组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:259 题号:4625168

Tom goes everywhere with Catherine Green, a 54-year-old secretary. He moves around her office at work and goes shopping with her. "Most people don't seem to mind Tom," says Catherine, who thinks he is wonderful. "He's my fourth child," she says. She may think of him and treat him that way as her son, buying his food, paying his health bills and his taxes, but in fact Tom is a dog.

Catherine and Tom live in Sweden, a country where everyone is expected to lead an orderly life according to rules laid down by the government, which also provides a high level of care for its people. This level of care costs money.

People in Sweden pay taxes on everything, so aren't surprised to find that owning a dog means yet more taxes. Some people are paying as much as 500 Swedish kronor in taxes a year for the right to keep their dog, money that is spent by the government on dog hospitals and sometimes medical treatment for a dog that falls ill. However, most such treatment is expensive, so owners often decide to offer health and even life premium for their dog.

In Sweden dog owners must pay for any damage their dog does. A Swedish Kennel Club official explains what this means: if your dog runs out on the road and gets hit by a passing car you, as the owner, have to pay for any damage done to the car, even if your dog has been killed in the accident.

1. The money paid as dog taxes is used to            .
A.provide medical care for dogs
B.pay for damage done by dogs
C.keep a high level of care for the people
D.buy insurance for dog owners
2. The underlined world "premium" possibly means            .
A.entertainment expenseB.medical check
C.payment for risksD.protection fee
3. If a dog causes a car accident and gets killed, who should pay for the damage done to the car?
A.The government.
B.The owner of the car.
C.The insurance company.
D.The owner of the dog.
4. From the text it can be inferred that in Sweden            .
A.people care much about dogs
B.keeping dogs means asking for trouble
C.many car accidents are caused by dogs
D.dogs are welcome in public places
【知识点】 人与动植物 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】The Arctic is a polar region. It surrounds the North Pole.

Like Antarctica, the Arctic is a land of ice and snow. Antarctica holds the record for a low temperature reading -125 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. Reading of 85 degrees below zero is common in Antarctica. Winter temperatures average 30 degrees below zero in the Arctic. At the South Pole the winter average is about 73 degrees below zero.

One thing alone makes it almost impossible for men to live in Antarctica and in parts of the Arctic. This one thing is the low temperature — the killing chill of far North and the polar South.

To survive, men must wear the warmest possible clothing. They must build windproof shelters. They must keep heaters going at all times. Not even for a moment can they be unprotected against the below­zero temperatures.

Men have a way of providing for themselves. Polar explorers wrap themselves in warm coats and furs. The cold makes life difficult. But the explorers can stay alive.

What about animals? Can they survive? Do we find plants? Do we find life in the Arctic and in Antarctica? Yes, we do. There is life in the oceans. There is life on land.

Antarctica, as we have seen, is a cold place indeed. But this has not always been the case. Expedition (探险) scientists have discovered that Antarctica has not always been a frozen continent. At one time the weather in Antarctica may have been much like our own.

Explorers have discovered coal in Antarctica. This leads them to believe that Antarctica at one time was a land of swamps and forests. Heat and moisture must have kept the trees in the forests alive.

1. The lowest temperature that man has ever known was recorded ________.
A.in AntarcticaB.in the Arctic
C.at the North PoleD.in the polar region
2. The main reason why it is almost impossible for men to live in the Arctic and Antarctica is that ________.
A.they are frozen
B.they are wasted
C.there are no life there
D.they are extremely cold
3. Polar explorers can stay alive there because they ________.
A.stay inside the building there
B.have their own way to keep warm
C.are stronger than other people
D.have no heaters and windproof shelters
4. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.The Arctic is colder than Antarctica.
B.The history of the Arctic and Antarctica.
C.The discovery in the Arctic and Antarctica.
D.The environmental features in polar regions.
2018-09-09更新 | 111次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Modern humans have only been around for some 300,000 years. That's just a flash in earth history. Still, we've left our mark on the planet, We've changed Earth's terrain(地形)and its chemistry. We've also affected the diversity, abundance and biomass(生物量)of many other species.

For example, between 15,000 and 10,000 years ago, half of Earth's large mammal(哺乳动物)species died out. Human activities, such as hunting or destroying habitats, seem to have largely driven that extinction. That's what a 2014 study concluded, at least. It is estimated that over humanity's history, 90 percent of animal biomass has disappeared.

The plant kingdom has taken a similar hit. Its mass has declined by half since humans began wandering the planet. Today, 43 percent of Earth's trees grow in the tropics. But human-caused climate change has been warming the high latitudes faster than the rest of the planet. As a result, more plants can move in and grow there. However, climate change and the cutting down of greenery at tropical sites have made some of those sites drier. So even if more land is warm enough to support trees, the total biomass of trees will fall.

By 2050,earth may host 9.7 billion people. Our human biomass by then still won't outweigh bacteria. But the balance of animals and plants may continue to shift so that we'll have even more livestock and crops and even less wildlife. This means the variety of life on Earth will decline. And that can be bad for the health of habitats.

Biomass studies such as these are one way to project what the future may look like, and how quickly major changes in species or ecosystems may occur. They also help us understand the role people are playing in these changes. That could help us learn what organisms(big or small)most need protecting.

1. What contributed to the distinction of many large mammal species?
A.Human activities.B.Lack of foodC.Natural disasters.D.Poor adaptation.
2. What percentage of plants have disappeared since humans wandered on the planet?
3. What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?
A.Earth will be too crowded by 2050.B.Bacteria will take over the world.
C.Wildlife habitats will be protected.D.Species will continue to die out.
4. In which part of the internet does this text probably come from?
2021-12-17更新 | 128次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】When you take a walk in any city, you often see a lot of people walking dogs. It is still true that a dog is the most useful and faithful animal in the world, but the reason why people keep a dog has changed. In the old days people used to train dogs to protect themselves against attacks by other beasts. Later they came to realize that a dog was not only useful for protection but willing to obey his master. For example, when people used dogs for hunting, the dogs would not eat what was caught without permission.

These days people in the city need not protect themselves against attacks from animals. Why do they keep dogs, then? Some people keep dogs to protect themselves from robbery. But the most important reason is for companionship. For a child, a dog is a best friend when there are no friends to play with. For young couples, a dog is their child when they have no children. For old couples, a dog is also their child when their natural children have grown up. So the main reason why people keep dogs has changed from protection to friendship.

1. According to the passage, in the old days people trained dogs ______ .
A.for protection against robberyB.just for fun
C.for companionshipD.for protection against other animals
2. The word “companionship” may mean ______ .
A.nativeB.adviceC.friendly relationshipD.usage
3. The dogs were used for hunting because ______ .
A.they were good huntersB.they obeyed their masters
C.they were useful for protectionD.they did not eat other animals
4. The most important reason for people to keep dogs now is they ______ .
A.need companionB.like childrenC.enjoy hunting D.want to protect themselves
5. We can infer from the passage that ______ .
A.dogs can be helpful to those who need companyB.city people always feel lonely
C.dogs can be boringD.the city can be a very dangerous place
2016-11-26更新 | 313次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般