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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:25 题号:22857930

Every one of us may have been hurt by others — either by their words or actions. The best way to deal with the problem is to “forgive and forget”.

“It is well established that learning to forgive others can have positive benefits for one’s physical and mental health,” Saima Noreen, a scientist at the University of St. Andrews, UK, told the Huffington Post.

Recently, Noreen and her research team have found one more reason that you should stick to this principle — forgiving somebody who has hurt you makes it easier for you to forget the unhappy memory, according to their new study.

In the study, researchers asked volunteers to read descriptions of 40 different situations that contained bad actions such as stealing, lying and cheating. Imagining being the victims (受害者) , volunteers then had to decide whether they would be able to forgive. Two weeks later, volunteers took part in a memory test. In the test, they were shown a series of words related to the situations they had read about and then were asked to recall certain ones.

The results showed that people were less likely to remember the details of the unpleasant experiences if they had found forgiveness in their hearts. In contrast, if they hadn’t forgiven the mistake, they could always remember what had happened.

However, forgiving someone who has hurt you is always easier said than done. So Noreen hopes that one day in the near future research will give rise to powerful therapeutic (有疗效的) tools that will enable people to “forgive and forget” more effectively.

1. What have Noreen and her team found recently?
A.They have found no reason to hurt other people.
B.A memory test is necessary to help people forgive.
C.An unpleasant experience can be easily forgotten.
D.Forgiving helps us to forget unhappy memories.
2. The right order of the following steps of the study should be ______.
a. Take a memory test.     b. Imagine being a victim.
c. Decide whether to forgive or not.   d. Read descriptions of 40 different situations.
3. What does the underlined word “recall” in Paragraph 4 mean?
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.It’s impossible to forgive someone.B.Noreen has finished her research report.
C.There may be some therapeutic tools soon.D.The therapeutic tools have been invented.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Move over millennials(千禧一代), here comes Generation Z, today's youngest group.

Born in 1995 or later, a lot of Gen Z-ers are entering into adulthood and will soon join the workforce. People of Generation Z have grown up with the internet. Policy makers, sociologists, as well as employers and marketers, are trying their best to understand these young people. So, how should we pin down the Gen Z-ers?

Most people will agree that the single biggest difference between Gen Z and other generations is how connected they are. This is a group of people who were hooked up to social media as soon as they were born. A recent Guardian article says that the average teenager in the UK has at least 150 followers on Instagram and spends around half an hour a day on Snapchat, an image messaging app. “We are the first true digital natives,” Hannah Payne, an 18-year-old UCLA student and lifestyle blogger. “I can almost create a document, edit it, post a photo on Instagram and talk on the phone at the same time, all from the user-friendly interface(界面) of my iPhone.

The Guardian also notes that young people in the UK are becoming more active in politics. Voting is just one way of making one's voice heard. Most of Generation Z are still too young to vote, says the Guardian. Instead of party politics, they focus more on single-topic issues such as feminism(男女平等)or climate change. And “much of the civil engagement and organizing they do takes place on social media rather than through traditional political structures,” according to the newspaper.

1. The underlined phrase “pin down” in the second paragraph can be replaced by ______.
A.set an example toB.have an interest in
C.give an explanation forD.make a decision on
2. The biggest difference between Generation Z and other generations lies in _________.
A.how connected they are
B.how enthusiastic they are
C.how they communicate with each other
D.how many hours they spend on the Internet
3. What do Instagram and Snapchat have in common?
A.They are newly-created cellphones
B.They are popular among millennials
C.They are online games invented by teenagers
D.They are applications used by teenagers
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.Generation Z have great interest in politics
B.Most Gen Z-ers haven't entered the political field
C.Voting is the only way of making yourself noticed
D.Voting on social media is the same as voting through traditional ways
2020-07-17更新 | 43次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Social media does have its shortcomings, and one of those is that it can often seem like everybody is living and winning big — except you.

    1       But the reality is that these people go through struggles just like everybody else. Nobody’s life is perfect all the time. We all go through life’s hardships, failure, and pain. Picture perfect moments do exist, but they exist amongst the real-life terrible moments.    2    

Someone could have +1000 likes on their pictures or a million views on their videos and still be unhappy.     3     There are people with only 10 likes but having plenty of friends, and people with +1000 likes that are lonely, depressed, in fed up relationships and have no real friends.

There are couples that appear happy on social media but behind those photos, they suffer a lot in relationships.     4     Things aren’t always what they appear to be.

You don’t know what some people go through to come out with the fantastic pictures you envy. The real key players mostly operate behind the scenes but make the most happen. They may look like nobody but they are building their kingdoms while others are getting high on likes and attention. Success is not what is presented on social media.     5    

Be yourself and never give up on yourself. Don’t compare yourself to others. The real champions of social media are those who add value to others, not the ones who show their lifestyle to impress others.

A.Those ones don’t get documented.
B.Some even think it’s a complete show-off.
C.Being popular on social media is not everything.
D.Self-worth is determined by the number of likes one gets.
E.There are couples who post nothing but are in loving relationship.
F.It takes tears, sleepless nights, and loads of failure to make it in life.
G.You are always flooded with strangers’ images that show the life you long for.
2024-01-21更新 | 106次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In a world where the lines between work and home are increasingly blurred(模糊的), remote work is becoming a critical part of our daily routines. Whether you switch between working from home and the office, distant work has become a preferred method of working for many. With the rise of secure, efficient, and automatic tools, remote work is becoming more commonplace than ever before.

One such example of this is the popular secure video conferencing platform, Zoom. Zoom’s software is efficient and easy to use, making it a favorite among remote workers. The platform allows users to video conference with colleagues or clients in real-time, regardless of their location. It automatically encrypts(加密) all data transmissions, ensuring that information remains secure during remote meetings.

Another example is the rise of smart home devices, such as smart thermostats(恒温调节器) and security cameras. These devices can be automatically controlled by a secure remote command system, allowing users to adjust thermostats, monitor home security, and even instruct smart home devices to obey specific commands remotely.

Remote work can also offer a more ergonomic(人类工程学的) approach to working. By using adjustable desks and chairs, remote workers can switch between sitting and standing throughout their daily routine. This can help improve overall health and well-being while working from home or remotely.

Despite the efficiency and convenience remote work offers, it also poses some potential risks. One such waning is the potential for distancing between colleagues and clients. It’s important to remember to schedule regular face-to-face meetings to maintain personal relationships and build stronger relationships.

In conclusion, remote work has become an increasingly popular method of working in recent years, offering employees greater flexibility and efficiency while working from home or remotely. Secure, efficient, and automatic tools have made remote work more practical and convenient than ever before. However, it’s important to recognize the potential risks of remote work and take measures to avoid them. Switching between remote work and traditional office work can offer employees a more ergonomic and efficient approach to working.

1. What is the function of paragraph ONE?
A.Draw a conclusion.B.Introduce the topic.
C.Arouse readers’ interest.D.List the arguments.
2. What are NOT the examples of remote work in the passage?
A.Zoom.B.Security cameras.
C.Wechat.D.Adjustable desks and chairs.
3. What does pose mean in paragraph 5?
4. What are NOT the features of remote work according the LAST paragraph?
A.Flexibility and efficient.B.Practical and convenient.
C.Secure and automatic.D.Traditional and ergonomic.
2023-10-13更新 | 41次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般