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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:24 题号:22865800

Nanjing Yunjin brocade is traditional Chinese silk art with a history of about 1,600 years. Its complex weaving (编织)techniques, various colors and patterns, and its particular choices of materials make it valuable and ancient people said, “An inch of brocade, an inch of gold.” Today, the traditional characteristics and unique skills of yunjin remain to be an award-winning art treasure. Its techniques are passed down from generation to generation by artisans.

Zhou Shuangxi, a national-level inheritor (继承人) of yunjin weaving techniques, is one of them. Back in 1973, he graduated from a mining school and was selected to become a student at the NanjingYunjin Research Institute along with five other students, just because he was “in good shape”. There were only several masters in their 70s and not even a loom (织布机) to use. “The old masters finally remembered a loom was stored somewhere. When I opened the door, I saw what seemed like a pile of wood,” Zhou recalled.

“Weaving was difficult, but different from mining. Mining requires heavy physical labor, but working with the soft and thin silk requires studying and practicing in front of a loom for decades until you master the technique. My hands became quite awkward due to mining, so I used to put my hands in warm water whenever I could. In this way, they could become softer and weave the silk more easily,” he said.

Out of the six or so students, Zhou is the only one who has insisted on the trade to this day. Having devoted the past five decades to yunjin production despite all the sweat and struggles, he has developed his techniques to the point where he can weave the antique dragon robes in all their small details. He also made various artworks that not only show China's intangible cultural heritage but also serve as Zhou Shuangxi's artistic creations.

“I am lucky to be in such a good era and I have the honor of being a representative inheritor,” Zhou said.

1. What was Zhou’s original impression of yunjin weaving techniques as a student?
A.They faced an uncertain future.B.They were popular among the public.
C.They required much physical strength.D.They were closely related to his schooling.
2. Why did Zhou put his hands in warm water?
A.To relieve the pain of mining.B.To make them much more suitable for weaving.
C.To gain an attractive appearance.D.To rest his hands and draw inspiration.
3. What kind of person is Zhou probably according to the text?
A.Determined and creative.B.Awkward and hesitant.
C.Encouraging and honest.D.Adventurous and sociable.
4. What’s the text mainly about?
A.The ups and downs of yunjin.
B.People’s appreciation of a traditional art treasure.
C.Artisans’ struggle to pass down traditional techniques.
D.A national-level inheritor of yunjin weaving techniques.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】A year is divided into 24 solar terms on the traditional Chinese solar calendar. Start of Spring, to be first solar term of the year, lifts the curtain of spring. After that, everything turns green and full of energy. Here are some things you should know about Start of Spring.

1. Start of Spring and Spring Festival

Start of Spring had entered people’s lives in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC). During the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-AD 24), Start of Spring was set as the Spring Festival. Actually, it was not until 1913 that the Spring Festival was celebrated on the first day of the first month of the lunar year as now.

2. Wearing fabric swallows

Wearing fabric swallows, a custom originating during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), is observed in some regions in Shaanxi. Every Start of Spring, people like to wear a swallow made of colorful silk on their chests. The swallow is a sign of spring and a symbol of prosperity (繁荣) and happiness.

3. Welcoming spring

People in China began holding a special ceremony on the first day of Start of Spring about 3.000 years ago. They made sacrifices (祭品) to Gou Mang, the god of Spring, who is in charge of agriculture. By the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), greeting spring had become an important folk activity.

4. Flying a kite

Spring is the best season for kite-flying, a traditional folk activity with a history of more than 2, 000 years. It can help build one’s health and prevent diseases. Besides, a breath of fresh air outside can discharge the bad smell accumulated in winter.

5. Biting the spring

In many parts of China, people observe the custom of “biting the spring” on the first day of Start of Spring. They cat spring pancakes, spring rolls, or a few mouthfuls of carrots.

