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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:60 题号:3410189
People in their sixties should go to university to retrain because they will be expected to work for longer before retirement, the Government has suggested.
Older workers who take courses to keep their skills up-­to-­date will be more likely to keep their jobs, claims David Willetts, the higher education minister. He said the age limit on student loans to cover tuition fees had been lifted, making a degree course “great value” for older people. His comments followed a government report which found that the country's future economic success would depend on the skills and contributions of older workers.
One in four people will be older than 65 by 2033 and economists have warned thatthe ageing population will place a heavy burden on taxpayers unless more people work for longer. The state pension age is to rise to 67 by 2028. Ministers have warned that they have no idea when younger workers in their thirties will be able to retire.
Mr Willetts, who is accompanying David Cameron in India, urged workers older
than 60 to give further education serious consideration.“There is certainly a
pressure for continuing to get retrained and upskilled,”he said.“Higher education has an economic benefit in that if you stay up-­to­-date with knowledge and skills you will be more employable.”
Mr Willetts said a university course had “wider” benefits, making people more likely to lead healthy lives.“Education is such a good thing that it is not reserved for only younger people,” he said.“ There will be people of all ages who will want to study. There is great value in lifelong learning.” Under previous rules, students in England would get a loan to cover tuition fees only if they were younger than 54.
Latest figures showed that only 1,940 undergraduates starting courses last year were older than 60, out of a total of 552,240 students in Britain. Some 6,455 were aged between 50 and 60, according to the Higher Education Statistics Agency.
1. We can learn from Paragraphs 1 & 2 that older workers ________.
A.have no chance to get a loan to cover tuition fees
B.may hold back the country's future economic success
C.are encouraged to go back to university and retrain
D.should be retrained after retirement
2. According to the passage, a person who is over ________ years old can draw a
pension in 2028 in Britain.
3. What does Mr Willetts think of education?
A.People of all ages can receive different education.
B.There is no need for workers older than 60 to receive further education.
C.University courses have nothing to do with a healthy life.
D.Education is only provided for younger people.
4. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Britain: entering the ageing state
B.Over­60s are told: go back to university and retrain
C.The situation of education in Britain
D.The system of pension in Britain
【知识点】 说明文 劳工就业


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It seems no one can really agree on the question of “What’s so funny?” So imagine trying to teach a robot how to laugh. But that’s exactly what a team of researchers at Kyoto University in Japan are trying to design an AI that takes its cues through a shared laughter system. The scientists describe their innovative approach to building a funny bone for the Japanese android ‘Erica’ in the latest issue of the journal Frontiers in Robotics and AI.

“We think that one of the important functions of conversational AI is empathy(移情,共鸣),”explained lead author Dr Koji Inoue, an assistant professor at Kyoto University in the Department of Intelligence Science and Technology within the Graduate School of Informatics. “One way a robot can empathize with users is to share their laughter.”

In the shared-laughter model, a human initially laughs and the Al system responds with laughter as an empathetic response. This approach required designing three subsystems-one to detect laughter, a second to decide whether to laugh, and a third to choose the type of appropriate laughter. The type of laughter is also important, because in some cases a polite chuckle may be more appropriate than a loud snort of laughter.

The team tested Erica’s new sense of humor by creating four different short dialogues between a person and Erica with her new shared-laughter system. Then they asked more than 130 people in total to listen to each dialogue within the three different conditions- shared-laughter system, no laughter, all laughter- and evaluated the interactions based on human-likeness, naturalness and understanding. The shared-laughter system performed better than either baseline.

“Robots should actually have a distinct character, and we think that they can show this through their conversational behaviors, such as laughing, eye gaze, gestures and speaking style,” Inoue added. “We do not think this is an easy problem at all, and it may well take more than 10 to 20 years before we can finally have a casual chat with a robot like we would with a friend.”

1. What’s the purpose of raising the question “What’s so funny” at the beginning?
A.To show opinions on funny things.
B.To encourage readers to share their ideas.
C.To stress the difficulty of teaching a robot to laugh.
D.To emphasize the importance of being funny.
2. Which of the following explains the underlined phrase “the funny bone” in paragraph 1?
A.The sense of humor
B.The shared-laughter system
C.The speaking style
D.The distinct character
3. What is NOT needed in the research of the shared-laughter system?
A.Designing the subsystem to decide whether to laugh.
B.Assessing the interactions based on emotions.
C.Creating brief conversations between a human and Erica.
D.Asking people to listen to the previously created dialogues.
4. What is Inoue’s attitude towards conversational AI?
2022-11-14更新 | 123次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Why can’t penguins fly?

