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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:15 题号:22952021

When 2023 turned out to be the hottest year in history, it underlined the warnings of some outstanding climate scientists that the pace of global warming was accelerating and had entered a dangerous new phase. A new study, published in Communications Earth & Environment, suggests one reason for such an acceleration: Earth’s skies are getting clearer and letting in more sunshine.

The study was carried out by a set of NASA instruments in space that since 2001 have tracked the delicate balance of energy entering and leaving the planet. Over the past decade, the instruments, called the Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES), have detected a marked rise in the amount of solar energy the planet has absorbed — well beyond the warming expected from rising greenhouse gases. The readings show the planet has become less reflective, as if it recently put on a darker shirt. One reason is a drop in light-reflecting pollution because of power-plant scrubbers (洗涤器) and cleaner fuels, the researchers say. They calculate that cleaner air could account for 40% of the increased energy warming the planet between 2001 and 2019.

Climate scientists have long known that pollution declines can lead to warming: Not only do the pollution particles (微粒), or aerosols, reflect light into space, but they can also increase the number of droplets in clouds, causing them to grow brighter or last longer. Two years ago, the decline of aerosols became detectable on a global scale. But the climate models used in the new study attributed a startling (惊人的) amount of warming to the pollution drop.

However, falling pollution may not be the only reason for the brighter skies detected by CERES, a trend that kicked up after 2015. The models were unable to explain up to 40% of the extra absorbed light, and the CERES data show reflectivity falling in both hemispheres (半球), whereas pollution has fallen the most in the north. Both of those observations suggest other factors might be reducing Earth’s reflectivity. The models in the new study may be overstating the influence of aerosols, says Bjorn Stevens, a climate scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. “If the models are too sensitive to aerosols, as some of us think, it will cause us to look in the wrong direction.”

The new study highlights the important role aerosols will play as Earth continues to warm, and the need to keep models updated, says Tiffany Shaw, a climate dynamicist at the University of Chicago. The skies will only get clearer, with pollution controls in China taking force, and India soon expected to follow. Aerosol declines will also reshape regional weather, with cleaner air leading to a weaker Asian monsoon and increased heat extremes in northern hemisphere.

1. According to the article, which of the following concerning CERES is true?
A.CERES has been keeping track of the delicate balance of energy since the early 20th century.
B.CERES has discovered a noticeable increase in the amount of solar energy absorbed by the planet.
C.CERES has detected that the warming is exactly in line with the rising greenhouse gases.
D.CERES has provided data to fully explain where the extra absorbed light comes from.
2. Which of the following is not the property of the pollution particles?
A.They can throw light to the earth back into space.
B.They can increase the number of clouds in the sky.
C.They can increase the brightness and duration of clouds.
D.They can give rise to more tiny drops of water in clouds.
3. What does Bjorn Stevens think of the new study?
A.The models in the new study are too sensitive.
B.The result of the new study is misleading.
C.The findings of the new study may be unreliable.
D.The new study attaches great importance to the role aerosols will play.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.CERES has figured out the reason for global warming.
B.Aerosol declines will reshape regional weather.
C.Pollution declines are making the earth’s skies clearer.
D.Clearer skies may be accelerating global warming.
【知识点】 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】It may come as a surprise that human beings are not alone in inventing vaccine. Work published in the Journal of Experimental Biology by Gyan Harwood of the University of Illinois, confirms that honeybees got there first.

The scientists discovered in 2015, that queen bees vaccinate their eggs before they are laid. The vaccine is some pieces of proteins from diseasing-causing pathogens. They act as antigens which cause a protective immune response. But it raised the question: how the queen received her antigen? For she is fed purely on royal jelly, a thing produced by nurse bees. Meanwhile, work bees fly out looking for food to feed nurse bees. Dr Harwood therefore wondered if the nurses received the pathogens while eating the food from the outside, and then got them into their royal jelly, as the queen’s food at last.

To find the answer, Dr Harwood collected 150 nurse bees and divided them among six queenless mini boxes equipped with baby bees to look after. They fed the nurses on sugar-water, and for three of the boxes he placed Paenibacillus, a bacterium causing young bees’ death.

In this case, Dr Harwood marked the dead bacteria with a color, to make their footprint easy to track. And, sure enough, microscope confirmed that pieces of Paenibacillus were getting into royal jelly produced by those bees which had been fed with sugar-water, which is thought to help bee develop immune system.

All told, these findings suggest that nurse bees are indeed, via their royal jelly, passing antigens on to the queen for transferring into her eggs. They also mean, because baby bees, too, receive royal jelly for the first few days after the birth, that the nurses are vaccinating the baby bees as well. Each baby bee is therefore being vaccinated twice.

