组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:279 题号:3466951

I come to the United States ten year ago. I would always say that I was trying to study, but there were always things like work and my kids that would not allow me to start.

Now I realized that those were only excuses. What stopped me was that I was afraid to start studying again. I always believed I would learn by myself.

One day, however, my son told me that he was sad because his friends would come over and I didn’t understand them because I didn’t speak English. He was also sad because I could never help him with his homework. That same day, I told myself, “Rocio, you have to start believing in yourself and you will see you can make it.”

The next day, I went downtown to look for a big banner (横幅) in front of the school which said that they offered classes for adults. I came in to see if I could join, but the classes were closed already. That night I took the kids to the movies, and on the way back, I told them we would take a new route. I ended up getting lost. That’s the way I found Chaffey College. The following Monday, I went to ask for information. They told me that summer school was starting that week.

That’s how I started studying English last summer. It is difficult, but I have had great rewards. My daughter had to write a story for school. It was about the female they most admired and why . She wrote that I was the person she most admired because I had started going to College. I will never forget this.

1. According to the passage, the author probably is a             .
2. What made the author make up her mind to study English?
A.What her son said.
B.What her daughter said.
C.Thinking about herself.
D.Thinking about her daughter.
3. How did they find Chaffey College?
A.On the way to the movies.
B.They took a new route and got lost.
C.Ask a stranger for information.
D.According to the banner.
4. Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The author came to the United States from another country.
B.The author had two children at least including one daughter.
C.What really changed the author’s life was she believed in herself.
D.The author wrote that she was the person her son most admired.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】People say teenagers are no good. They make too much noise in shopping malls; they drive recklessly(不顾一切地) up and down America’s main streets; they carry chips on their shoulders as big as the Sears Tower. And at least some of the time those things are true. But we shouldn’t forget that there are hard moments in the life of a teenager too.
I watched such a moment not long ago at a woman’s funeral. I didn’t expect the event to affect me. Through much of the ceremony, in fact, I remained unmoved.
The teenage grandson stepped forward. With his very first deep breath, every heart in that church was achingly reminded of something we had all forgotten. Softly he began: “I want to share a few values that Nana taught me. She never failed to see light in any situation. When our family dog would truely attract her, what would Nana say? ‘oh, what beautiful barking that dog has!’ That was Nana. ”
“She was a strong woman who often lived in the shadow of my grandpa, who was a successful businessman in this city. But she was the one behind the scenes who provided the strength and support for my grandpa’s career,” he said, with a voice now trembling, “That was Nana’s way.”
Through a low sob, he continued, “Whenever she did anything worth recognition, you’d have to hear about it from a different source, because she was never one to show off.”
Finally, in a voice breaking free of sorrow, he looked up and said, “Nana taught me courage. She put up an incredible fight to the end, when she died peacefully, which is how she lived her life. That was Nana’s way, and I hope I can carry on in the same manner.”
There are no hearts as sensitive as those of teenagers, because everything is happening to them for the first time. The trouble with teenagers is that they haven’t learned to be controlled.
When that boy rose to speak about the woman who surely had been his truest and dearest friend, his honest voice dragged each of us out into the open where we could no longer hide in the calm ceremony. He exposed us to the truth about this very real woman who believed in a boy who probably tried the patience of many adults. He reminded us that his grandmother was more than another dot on the chart of life and death.
All over again we felt those powerful losses crossing our own hearts, and we knew that when you say good-bye to something happy, something young in yourself. And that something never really returns, and the pain never really goes away.
1. In the first paragraph, the writer gave some examples to ________.
A.support his idea that young people are no good.
B.introduce his point of view about young people.
C.tell people every coin has its two sides.
D.young people often make mistakes.
2. From the boy’s speech, we know ________.
A.his grandmother had great influence on him
B.they had a dog which often attacked people
C.people had forgotten her until the boy appeared
D.his grandmother was so weak that she is always living in the shadow of his grandpa
3. Which of the following statements is true?
A.The boy’s speech moved no one present at the funeral except the writer.
B.The boy’s being good at expressing himself enabled him to draw everyone’s attention.
C.The boy was too grieved to accept the fact that his grandmother had passed away.
D.The writer didn’t expect the event would affect him.
4. What words can best describe grandmother’s quality?
A.Weak, mild and modest.
B.Easygoing, cautious and considerate.
C.Sensitive and hard on others.
D.Patient, optimistic, strong and helpful.
5. The passage tells the readers ________.
A.facing certain bitter facts help young people to grow
B.young people have to control themselves
C.the adults should learn from the young
D.the adults should teach the young how to be brave
2011-03-09更新 | 997次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约740词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】My father and I have been separated for over two years. He was physically violent and emotionally abusive to me throughout my childhood, and I felt that I couldn’t forgive him. And yet, now he is dying, unconscious and struggling to breathe through an oxygen tube after a major stroke, all I can think of is how much he loved me.

How he would hold my fringe (刘海) back and kiss me on the forehead before school. How he bought me a pottery set and roller skates, although we were struggling by on just his salary, and allowed me to skate to school. How he would play chess and tennis with me, and take me to endless chess and tennis tournaments, even though I never won anything. How he would read the Guardian every day and fill in the quick crossword, but leave a few clues and praise me if I solved them. He kept every one of my Guardian columns, and every article I ever had published, even during our many estranged (疏远) periods. He gave me a lot of his savings to buy a flat after I became a single mum. And he set my date of birth as the passcode on his phone.

