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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:71 题号:22808323

In 2019, a white-haired senior was awarded the Friendship Medal, the highest order of honor of China for foreigners. It was Isabel Crook. In her more than a century of life, she spent more than 90 years in China and cultivated (培养) a large number of foreign language talents for China.

In 1915, Isabel was born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. After graduating from the University of Toronto in 1938, Isabel couldn’t wait to return to China. With hard work, she and her colleague completed the survey of over 1,500 families in some villages in Bishan County. She recorded the daily life of the villagers in Xinglongchang with detailed field notes, which give the young people today some idea of the state of affairs in villages at that time.             

In 1947, Isabel and her husband David Crook came to China to observe and study the ongoing land reform. A year later, they completed the study and accepted the invitation to stay in China for language teaching.

One could hardly imagine the teaching conditions in the midst of a war. They asked their students to take small stools (凳子) with them so that they could give class everywhere. They tailored (定制) teaching approaches to suit students’ different language proficiency levels. Without handy teaching materials, they collected articles from English newspapers and magazines. In oral English teaching, Isabel asked students to watch their teachers in a given conversation first. Since there were no tape recorders at school, she had to perform the conversation again and again.

Isabel retired in 1981, but she returned to Southwest China many times to set up scholarship for children from poor families. She also went to Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and other places to help with foreign language teaching. Isabel died in 2023 in Beijing.

1. What do we know about Isabel according to the text?
A.She got China’s highest honor for foreigners.
B.She received her college education in China.
C.She returned to China as a teacher at age 23.
D.She helped children in need all over China.
2. When did Isabel start the journey of education in China?
A.In 1915.B.In 1938.C.In 1948.D.In 1981.
3. Which of the following best describes the couple’s teaching?
A.Boring but helpful.B.Simple and modern.
C.Traditional but attractive.D.Flexible and personalized.
4. What does the author want to illustrate by mentioning Isabel’s experiences?
A.Her working experiences were rich.
B.Her life in China was quite colorful.
C.She devoted herself to teaching in China.
D.She showed great interest in Chinese history.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】The Golden Week is just about to end and soon we will be back at school. It’s with both happiness and sadness. I look forward to seeing my friends and starting practice again, but it also means that I’m officially going through the placement test (分班考试) in less than half a year. From that time on I can choose some subjects I am good at and like. With school starting there are new club activities to try out and experience. For example, Lily is starting a new sport, Track. It’s similar to Cross Country, which I did before The Golden Week.

Being here for a month now, I can easily tell the differences between my junior and senior schools. The hardest or most different part for me was to have the same schedule every day here. Honestly, I prefer to have different classes every day, as I did in my junior school. However, I have fallen in love with the Friday football games. Football is one of my favorite sports now. Before I came, I knew nothing about it. Now I love it, especially to watch it with my junior schoolmates. In Golden Week, we have also been so lucky to go to two school football games.

Before I left school on the Golden Week, I had a test called Weekly Test. Mostly because I didn’t have too many hard classes, it went pretty smoothly. My favorite class is English, and also my hardest. Personally I really like English, where I could write essays (文章), challenge writing skills and improve English talking.

With the end of the Golden Week, I expect to get starting again, starting a new sport and see my friends and classmates.

1. Why does the author feel sad before school starts again?
A.Her homework is not finished.B.The placement test will take place soon.
C.Her school life will get harder.D.The new sport no longer attracts her.
2. How does the author’s junior school differ from the one she is in now?
A.The holidays are longer.B.The teachers are kinder.
C.The meals are healthier.D.The courses are richer.
3. What does the author enjoy doing most with his junior schoolmates?
A.Watching football matches.B.Playing video games.
C.Having a talk in English.D.Visiting her relatives.
4. What does the underlined word “it” in the third paragraph refer to?
2023-12-12更新 | 102次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】In May, 1977, I lived in a Howard Johnson's motel (汽车旅馆). My dad and I shared a room with two double beds and a bathroom way too small for a modest 15﹣year﹣old girl and her father. Dad's second marriage was in trouble and my stepmother had kicked us both out of the house the previous week. Dad had no idea what to do with me. That's when my other family showed up.