Even the very smallest penguin,the fairy penguin,weighs 1 kg,which is about as much as a herring gull (银鸥). But herring gulls have a 1.4-meterwingspan,compared with just 32 centimeters for the fairy penguin. Water is 784 times denser (密度较大的) than air,and around 62 million years ago,penguins began making adaptations for swimming underwater. Their bones are filled with heavy bone marrow (骨髓)rather than air and they have much larger stomachs for making long fishing trips away from the nest.

How do squirrels find buried nuts?

It was once thought that they just used their noses to sniff out buried nuts and that the majority were never actually located. But a study at Princeton University showed that squirrels actually have a good memory and can build a map of the route from one hidden nut to the next.

Why don’t horses have toes?

Early horses such as Hyracotherium, which lived 55 million years ago, did have toes, but they were much smaller animals. For taller animals, extra weight at the end of their legs has a much bigger influence on their speed. A recent study at Harvard University, the USA, found that one broad hoof (蹄) is almost as strong as many smaller toes, but much lighter.

Do animals have blood types?

Yes, they do! As long as the animals in question have blood (not all do)then they will have species-specific “blood groups”. As with humans, these groups are determined by the structure of the blood based on the presence or absence of antibodies along with the make-up of the proteins that sit on the outside of red blood cells.

Humans are usually one of four main blood types. Thirteen types have been identified for dogs, eight for horses and three for cats.

1. Why can’t penguins fly?
A.Because of their physical characteristics.B.Because of their poor adaptation.
C.Because of their habits of swimming.D.Because of their changing environment.
2. How many blood types do horses have?
3. What can we infer from this text?
A.Squirrels find buried nuts by chance.B.Horses are stronger without hooves.
C.All animals have their blood types.D.An animal is a book with secrets.
4. What could be the best title for this text?
A.Questions you may be interested inB.Questions on the animal kingdom
C.Secrets to discover in natureD.Knowledge around you
2022-05-17更新 | 41次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Some people never read any books again and feel that since they already know the outcome, there is nothing to be gained by rereading. I have to dissent.

I am reminded of a professor in college, who always had us read our assignments twice. “The first time, read fast and for fun,” he said. “The second time, look for delicate distinctions and small differences in meaning.” His suggestion works great for me.

When I have a new book, I read fast, eager to discover the resolution. Then if I like the book, I will read it again. Not right away, but a few months later, possibly on a rainy Sunday afternoon, I will grab the book and settle down to discover the small details. I will read more slowly the second time, appreciating the descriptions and looking forward to my favorite sections, enjoying the anticipation. Knowing those favorite passages are coming does not spoil anything. I’m looking forward to revisiting those treasured places in the book. Knowing they are coming heightens my enjoyment.

Rereading a book gives me a chance to appreciate the small things an author integrates into her story. A turn of a character’s head, a thought in the night, a sigh, these are the things that give insights into a book and the characters. I love dissecting (剖析) a story the second time around, looking for clues that give the tale a deep meaning. Reading is like revisiting a friend, familiar, yet always with something more inside.

What have I been reading lately? The Merlin Trilogy by Mary Stewart. These books rank among my all-time favorite rereads. Set in Britain in roughly the second half of the 5th century CE, they were Mary Stewart’s take on the familiar King Arthur stories. If you are unfamiliar with them, I highly recommend all three books, especially if you love fantasy and historical fiction.

1. What does the underlined word “descent” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. According to the author’s professor, what should one do during the second reading?
A.Look for assignment clues.B.Pay attention to the finer details.
C.Stick to the most interesting sections.D.Skip some parts to get to the end fast.
3. What does the author enjoy about rereading a book?
A.Visiting the places mentioned in the book.B.Discovering the resolution of the story quickly.
C.Finding out the lessons learned by the characters.D.Appreciating the writer’s storytelling techniques.
4. What is The Merlin Trilogy?
A.The author’s new favorites.B.A series of science-fiction novels.
C.Books based on ancient British stories.D.Mary Stewart’s successful adaptations.
2024-05-20更新 | 73次组卷
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