Yet I’m ashamed to say I blamed him, often, for everything: my anorexia (厌食症), my cutting, my anxiety, my depression... He was there during the tough times, yet all I could think was that the tough times happened because of him, forgetting that the causes of events are complex, and that plenty of people who had happy childhoods have to deal with mental illness and domestic violence too.

I even stopped him from seeing my daughter, then three, the thing that brought him most happiness, because I was scared he would hurt her, and that her life would be like mine. That decision would mean he never spoke to me again.

When we spent time together in previous years, my father hugged me a lot yet never talked much. Born in 1930s America during the Depression, he was a man of few words, a silent romantic who signed his empty Valentine’s cards to my mother with only his first initial. I know he thought I talked too much; ironically, I never told him what I needed to. Knowing he was old, I tried to get back in touch several times to make things right, but my mother said he didn’t want to hear from me. I understand that. Why would he want to hear from the daughter who was never able to forgive him for his mistakes; who brought them up time after time, unable to accept his apologies? Who prevented him from seeing his granddaughter? Who scolded him for his faults, yet never acknowledged his numerous kindnesses?

It’s much too late now. When I sit by his hospital bed and hold his large wrinkled hand, far too warm, and ask him to squeeze it if he can hear me, he doesn’t. So I tell him a few of the things I should have told him when he was conscious, though it’s hard to say the words: that I love him very much, and that I’m sorry about the estrangement. And it reminds me of what I’ve known for a long time: that my dad didn’t know how to be a father to me when I was young, because his father was abusive to him as a child. His father died estranged from his son; my father is dying estranged from his daughter.

I never thought that I’d feel this broken at losing him. I fantasise that his eyes will open, and that he will be conscious again for just a few days. I will give him a letter thanking him for all the things I have remembered while writing this piece, and apologizing for all the ways I have wronged him. And when I deliver the letter, I will bring my five-year-old daughter with me, so he can see her happiness and sweetness, and learn that the chain of hurt that has been passed down from generation to generation has finally been broken.

1. The separation between Father and the daughter is mainly caused by ______.
A.Father’s cruelty towards the daughter
B.Father’s irresponsibility for the family
C.the daughter’s protection of her kid from harm
D.the daughter’s misunderstanding of her father
2. Father rejected his daughter’s offer to get in touch with him because ______.
A.he was too ashamed to face his daughter
B.he couldn’t support his daughter any more
C.he couldn’t pardon his daughter’s ignorance
D.he was content to live away from his daughter
3. The author’s father can be described as ______.
A.generous, cold and stubbornB.strict, caring and stubborn
C.generous, strict and inconsiderateD.caring, cold and inconsiderate
4. What message does the author want to convey in the underlined part?
A.The granddaughter will break the family chain to live freely.
B.The previous way of family education will no longer continue.
C.There will be no restriction in the family from that moment on.
D.Father will leave the world without any regrets and sufferings.
5. What might be the best title of the passage?
A.East or west, home is bestB.A good medicine tastes bitter
C.It’s no use crying over spilt milkD.Where there is life, there is hope
2017-05-22更新 | 196次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Three weeks ago, we were living paycheck to paycheck. We survived on my husband’s low-paid job and my disability. We have kids. Also, I was experiencing a terrible tumor (肿瘤)on my neck, leaving me staying in bed in extreme pain, but the operation was to be $8,000, out of pocket, because Medicare only covers 80%.

To take me to the hospital, my husband took a day off work. At 7 am, his boss called. He was being placed on paid leaving, waiting for an investigation into a mistake he had made at work.

We both panicked. Having slowly worked our way out of poverty (贫穷) for 8 years, we were so close to being OK and it was ail falling away. As my husband was a great worker, we decided to stay positive and hope for the best. However, two days later he received the official phone call-he was fired.

Having no savings to pay bills, we cried hopelessly. We went to the welfare office only to be told that he couldn’t collect unemployment for 8 weeks, meaning he had the possibility of having $0 income for two months. It was terrifying.

With only enough food to last for about a week, we applied for food stamps and Medicaid. Then we worked together- diving into job applications. After sending out resumes (简历)to everywhere in the field, he came across some promising companies. We kept our fingers crossed. Hopefully, we could get out of trouble as early as possible.

Soon I got a phone call-my neck operation was going to be free now that we were poor again. And my husband got an email invitation for a video interview and it went great. He would be paid $3 more an hour than his last job. What a roller coaster ride!

1. What was the family like before the husband got fired?
A.They showed little concern for each other.
B.They lived in an extremely poor area.
C.They could hardly make ends meet.
D.They led a rich and comfortable life.
2. Why did the boss call the husband?
A.To ask him about the truth.B.To tell him about a decision.
C.To persuade him to quit his job.D.To warn him to mind his work attitude.
3. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 most probably mean?
A.We were uncertain about our future.B.We waited hopelessly.
C.We felt more and more nervous.D.We wished ourselves good luck
4. What life lesson has the author learned from her experience?
A.Many hands make light work.
B.Actions speak louder than words.
C.When one door shuts, another opens.
D.One false step makes a great difference.
2020-06-10更新 | 167次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般