Barbara and Roland Beach took me into their home because their only daughter, Su, my best friend, asked them to. I lived with them for the next seven years.

Barbara made sure I had lunch money, doctors' appointments, help with homework, and nightly hugs. Barbara and Roland attended every football game I took part in, every drama performance I was in even when I had no speaking lines. For the Beaches, there was no difference between Su and me: I was their daughter, too. When Su and I left for colleges, they kept my room the same for the entire four years when I attended school. Recently, Barbara presented me with an insurance policy they bought when I first moved in with them and had continued to pay for 25years.

The Beaches knew all about me when they took me in. When I was seven, my mother died. By the time I went to live with the Beaches, I believed that life was entirely unfair and that love was tenuous (脆弱的)and untrustworthy. I believed that the only person who would take care of me was me.

Without the Beaches, I would have become a bitter and unhappy woman. They gave me a home that allowed me to grow and change. They gave me the confidence to open my heart.

1. What can we know from Paragraph 1?
A.The author lost her mother in 1977.
B.The author's stepmother was selfish.
C.The author's father bought a motel.
D.The author got on well with her stepmother.
2. What's Paragraph 3mainly about?
A.How the Beaches took good care of the author.
B.How the author tried to be a good daughter.
C.What the author's best friend had done for her.
D.What help the author had given to her best friend.
3. Which of the following words can best describe the Beaches?
A.Generous and kind
B.Kind but selfish
C.Warmhearted but stubborn
D.Selfless but dishonest
4. What do we know about the author from the text?
A.She believed that life is unfair.
B.She was not confident enough.
C.She felt lucky to live with the Beaches.
D.She didn't get on well with her father.
2020-11-18更新 | 62次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Lisa started climbing five years ago when a friend asked her to climb Mt. Rainier. The ability to experience part of the mountain that few people reach drew Lisa to continuing her climbing. By 2012 she and her husband had climbed the highest points in North America, South America and Europe. They had also volunteered for numerous projects with Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation (ASC). Their latest goal was Mt. Vinson in Antarctica to collect snow samples for ASC.

It was difficult for Lisa’s family who had spent all their lives in Illinois to picture what would draw her to such a remote continent (大陆). Her primary motivation was to safely climb Mt. Vinson, but secondarily she wanted to share the experience with others who, like her father, couldn’t imagine what the coldest continent was like.

As they gradually made their way up toward Mt. Vinson, Lisa’s body got used to the cold, dry air and a heavy pack. Her mind was filled with the vastness of this continent. How is it possible that so few people have seen it? How can it be kept so that others have the opportunity to responsibly do so? Part of her duty was to answer the last question.

After she had collected the snow in a small plastic bottle, she labeled (贴标签) it and stored it for safe keeping. As she watched the snow inside, she thought about the story it would tell. What would researchers learn about this mountain? What had it endured during its lifetime? What would we, as servants of this earth, do with this information? She didn’t have the skills to answer these questions by herself, but knowing that she played a small part in allowing them to be answered was exciting, just as gratifying as reaching the top.

1. What pushed Lisa to continue her climbing?
A.Her great ability to reach the mountain top.B.Her love of challenging herself.
C.Her friend’s encouragement.D.Her desire to win.
2. What did Lisa’s family think about her climbing Mt. Vinson?
A.It was inspiring.B.It was meaningful.
C.It was entertaining.D.It was unbelievable.
3. What can we know about Lisa on her way up to Mt. Vinson?
A.She could not bear her heavy package.
B.She was not curious about people’s visiting.
C.She was greatly impressed by the large continent.
D.She felt nothing of the continent.
4. What does the underlined word “gratifying” in the last paragraph probably mean?
2022-01-05更新 | 117次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般