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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:793 题号:331467
Stopping teens from smoking is a big challenge many communities face today. Many communities can only watch without being able to act while local businesses continue to sell tobacco products to children, even under the risk of punishment by law.
Recent studies show that a large percentage of teens today are getting their cigarettes from stores, mostly gas stations or convenience stores. As teens continue to be able to buy their own cigarettes, more and more communities begin to punish those who sell cigarettes to the teens.
One community has experienced success in their attempts to stop the sale of tobacco products to children. Woodridge, Illinois, started a program seven years ago which forbade and strictly punished the sale of tobacco products to children. The entire program includes local licensing of vendors (小贩), repeated undercover inspections to see if the sale to children has stopped, and education programs in schools. Woodridge has become a model community as other communities are moving to stop teen tobacco use.
A recent national study showed that 36.5% of females, and 40.8% of males buy their cigarettes from stores, whether it is a gas station or a supermarket. Hopefully, as more and more sellers see the trouble they face if caught selling to children, they will stop selling.
True, tightening down on stores that sell tobacco to children isn’t going to completely stop the problem of teen tobacco use. Teens continue to get them from other sources. But it definitely does prevent their efforts. With more education in schools, and perhaps stronger punishments for teens caught with tobacco, more and more teens will see the problems with the tobacco usage, and will stop the habit.
1. To stop teens from smoking, more and more communities are ________.
A.punishing those who sell cigarettes to teens more severely
B.punishing teens caught with tobacco more severely
C.educating those who sell cigarettes about the danger of teen smoking
D.stopping the sale of tobacco products in stores
2. Which of the following is NOT a way Woodridge uses to stop tobacco sale to children?
A.Local licensing to tobacco sale.B.Repeated undercover inspections.
C.Education programs in schools.D.Stronger punishment of teens caught smoking.
3. It can be inferred from the passage that _____________.
A.teens can only buy cigarettes from gas stations and convenience stores
B.more communities have succeeded in stopping teen tobacco use
C.More males than females have the habit of smoking in America
D.Punishment alone cannot solve the problem of teen tobacco use
4. What attitude does the writer have towards stopping teen tobacco abuse?
9-10高二下·江苏泰州·期末 查看更多[2]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In mammals,loud calls usually serve as alarm signals that warn fellow species of an enemy or other danger. On the other hand, screams from humans can have very different meanings, as Swiss researchers now report in the journal “PLoS Biology”. Human’s screams are not always only associated with negative emotions such as fear, pain, anger and grief, but also positive emotions such as joy and pleasure.

Sascha Frühholz and his colleagues from the University of Zurich studied how many types of human screams there are, how accurately test subjects can distinguish them, and which brain regions are involved in processing such sound signals. To do this,they first made sound recordings of different screams. Twelve men and women were to put themselves in situations where they reacted with a brief scream. The predetermined situations included, for example: an attack by an armed stranger,celebration about a sporting victory of their favorite team, the threat of an opponent(对手).

From the recordings, the researchers finally selected 420 screams. From this, they identified six distinct categories of screams, including three of alarming characters (cries of pain, anger, and fear) and three non-alarming screams (as expressions of great pleasure, extreme joy, and desperate sadness). Contrary to all expectations, the subjects reacted to non-alarming screams more quickly and recognized the emotion expressed with it more reliably than with alarming screams. This was also confirmed by images of the brain using functional magnetic resonance imaging(FMRI).

Until now, researchers assumed that humans also detect and process perceived alarm signals particularly quickly in the form of screams, as this is an important survival mechanism(生存机制), says Frühholz. But unlike monkeys and other mammals, non-alarming screams would have become more important for communication. “This changed priority is probably due to needs that have evolved in the evolution of complex human social relationships.”

1. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Human’s expressions.
B.A research on screams.
C.A survival mechanism.
D.Mammals’ alarm signals.
2. Which expression can be reacted to more quickly?
A.Cries of pain.B.Anger.
C.Fear.D.Desperate sadness.
3. What does “This changed priority” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.All-mammals are more sensitive to alarming screams.。
B.All humans survive owing to quicker reaction to screams.
C.Non-alarming screams are more useful for human communication.
D.Alarming screams are more important than non-alarming screams.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To spread and advocate.B.To argue and discuss.
C.To recommend and introduce.D.To compare and inform.
2023-01-20更新 | 95次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】From the roar of a crowd to the quiet of a library, sound and silence might seem like polar opposites. However, according to a new research, our brains perceive them in the same way. Silence may not be a sound, but scientists say we can truly hear it.

