’t eat meat. However, they’ve kept much of their meat-eating adaptations from times past. Their digestive systems have not changed much from their meat-eating days. Out of the huge 12.5 kg of bamboo they eat in a single day, only about 17%of it is digested. To survive, pandas eat large amounts of bamboo while having a low-metabolic(新陈代谢的), lazy lifestyle to make up for the poor energy return.

The giant panda’s shift to a vegetarian diet is in line with the inactivation of a specific gene-Taslrl, which provides them with the ability to taste certain amino acids(氨基酸) abundant in meat. Its inactivation in pandas would lead to their dietary change.

Pandas have evolved(进化) to a great degree to cope with their relatively recent bamboo-eating lifestyle. Pandas must seize long and thin pieces of bamboo shoots. To help with this, they have developed a long “fake-thumb”(伪拇指). So giant pandas have six fingers in each paw which provides better support for them to seize objects such as bamboo in one paw quickly. Researchers have found that the surface of the panda’s tongue is different. While other bears and many meat-eating animals have smooth tongues, pandas have evolved tiny projections on the surface of their tongues that serve to file down food. This is especially useful for pandas as they remove the outer cover of bamboo.

Time will tell if pandas will adapt and survive, go back to eating meat, or disappear in the wild. Whatever the future holds, we can be grateful that, for the time being, we get to share our planet with these adorable animals.

1. Why are the data mentioned in paragraph 3?
A.To state the variety of food.
B.To represent the evolutionary rule of pandas.
C.To show the ineffectiveness of digestive system.
D.To describe the changes of living environment.
2. What caused pandas’ change in diet?
A.The low-metabolic lifestyle.B.The amino acids in meat.
C.The surface of the panda’s tongue.D.The Taslrl gene’s inactivation.
3. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 5 refer to?
A.Developing more fingers.B.Seizing bamboo shoots.
C.The low energy return.D.The vegetarian diet.
4. Which aspect of pandas does paragraph 5 focus on?
A.The evolutionary feature in eating.B.The preference for bamboo.
C.The unique lifestyle.D.The special appearance.
2023-04-30更新 | 69次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般