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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:82 题号:5120041

Spain Environmental Project

Full Description
Greenheart Travel? Casita Verde (Green House) is an incredible eco-center situated in a beautiful valley near the village of San Jose, Ibiza. This great Mediterranean island is renowned for its rich culture and incredible scenery. Casita Verde is considered an experiential eco-education center, and showcases the best practices for sustainable living and alternative energies. The center includes almost 14 acres of working farm land created to demonstrate ecological development powered by wind and sun energy.
How You Will Make a Difference:
—Maintain and improve the farm facilities

—Install an alternative energy system

—Promote environmental awareness among visitors

—Cook delicious, organic meals for visitors

—Learn farming that emphasizes the use of renewable natural resources and the enrichment of local ecosystem

Assist with Sunday community visit/meals

Dates: Flexible dates available

Duration: 1 to 12 weeks

Cost Details: fee includes: housing, fool, medical insurance, in-country staff support, pre-departure orienta-tion, in-country orientation, 24-hour emergency contact

A Great Opportunity for: Teens/Professionals

Skills Needed/Experience

Participants should have an active interest in environmental studies/ecology, and strong desire to contribute to the international effort to protect the environment. Those who are interested in it must have extensive hands-on conservation experience and be willing to live rustically(淳朴地)in an alternative community. Some knowledge of Spanish is helpful but not required.

1. What do we know about Casita Verde?
A.It covers about 14 acres in size.
B.It is powered by renewable resources.
C.It is the center of a beautiful valley.
D.It develops its unique culture.
2. What can you do in Casita Verde?
A.Teach visitors how to grow organic plants.
B.Help the local promote environmental awareness.
C.Prepare organic meals for visitors on Sunday.
D.Make research into an alternative energy system.
3. Who are the intended readers of the text?
【知识点】 科普知识


阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Many animals depend upon sound to find food, detect predators and communicate with one another. These species understandably suffer when loud motorways cut through their habitats. Some deal with this problem by singing more loudly, some change the timing of their calls to occur when fewer people are driving, others just move to quieter places.

It has always been assumed that noise is a problem unique to animals. But a new study by Ali Akbar Ghotbi-Ravandi, a botanist at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, has revealed that plants suffer too.

That plants can be affected indirectly by noise pollution has never been in doubt. Since most flowering species depend upon pollinators and most fruit-bearing species need animals to disperse their seeds, it is obvious that if these animal partners are harmed by noise then their botanical plants will do badly, too. What has remained unknown is whether or not plants themselves suffer directly from noise pollution.

Sounds are pressure waves transmitted through gases, liquids and solids. Scientists have previously predicted that plants may be able to sense these waves as they are struck by them. A number of experiments have confirmed this in recent years — plants attacked with ultrasound in the lab have shown a range of hurtful responses, including the expression of stress-related genes, underdeveloped growth and reduced germination (发芽) of seeds.

Working with a team of colleagues, Dr. Ghotbi-Ravandi grew two species in his lab that are commonly found in urban environments. The plants were grown from seeds and allowed to mature for two months in the same space before they were divided into two groups. One group was exposed to 73 decibels (分贝) of traffic noise recorded from a busy motorway in Tehran for 16 hours a day. The other group was left to grow in silence. After 15 days, samples were taken from the youngest fully expanded leaves on every plant in the experiment and studied.

None of the plants exposed to the traffic noise did well. Analysis of their leaves revealed that all of them were suffering. Harmful chemicals in them are indicators of stress in plants and both were found at much higher levels in the plants exposed to the traffic noise. Most notably, levels of the harmful chemicals in the plants exposed to noise were two to three times what they were in those grown in silence. The findings make it clear that the noise of traffic bothers the plants.

1. What’s the function of the first two paragraphs?
A.To lead in the topic of the passage.
B.To prove that only animals suffer from noise.
C.To introduce how animals avoid the urban traffic noise.
D.To compare the different effects of noise on animals and plants.
2. Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the word “disperse” in Paragraph 3?
3. What can we learn from Dr Ghotbi-Ravandi’s experiment?
A.Urban traffic noise mainly poses a threat to animals.
B.Plants themselves suffer indirectly from noise pollution.
C.Plants exposed to the traffic noise bear higher levels of stress.
D.Plants that don't need animals for growth will not be influenced by noise.
2022-03-31更新 | 189次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】History is full of cases where dreams have been a pathway to creativity and discovery. A striking example is provided by Dr. Otto Loewi, a pharmacologist and winner of a Nobel Prize. Loewi had spent years studying the chemical transmission of nerve impulses (脉搏). A great breakthrough in his research came when he dreamed of an experiment three nights in a row. The first two nights he woke up and wrote down the experiment quickly and untidily on paper. But the next morning, he couldn’t tell what the notes meant. On the third night, he got up after having the dream. This time, instead of making notes he went straight to his laboratory and performed the important experiment. Loewi later said that if the experiment had occurred to him while awake he would have rejected it.

