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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.85 引用次数:158 题号:22885330

“Xixi Tonight”, a reimagined performance at Hangzhou’s Xixi Wetland Park,     1    (return) with a fresh, multi-sensory experience recently.     2    (base) on Song Dynasty(960-1279)and local Hangzhou culture, the show tells the tale of the Hong family during the Southern Song era,     3    (highlight) Hong Hao’s diplomatic missions and his wife’s     4    (devote) to their children’s education. The show used the natural scenery of the park as a backdrop     5     modern technologies to emphasize     6    (it) unique beauty, applying digital technology, indoor-outdoor performances and     7    (engage) audio-visual effects. In the viewing area, visitors could feel the fresh air     8     watching the show. This innovative combination of art and nature     9    (perfect) creates an exceptional tourism attraction, which offers visitors a unique encounter     10     the beauty of both culture and wetland ecology.

【知识点】 闲暇活动


语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 较易 (0.85)

We walked inside a museum in Garden City and looked around, eager     1     (meet) Kobie Boykins, a NASA engineer. He helped to design the Mars rover (探测器) Curiosity,     2     is still exploring to this day.

In a big presentation room, Boykins     3     (talk) about the team’s newest rover, Mars 2020. We asked him if the new rover would be     4     most complicated one he and his team     5     (make) so far. He told us that most of the engineering would be the same. However, the rover is still more       6     (advance) and will be able to get more accurate test       7     (result).

When Boykins finished his presentation, some people brought him into another room where we would interview him. We asked if he felt he was       8     a lot of pressure at work. He told us that he       9     (actual) put a lot of pressure on himself. He said that working on the spacecraft wasn’t putting him in that position, but he still wanted to make       10     perfect.

2019-08-21更新 | 365次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 较易 (0.85)

Nowadays, more and more people enjoy watching plays in the theater, so do my wife and I. We’ll go to the theater whenever we have time. But before we buy tickets, we would like to know whether the play is good or bad. In other     1     (word), when a new play comes, we usually decide whether to watch it or not according     2     the information about it on the newspaper. Last week a new play was put on in the theater. The newspaper said it was very     3     (interest), so we planned to go on Saturday night. It took my wife a long time     4     (make) her decision about what to wear and we left our house a little late. By the time we got to the theater, the first act    5     (start). To our relief, we     6     (permit) to enter the theater. When we found our seats, we were recognized by an old friend,     7     seat was next to mine. Shorty after the play was over, we went dancing. It was about two o'clock in the morning when we got home. I’m not used to staying out so late and I was     8     (extreme) tired.

I didn’t have the money to go out for an evening like this     9     I was younger. Now I can afford it, but I don’t have the energy to enjoy     10     (I).

2022-10-18更新 | 127次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 较易 (0.85)

Facebook and Twitter are just two of my favorite things. These websites help me keep in touch with my friends and family, find out what     1     (interest) events are going on and see and share photographs within my social circle. However, the more time I     2     (spend) online the less sleep I got, and the     3     (bad) I felt. I was tired and in low spirits, and     4     (focus) on classroom lectures and activities became     5     (increasing) difficult.

I began to wonder whether or not there could be a relationship between the hours I spent on the screen and the bad effects it had the next day at school.     6    (answer) my question, I made some research. I surveyed local middle and high school students. Eight hours is     7     recommended (建议的) amount of sleep for teenagers. From the responses, I found that those who slept for less than eight hours had about three hours of screen time per day,     8     kids who got more than eight hours of sleep had about two hours of screen time. The kids who slept less were more likely to suffer     9     stress, sleeplessness and anxiety. They performed poorly in tests and showed more mood     10     (problem).

2019-06-27更新 | 86次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般