1. What did Dr. Harwood want to prove in Para 2?
A.What causes an immune response.B.Whether the nurses brought in the antigen.
C.Why honeybees have strong immune system.D.How the queen got the antigen.
2. How did Dr Harwood confirm his idea?
A.By tracking the colored bacteria.B.By comparing the boxes.
C.By dividing the nurse bees.D.By feeding sugar water.
3. Where can we find the passage?
A.A business website.B.A lifestyle magazine.
C.A Sci-tech textbook.D.A biology paper.
4. What’s the finding of Dr Harwood?
A.The queen passes antigens through sugar water into their eggs.
B.The nurses also vaccinate the baby bees through royal jelly.
C.The honeybees are the first to invent vaccines in the world.
D.The baby bees are vaccinated by the queen twice.
2022-03-25更新 | 117次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Some big scientific discoveries aren’t actually discovered but borrowed. That’s what happened when scientists discovered proteins from an unlikely lender: green algae(绿藻), whose cells are decorated with proteins that can sense light.

The light-sensing protein promised the power to control neurons(神经元)by providing a way to turn them on and off. Such ability, first noticed in 2002, quickly caught the attention of brain scientists: Nerve cells which were genetically engineered to produce such proteins become light-controlled. A flash of light could cause a quiet neuron to send signals or force an active neuron to fall silent. “This is the light sensor that we needed,” says Zhuo-Hua Pan, a scientist searching for a way to control vision cells in mice’s eyes. The method is now called optogenetics (光遗传学).

In Pan’s lab, light-responsive proteins restored vision in mice with damaged eyesight, a finding that has now led to a medical test on people. Optogenetics’ promise wasn’t clear in early days, as scientists were first learning how to use these proteins in neurons. “At that time, no one expected that this optogenetic work would have such a huge impact,” Pan says.

The algae’s light sensors have been adopted for use in countless brain research fields. Talia, another scientist, uses optogenetics to study connections between cells in the mouse brain. The method allows her to comb the relationships between cells that produce and respond to dopamine(多巴胺), which might help uncover details about motivation and learning.

So far, optogenetics research has taken place mostly in mice. But findings into more complex brains like human brain may soon be confirmed. “We are definitely on the tip of uncovering some fascinating principles of the human brain, such as how the brain transforms signals from the eyes into perceptions,” says Yasmine of Columbia University.

No matter what happens next in this swiftly moving field, one thing is certain: Brain scientists will be forever in the algae’s debt.

1. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.The origin of neurons.B.The discovery of green algae.
C.The varieties of neurons.D.The inspiration from green algae.
2. What can we learn from Pan’s research?
A.Damaged eyesight is likely to be restored.
B.The findings are used to cure brain diseases.
C.Relationships between cells have been found.
D.The light-sensing protein is the key to the brain.
3. What’s Yasmine’s attitude towards the future of her research?
4. Which section is this text most probably taken from?
2023-07-17更新 | 289次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】A new international study shows that some people's biological clock plays a powerful role for their life expectancy, regardless of lifestyle choices.

Published in the latest issue of Aging on Wednesday, the study has found the most definitive evidence to explain why some people keep healthy lifestyle but die younger than others.

Geneticist Steve Horvath from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), led a team of 65 scientists around the world to record age-related changes to human DNA, analyse blood samples collected from 13, 000 people and estimate their lifespan.

A higher biological age, regardless of actual age, consistently predicts an earlier death, the study says.

“You get people who are vegan, sleep 10 hours a day, have a low-stress job, and still end up dying young,” Horvath said in a statement.“We have shown some people have a faster innate aging rate.”

The findings discovered that 5 percent of the population ages at a faster biological rate, which translated to a roughly 50 percent higher than average risk of death at any age.

“The great hope is that we find anti-aging interventions that would slow your innate aging rate,” Horvath said, adding that “this is an important milestone to realizing this dream.”

1. Some people keep healthy lifestyle but die younger than others because.
A.their biological clock is not powerful enough
B.the most definitive evidence has been found
C.they have a higher actual age than others
D.they ages at a relatively faster biological rate
2. How was the study conducted?
A.By collecting and analyzing dataB.By interviewing lots of people
C.By researching previous studiesD.By studying different lifestyles
3. According to the study, it can be inferred that.
A.people who keep healthy lifestyle tend to live longer
B.people's lifespan can be predicted by their age
C.5 percent of people are believed to have a faster innate aging rate
D.anti-aging interventions have proved to slow the innate aging rate
4. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.We all should keep healthy lifestyle
B.Geneticist finds anti-aging interventions
C.Biological clock predicts life expectancy
D.Horvath builds an important milestone
2018-09-17更新 | 16次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般