组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:149 题号:5155677

You’ll soon be 84 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Father’s Days together.

You know, there was a time when we were not only separated by the generation gap but completely polarized (对立) by it. Split by: age and experience, opinions, hairstyles, cosmetics, clothing and boys.

The Father-Daughter Duel(冲突) of‘54 shifted into high gear(白热化) when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the‘54 Chevy whether you liked it or not. The police officer who accompanied me home after you reported the Chevy stolen late one evening was too young to understand father-daughter politics and too old to have much tolerance for a 16-year-old. You were so decent about it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life.

Our relationship improved greatly when I had babies. I didn’t know what to expect of you and Mom as grandparents but I didn’t have to wait long to find out. Those babies adored you then just as they adore you now.

I suppose I saw our relationship as aging together, rather like a fine wine. But the oddest thing happened last week. I was at a stop sign and I watched as you turned the corner in your car. It didn’t immediately occur to me that it was you because the man driving looked so elderly and frail behind the wheel of that huge car. It was rather like a slap in the face delivered from out of nowhere. Perhaps I saw your age for the first time that day.

Fifty years ago this spring, we planted kohlrabi together in a garden in Charles City, Iowa.

This week, we’ll plant kohlrabi together again, perhaps for the last time but I hope not. I don’t understand why planting kohlrabi with you is so important to me but it is. I don’t even like kohlrabi... but I like planting it with you.

Honoring a father on Father’ s Day is about more than a dad who brings home a paycheck, shares a dinner table, and attends school graduation and weddings. It’s more about unconditionally loving children who are stubborn, who know everything and won’t listen to anyone. It’s about loving someone more than words can say, and wishing that it never had to end.

I love you, Dad.

1. What is the purpose of the third paragraph?
A.To prove that the father is very strict.
B.To describe the father-daughter politics.
C.To show the conflict between the author and her father.
D.To condemn the policeman for lack of understanding.
2. What does the author mean by saying “a slap in the face” in the fifth paragraph?
A.She regretted the fights she had with her father.
B.She suddenly realized that her father was so old and could be gone one day.
C.She was ashamed of herself that she hadn’t taken good care of her father.
D.She suddenly realized that she had caused a lot of trouble for her father.
3. Which of the following words can describe the author’s father?
a. Unreasonable          b. Caring          c. Tolerant               d. Stubborn
4. The author wrote his father this letter to _________.
A.tell him about their conflictsB.say sorry for her being stubborn
C.express her gratitude to himD.remind him of the early incident


阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Older brothers provide protections for their younger siblings (兄弟姐妹), but they might also be damaging their education, a new study suggests.

French scientists have discovered that the language ability of children falls two months behind for under-sixes who have an older brother, but not those who have an older sister. The researchers guess that older sisters are far more willing to talk to their younger siblings than brothers to make up for their parents’ being less available now. Older sisters may also compete less than older brothers for parental attention.

To find out, scientists followed a group of 1000 children from birth to five-a-half years old and evaluated their language skills at two years old, three years old and at the end of the study, measuring vocabulary, syntax (句法) and verbal reasoning. On average, first-borns and those with older sisters performed best.

Explaining the phenomenon, Dr Naomi Havron of the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris said, “We generally believe that first-borns often have better language ability because their parents often supply them with one-on-one quality time, when they talk about things that interest them, tell them stories, etc.”

“But it is possible that older sisters are more likely to interact with their younger siblings than older brothers, and thus provide their own input. Also, it is possible that girls are less damaging than boys, and are thus in less of a competition for parents’ time and attention.”

The researchers said parents should try and make time to talk to their children to help develop their language skills. Dr Haivron added, “Encourage your children to have positive interactions between themselves, for example by encouraging them to play a game that they both like together.”

