组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.65 引用次数:24 题号:22913953

Jack and Bruce are good friends. They are both in Grade Six and love hanging out together in their small fishing town.

One day, they decided to climb an ancient volcanic hill on a small island near their town to celebrate their last days of primary school. Though the two boys had been to the island many times before, Bruce’s parents were worried about them. With quick reassurance(保证), Bruce raced out the door to meet Jack.

Passing by a giant sculpture of a whale, Jack thought of the whales in the sea. Both of the boys are whale lovers. They have raised hundreds of pounds towards saving them, but they know they need to do even more. Maybe being in high school will help?

Since the island is not very far away from the mainland, soon they were nearly at the island. Suddenly, they heard a strange noise. Could it be coming from the many nesting birds on the island?

Determined to work out the mystery, they began to search. To their shock, they discovered a whale that had been trapped in a fishing net. In order to free the poor creature, they repeatedly dived down into the freezing sea to cut the net, but eventually, they were worn out. With a storm rolling in, they had to admit defeat.

As they rowed back, Bruce and Jack discussed what they should do next. They knew they couldn’t leave the whale trapped like that. They had to do something.

Back at home, they told their parents what they had found, and together they came up with a plan. They would raise money to hi re a boat with a bigger engine. They would also ask local businesses and people to donate food for the whale. Then they went door to door in the town, asking for help. Luckily, many local people offered to join them to rescue the trapped whale.


The next day, the storm blew over and the sky cleared.


They stopped the boat not far away from the whale.

【知识点】 人与动植物 生活故事


书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】上周末你和朋友到当地动物求助协会(Animal Rescue Society)参观,请写一篇短文介绍你的此次经历。内容包括:
2022-04-09更新 | 101次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Two years ago, we’d traded our old life in Sydney to sail around the world. Life on the water was extremely happy: we were finally free of the 9-to-5 grind and our two children enjoyed getting to see the world while being home-schooled. But one day, looking at the kittens on the dock at a port in Greece, the kids asked, ”Can we please have a pet?" Guy and I were hesitant at first, but after some thought it made sense that living on a boat would be the best time to welcome an animal into our lives -we would be with it 24/7 and could give it plenty of attention. We decided a dog would be better-suited to sea life.

After doing some research about what it would take to bring a dog back home to Australia as we sailed back, I decided a dachshund (腊肠狗) would make the ideal pet. They were low to the ground, easy to transport, good boat security and loving, intelligent dogs. Guy hadn’t had a little dog before and doubted a little. But my cute photos eventually worked their magic and we headed to a town in Sicily to meet a breeder who had some miniature dachshunds. And the minute we laid eyes on the brown pup, we knew she was the one for us. We called her Pipsqueak-or Pip for short-and welcomed her onto the boat.

The first few days with Pip saw us encounter some rough weather, but she took it all in her stride (从容应对). The kids fell in love with her instantly. Pip was never far from our side, even accompanying us to museums and galleries. Our sails saw us cross the Atlantic Ocean to the United States, and then we decided to sail home to Australia. But when COVID-19 hit, it became complicated: we had to get on a flight quickly as borders around the world were closing fast. Problem was, we couldn’t take Pip. After much discussion, Guy and I decided that we would have to leave her with a friend while we flew home. Handing our dog over was utterly heartbreaking. It’ll only be for a couple of weeks, I told myself.

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But, like most people, we underestimated the situation.


So, on the way to the airport, we stopped at Ikea and bought some hot dogs to be sure she’d come to us.

2023-12-21更新 | 102次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

We moved to our new place, and everything was new and unfamiliar. I didn’t have new friends, so most of the time when I was free at home, I stayed with Socky, my cat and friend. One morning in winter, it was very cold outside and people mainly stayed indoors to keep warm. I called our pregnant (怀孕的) cat to be fed. but she didn’t come. I thought she’d probably found somewhere to have her kitten s and would turn up later. But she didn’t.

When Socky still didn’t come at dinnertime, I anxiously asked my mum, “Where is Socky?” But she didn’t know either. The next day, Socky still didn’t appear and I really started to worry. Socky had kept me company for years, and she was just like my family member.

Socky had given birth to some lovely kittens before. She had a habit of having her kittens in strange places, so first I checked all her hidey-holes where she used to stay but she wasn’t in any of them. I became extremely anxious. What could have happened? “Where are you, dear Socky?” Having waited for hours again, I couldn’t sit still. Thinking over all the possible places where she could shelter herself, I rechecked under the house, then in the garage under and behind old books, every place I could think of, but still no Socky.

After lunch I took some food scraps (剩饭) with me in case I found her, then began searching the back shed, which was huge and filled with cardboard boxes full of junk and empty tea-chests (茶叶箱). After about an hour of moving cardboard boxes from one place to another and back again, I was tired out. I sat down on an upturned tea-chest to have a rest when I heard faint mewing (喵). I put my head up against each of the tea-chests, pressing my ear against the plywood (夹板) so I could catch the faint sounds. I had to move each one carefully before I could look inside.

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Finally, I found Socky and her three tiny kittens.

2024-06-13更新 | 6次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般