Loewi’s experiment gives some insight into using dreams to produce creative solutions. Nervous feelings are reduced while you are dreaming, which may be especially useful in solving problems that require a fresh point of view.

Being able to take advantage of dreams for solving is improved if you “set” yourself before retiring. Before you go to bed, try to think intently about a problem you wish to solve. Bury yourself in the problem by stating it clearly and reviewing all relevant information. Then use the suggestions listed in the previous section to catch your dreams. Although this method is not guaranteed to produce a novel solution or a new insight, it is certain to be an adventure. About half of a group of college students using the method for a week recalled a dream that helped them solve a personal problem.

1. The main idea of this passage is that ________.
A.very little is really known about the meaning of dreams
B.it is possible to “catch” one’s dreams by planning before going to sleep
C.dreams can be useful in producing creative solutions to one’s problems
D.Loewi’s experiment helped in the study of transmission of nerve impulses
2. The first paragraph is mainly organized by ________.
A.classifying types of experiments
B.summarizing the work of one researcher
C.comparing and exploring historical cases
D.telling in time order about one man’s research
3. If Loewi had thought of the experiment while awake, he would have ________.
A.taken it seriouslyB.thought it was a ridiculous idea
C.tested itD.doubted it
4. The author probably thinks that ________.
A.dreaming is a better way than taking notes in scientific research
B.if we want to be creative, we must make use of our dreams
C.nervous feelings may stop someone thinking of useful ideas
D.dreaming is surely a good way to produce a new solution.
5. The underlined word “retiring” in the third paragraph most probably means ________.
A.going to sleepB.giving up your jobC.having a breakD.thinking of a solution
2022-03-28更新 | 303次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Do you get nervous thinking about geometry, equations (方程式) or a coming math test? If your answer is “yes”, you are far from alone. Math anxiety has become a common psychological (心理的) condition among students around the world. Students in countries with higher levels of math anxiety tend to achieve lower math grades, according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on Feb. 15.

Math anxiety-a negative emotional reaction to the core subject — causes fear, physical suffering and behavior problems among young pupils, according to a University of Cambridge study. In ordinary life, many people experience some degree of discomfort when meeting with a math problem, ranging from mild tension to strong fear.

Some people also experience physical symptoms such as sweaty palms or a racing heart. They may then try to avoid every situation involving numbers, meaning they are held back from pursuing careers related to this subject, such as science, technology or engineering, according to The Guardian.

Reassurance (慰藉) comes from the fact that those with math anxiety aren’t destined (注定的) to be bad at math. “If a child has math anxiety, don’t assume that they’re not good at math. They may have had a really bad experience with math and there are ways to improve math achievement,” Daniel Ansari, the senior author of the study told The London Free Press. “Students with math anxiety are not cognitively (认知地) disadvantaged.”

Also, there are ways to manage your stress related to math. If you’re feeling stressed before a math exam, it may help to spend a few minutes exploring those feelings before the exam begins. “It’s about making sure you’re interpreting your feelings correctly,” Sian Beilock, a cognitive scientist in the US told the BBC. “Just because you have a fast heartbeat and sweaty palms, that does not necessarily mean you will fail.”

A little math anxiety could be taken as a positive challenge to overcome. Just like many people get stage fright before delivering a speech, this nervous energy can help to motivate, according to Ian Lyons, a psychologist at Georgetown University in the US.

1. Why does the author begin the passage with a question?
A.To expect answers from the readers.B.To introduce the topic “math anxiety”.
C.To identify problems with math learning.D.To emphasize the difficulty of a math test.
2. What does the author focus on in Paragraphs 2 and 3?
A.Analyzing causes.B.Proving examples.
C.Explaining influences.D.Drawing comparisons.
3. What message do Daniel Ansari’s words convey in Paragraph 4?
A.Math anxiety is what leads to students’ failure.
B.Math anxiety is what nearly everyone will face.
C.Math anxiety doesn’t necessarily mean poor math.
D.Math anxiety doesn’t necessarily allow improvement space.
4. How should you deal with the stress related to math according to the article?
A.Learn to understand your feelings.B.Turn to cognitive experts for help.
C.Take all nervous energy as a challenge.D.Practice more before taking math exams.
5. What is the best title for the passage?
A.What is anxiety?B.Worried by numbers
C.How to avoid studying math?D.Math test — a nightmare for all
2022-06-30更新 | 112次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般