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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:49 题号:22818603

Paris is one of the most important and influential cities in the world. In terms of tourism, Paris is the second most visited city in Europe after London. Everyone knows all about the iconic sights in Paris, such as the Eiffel Tower and Louvre Museum. But what about other facts that your average guide book doesn’t tell you?

•Every year the French celebrate the storming of the Bastille prison in Paris on July 14th 1789. Usually the jail held political prisoners but on the day the Bastille was stormed there were only 7 prisoners in the jail, none of political significance, and four of them had been jailed for check-forging(伪造支票).

• Paris is called the City of Lights. But it has nothing to do with the power used to illuminate the Eiffel Tower or the streetlights of the city. Lights in this case, means intellectuals, referring to the high-concentration of writers, artists and academics that have always been drawn to the city.

•Shakespeare And Company is the most famous English-language bookshop in Paris and it is named after the original store, owned by Sylvia Beach, which published James Joyce’s classic novel Ulysses in 1922. Now it has been a salon for writers and readers in Paris for more than seventy years.

• Paris is a city with a long, interesting but sadly a blood-stained history. Paris’ Latin motto is “Fluctuat nec mergitur” meaning “It is tossed by the waves, but does not sink.”

MoreinformationcanbegainedfromOnlinetravelguide@whatparis.com .

1. What facts about Paris can we learn from the passage?
A.Paris is the second most popular tourist city in the world.
B.Prisoners in the Bastille were all of political significance.
C.Paris is called the City of Lights because of the power of the road lights.
D.Shakespeare And Company is a meeting place for writers and readers in Paris.
2. What can be inferred from the underlined sentence?
A.Paris has a long and interesting history.B.Paris will never sink into the ocean.
C.Parisians are tough in face of challenges.D.Parisians are drowned by huge waves.
3. The passage is most likely taken from _______.
A.A news report.B.A travel guide.
C.An advertisement.D.An announcement.
【知识点】 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Most of the world’s potable water—freshwater suitable for drinking is accounted for by groundwater, which is stored in the pores and fractures in rocks. There is more than 50 times as much freshwater stored underground than in all the freshwater rivers and lakes at the surface. Nearly 50 percent of all groundwater is stored in the upper 1,000 meters of Earth. At greater depths within Earth, the pressure of the overlying rock causes pores and cracks to close, reducing the space that pore water can occupy, and almost complete closure occurs at a depth of about 10 kilometers. The greatest water storage, therefore, lies near the surface.

Aquifers, Porosity and Permeability. Groundwater is stored in a variety of rock types. A groundwater reservoir from which water can be extracted is called an aquifer. We can effectively think of an aquifer as a deposit of water. Extraction of water depends on two properties of the aquifer: porosity and permeability. Between sediment grains are spaces that can be filled with water. This pore space is known as porosity and is expressed as a percentage of the total rock volume. Porosity is important for water—storage capacity, but for water to flow through rocks, the pore spaces must be connected. The ability of water, or other fluids, to flow through the interconnected pore spaces in rocks is termed permeability. In the intergranular spaces of rocks, however, fluid must flow around and between grains in a tortuous path; this winding path causes a resistance to flow. The rate at which the flowing water overcomes this resistance is related to the permeability of rock.

Sediment sorting and compaction influence permeability and porosity. The more poorly sorted or the more tightly compacted a sediment is, the lower its porosity and permeability. Sedimentary rocks—the most common rock type near the surface—are also the most common reservoirs for water because they contain the most space that can be filled with water. Sandstones generally make good aquifers, while finer-grained mudstones are typically impermeable. Impermeable rocks are referred to as aquicludes. Igneous and metamorphic rocks are more compact, commonly crystalline, and rarely contain spaces between grains. However, even igneous and metamorphic rocks may act as groundwater reservoirs if extensive fracturing occurs in such rocks and if the fracture system is interconnected.