1. In which year might people celebrate the Spring Festival on Start of Spring?
A.In760 BC.B.In 210 BC.C.In 1910.D.In 2023.
2. Which custom first appeared during the Tang Dynasty?
A.Flying a kite.B.Biting the spring.
C.Wearing fabric swallows.D.Welcoming spring.
3. In which column will you most probably find the text in a newspaper?
2023-08-01更新 | 83次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】The 24 solar terms (节气) originated and was firstly used in China. It was created thousands of years ago on the basis of practical needs of agriculture. Ancient Chinese people used it to guide agriculture production, special climate signs and even healthy living tips. The 24 solar terms was added to UNESCO’s world cultural heritage list in 2016.Now, it has been brought to life thanks to a creative designer from Southwest China’s Guizhou Province.

On the eve of the Qingming Festival, Shi Changhong released (发布) his version of reproduced and packaged characters for each solar term in the form of   “moving art” of Gifs. Since their first release on Zcool on March 29, the Gifs have won great praise among the general public and quickly flooded social media with millions of hits during the festival period.

To maximize publicity, Shi released his work in three forms: video, animation and picture. The background sounds add to the brilliance.

“When I watch the short video, I can strongly feel the Chinese ­style elements hidden in them. And it is really cool to liven up Chinese traditional culture in such a unique way,” WeChat user Xiao Feifei said.

“It is really a comfort to me to see so many people like my latest work. To be honest, it would really surprise me if the work does not arouse great interest among Chinese people. The 24 solar terms is a deeply rooted concept that covers the essence of Chinese wisdom. However, only a small portion of people know all the names or the correct order of those terms. My intention is to increase Chinese people’s self-­awareness to learn more about our traditional fine culture. Actually, the 24 solar terms work is only a part of my whole design program ‘Charm China’, which I started over a year ago,” Shi told China Daily.

1. What do you think the underlined word “Zcool” in Paragraph 2 refers to?
A.A newspaper.B.A magazine.
C.A radio Broadcast.D.A website.
2. What can be inferred according to the text?
A.The background sounds make the work more attractive.
B.It really surprised Shi Changhong to see so many people like his latest work.
C.Most people know all the names or the correct order of the 24 solar terms.
D.The 24 solar terms work designed by Shi Changhong was added to UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list.
3. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To introduce a creative designer.
B.To introduce the 24 solar terms work.
C.To introduce the origin of the 24 solar terms.
D.To introduce a design program “Charm China”.
4. Which part of the newspaper does the text probably belong to?
2024-02-22更新 | 126次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易 (0.85)



In some parts of Germany, they do bleigiessen, or lead (铅)pouring. Pour a dollop(团)of molten lead in cold water and whatever shape forms may be telling about the year to come. A heart shape, naturally, means love will come your way. A crown predicts wealth and fortune. A star indicates happiness. But if you see a cross in the lead? You're as good as dead!

Latin America

If you're in Latin America, make sure you have some colorful underpants to ring in the new year. End — of — the — year partiers put on colorful underwear to ensure certain types of outcomes for the following year. Red for love and yellow for success.

Naples, Italy

Neapolitans like throwing things out of windows, at least on New Year's Eve. Furniture, kitchen machines, grandma. Well, maybe not the last one. Let's hope not, anyway. This tradition is meant to symbolize an out — with — the — old gesture and getting a brand new beginning for the new year. These days people are a bit more mindful about what they toss down to the street below.


In 1909, winegrowers in the Alicante region of Spain had a brilliant idea: start and promote an annual tradition that would involve people having to buy and eat more grapes. One must cat 12 grapes on New Year's Eve to encourage prosperity for the coining year. Now, it's u popular custom in Iberia. But the problem is that one has to cat a grape for each bell strike at midnight.

1. What does a cross shape mean?
2. What's new about Neapolitans' tradition?
A.They hate using furniture.
B.They throw their grandma out of windows.
C.They are more careful about what to throw.
D.They like making gestures in front of the window.
3. Which country has the tradition of eating grapes?
2020-04-19更新 | 79次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般