In this new study, researchers examined how people experience silence using well-known auditory illusions (错觉). The illusions are meant to test the perception of noise, but for the study, the team adapted them to measure people’s response to silence, instead.

“If you can get the same illusions with silences as you get with sounds, then that may be obvious that we literally hear silence after all.” Chaz Firestone, a co-author of the study and cognitive scientist at Johns Hopkins University, says in a statement.

In the study, participants were tricked by these “silence illusions” in a similar way to how people are typically fooled by the sound versions of the experiments.

The researchers prepared seven experiments and tested them on 1,000 study participants. In one experiment, researchers played a recording that sounded like background noise in a crowded place. In the first half of the recording, the background noise was interrupted by two separate periods of silence. In the second half, one continuous period of silence was inserted (嵌入). Researchers asked participants which silence felt longer- the combination of the first two periods of silence, or the second uninterrupted one. Most participants thought the continuous silence was longer, but it was actually the same length as the two shorter silences combined.

These results were consistent with previous research that examined auditory illusions, which used two separate sounds and one continuous sound. With that illusion, people also perceived the continuous sound as longer than the two separate ones together.

Similar findings across the seven experiments suggested that humans experience silence and sound in much the same way: They can distort (扭曲) our perception of time.

1. Why did researchers use auditory illusions in the new study?
A.To help people perceive sounds.B.To test people’s adaptability to noise.
C.To measure how people respond to silence.D.To remind people to be quiet in the library.
2. What can we infer from paragraph 5?
A.Illusions of silence fool people’s brains.
B.The three periods of silence are of the same length.
C.Sound is usually difficult for people to perceive.
D.Participants chose a recording and played it.
3. Where is this text most likely from?
A.A diary.B.A journal.C.A novel.D.A guidebook.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.We can truly hear silence like a sound.
B.Sound and silence are actually the same.
C.Auditory illusions affect our perception ability.
D.Our brain has the ability to perceive sound and silence.
2023-09-18更新 | 360次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Wildfires are a major source of air pollution. They are also predicted to worsen as climate change progresses.

Within the smoke particles produced by these fires is a wide range of organic chemical compounds known as “brown carbon”. Brown carbon absorbs sunlight, and in doing so, contributes to global warming.

Over time, the brown carbon is bleached by chemical reactions with oxidants (氧化剂) in the atmosphere (such as ozone) and becomes white. This means that it stops absorbing light and stops warming Earth.

This bleaching process is heavily dependent on atmospheric conditions, which vary across regions. The longer it takes for brown carbon to become white, the greater an impact it can have on the environment.

As atmospheric chemists living in a region frequently polluted by wildfire smoke, we wanted to know more about these effects.

Aerosols are microscopic liquid and solid particles (微粒) suspended in the atmosphere. They’re smaller than the width of a human hair, but are still made up of many molecules. Aerosol particles are everywhere and have a large effect on both health and the climate. When aerosol particles interact with light, a portion of the light is absorbed but the rest reflects and scatters off of the particles.

For most types of aerosol particles, the amount of light being absorbed is negligible. That means a lot of the light reflects back to space. Through this mechanism, some of the pollution we create actually masks the full impact of greenhouse gases.

Some aerosol particles, however, are coloured, which means they are absorbing some light. Any light from the sun that is absorbed instead of getting reflected back into space is converted into heat and warms the planet.

Aerosol particles from smoke contain brown carbon. The various molecules that make up brown carbon are similar to some organic dyes (染料), overall giving it a characteristic brown colour. However, when ozone in the atmosphere reacts with brown carbon, it can transform it into new colourless molecules that do not warm the earth.

1. Which of following can make brown carbon less harmful?
A.The constantly spreading wildfires.
B.The worsening climate change.
C.The chemical reactions with ozone.
D.The slowly bleaching process.
2. What do we know about aerosol particles?
A.They reflect most of the light.
B.They equal a human hair in width.
C.They affect our health in a large scale.
D.They expand the impact of greenhouse gases.
3. What does the underlined word “negligible” in Paragraph 7 probably mean?
4. What may be the possible solution to the harm of wildfires?
A.Adding some dyes to smoke.
B.Making the smoke colorless.
C.Absorbing light from the sun.
D.Transforming particles into molecules.
2022-12-20更新 | 82次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般