1. Groundwater differs from the water in rivers and lakes in terms of its____.
2. What is the relationship between permeability and porosity?
A.Rocks that have high permeability have high porosity and vice versa.
B.The more pores a rock has, the higher its porosity but the lower its permeability.
C.If water flows through a rock easily, it has high permeability but low porosity.
D.Rocks with many internal spaces that are not connected with each other will have high porosity but low permeability.
3. When can igneous rock serve as an aquifer?
A.When it is crystalline.
B.When it has many connected fractures.
C.When it lies relatively near the surface.
D.When it lies next to metamorphic rock.
2020-11-03更新 | 219次组卷
阅读理解-阅读表达(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

Belief Perseverance

We enter all conversations with a huge amount of baggage. We have already had numerous experiences that have shaped us in some way: we each have dreams that guide what we see or hear; we each have cultural traditions that push us to think in certain ways. In short, we start with opinions We think our beliefs are valuable because they are ours. Understandably, we want to hold on to them. And the tendency to hold on to our beliefs even when we should not is called belief perseverance.

If I prefer Cristiano Ronaldo as the best football player ever, regardless of how empty my reason may be, I may resist your choice of Lionel Messi. Because if I were to admit that my previous judgment had been wrong, I might feel bad about myself. Besides, it is our tendency to see only that evidence that proves our point.

What is behind belief perseverance is our overconfidence in ourselves. We tend to rate ourselves as more skilled at many things. This unfortunate habit of mind is probably responsible also for our sense that we are living in the middle of incredibly biased (有偏见的) people, while we are unbiased. We tell ourselves that we see things as they are, while others look at the world through a pair of foggy, colored glasses. Our biggest bias may be that we are not biased, but those with whom we disagree are!

To avoid belief perseverance, it’s helpful to remember that we can never permit ourselves to be so sure of anything that we stop searching for an improved version. As the famous scientist Francis Bacon pointed out in 1620, when we change our minds in light of a superior argument, we deserve to be proud that we have resisted the temptation to remain true to long-held beliefs. Such a change of mind deserves to be seen as reflecting a rare strength.

1. According to the passage, what is belief perseverance?
2. What stops people from admitting their previous judgment may be wrong?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Our habit of over-rating ourselves comes from our sense that other people are biased.
4. What strategy can be used to avoid belief perseverance and how can it be useful?(In about 40 words)
2023-05-06更新 | 206次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】What is the purpose of lightning?

Many are familiar with the potentially deadly dangers posed by lightning, which is blamed for an average of 43 deaths in the United States each year, based on data from 1989 to 2018. Although the odds of being struck are quite low-1 in 1,222,000 in a given year and 1 in 15,300 in a lifetime-many in the weather community have long urged people to take proper precautions to stay safe amid storms, which can frequently cause lightning, even without turning severe.

However, the researchers recently uncovered a surprising and beneficial impact of lightning. The Earth is struck by lightning nearly 20 million times each year, and ligting can travel as much as 10 to 12 miles from a thunderstorm, instantly heating the air to 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Essentially, lightning occurs due to the buildup of electric charges in the atmosphere. In order to balance out the different charges, lightning is caused between two clouds or between a cloud and the ground.

The study was based on an airborne research flight conducted by a storm-chasing plane. The plane was used to examine the top portion of thunderstorm clouds. Researchers initially thought there was a problem with the equipment on the plane, which was being used to measure the hydroxyl radicals(羟基自由基)in the atmosphere, until they realized spikes they observed corresponded with lightning flashes.

Researchers previously understood that lightning could help to clean the atmosphere, but there was no evidence that it could generate compounds like these radicals. And the data showed surprising spikes of up to 1,000 more hydroxyl radicals than the normal value. As a result, the study estimates that somewhere between 2% and 16% of the cleaning that happens naturally in the Earth’s atmosphere, is done by lightning.

Why is this significant? The cleaning process helps to reduce chemicals like carbon monoxide and methane in the atmosphere. These chemicals, known for being greenhouse gases, have been proven to contribute to rising temperatures associated with climate change.

1. What is the best title for the text?
A.Lighting happens in a flash
B.Lighting causes deaths every year
C.Lighting can help fight against global warming
D.Lighting reduces gases in the atmosphere
2. How many deaths did lighting causes in the United States from 1989 to 2018?
A.Less than 1000B.About 1300.
C.About 2000D.More than1600
3. How does lighting clean the atmosphere?
A.By generating carbon monoxide.
B.By increasing hydroxyl radicals.
C.By heating the air.
D.By reducing greenhouse gases.
4. What made researchers doubt the equipment on the plane?
A.The electronic charges in the atmosphere
B.The times of lighting flashes
C.The top portion of thunderstorm clouds.
D.The increasing amount of hydroxyl radical.
2023-11-15更新 | 49次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般