1. According to the new study, who has a weaker language ability?
A.A boy with a younger brother.B.A boy with an older sister.
C.A girl with an older brother.D.A girl with an older sister.
2. What can we infer from the underlined part in paragraph 5?
A.Girls are more competitive.B.Boys are more troublesome.
C.Girls damage their siblings.D.Boys care for their siblings.
3. The last paragraph is intended to give ________.
A.some adviceB.a summary
C.another exampleD.the writer’s attitude
4. Where is the passage possibly taken from?
A.A book review.B.An education magazine.
C.A medical paper.D.A science report.
2022-07-25更新 | 52次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How is it that siblings (兄弟姐妹) can turn out so differently? One answer is that in fact each sibling grows up in a different family. The firstborn is, for a while, an only child, and therefore has a completely different experience of the parents than those born later. The next child is, for a while, the youngest, until the situation is changed by a new arrival. The mother and father themselves are changing and growing up too. One sibling might live in a stable and close family in the first few years; another might be raised in a family crisis, with a disappointed mother or an angry father.

Sibling competition was identified as an important shaping force as early as in 1918. But more recently, researchers have found many ways in which brothers and sisters are a lasting force in each others’ lives. Dr. Annette Henderson says firstborn children pick up vocabulary more quickly than their siblings. The reason for this might be that the later children aren’t getting the same one-on-one time with parents. But that doesn’t mean that the younger children have problems with language development. Later-borns don’t enjoy that much talking time with parents, but instead they harvest lessons from bigger brothers and sisters, learning entire phrases and getting an understanding of social concepts such as the difference between “I” and “me”.

A Cambridge University study of 140 children found that siblings created a rich world of play that helped them grow socially. Love-hate relationships were common among the children. Even those siblings who fought the most had just as much positive communication as the other sibling pairs.

One way children seek more attention from parents is by making themselves different from their siblings, particularly if they are close in age. Researchers have found that the first two children in a family are typically more different from each other than the second and third. Girls with brothers show their differences to a maximum degree by being more feminine than girls with sisters. A 2003 research paper studied adolescents from 185 families over two years, finding that those who changed to make themselves different from their siblings were successful in increasing the amount of warmth they gained from their parents.

1. In terms of language development, later-borns ________.
A.get their parents’ individual guidanceB.learn a lot from their elder siblings
C.experience a lot of difficultiesD.pick up words more quickly
2. What was found about fights among siblings?
A.Siblings hated fighting and loved playing.B.Siblings in some families fought frequently.
C.Sibling fights led to bad sibling relationships.D.Siblings learned to get on together from fights.
3. The word “feminine” (in Para. 4) means “_______”.
A.having qualities of parentsB.having qualities of women
C.having defensive qualitiesD.having extraordinary qualities
2020-06-30更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Every night when I was a child, my father would sit in the old chair next to the bed to read a story created by his words and my imagination. The unique voice he used for each character extremely amused me, and I would laugh so hard that sometimes I missed the plot and would beg him to start the page over again. My dad’s storytelling developed my language and vocabulary, teaching me creativity and empathy.

My dad encouraged me to love books long before I learned to read. At the second grade, I still struggled to read full sentences. By the fifth grade, I was suddenly able to finish reading chapter books in a matter of days. Even after I was reading on my own, I’d still ask Dad to sit in the old chair and read me a chapter before bed. His words still had the power to touch me, but more than that, when Dad read to me, he was showing me how much he loved me.

I have loved telling stories since I was a child, whether it was with my friends gathered around me at rest or on stage in a play. I’ve been lucky to find ways to fit stories and books into my professional life — from my first job as a theater camp counselor (辅导员) to being a high school English teacher in Malaysia. During my time as a preschool teacher, I would sing songs, talk about colors and feelings, count together, and move our bodies like the characters did in the stories with my students.

When I got to Tandem, I knew my favorite part of the job would be the interactive Read Alouds. So I started the preparation for it. I would practice my books at home and try out different voices for each character the night before. The day before I visited my first Tandem classroom, I drove to my parents’ house and asked Dad to be my audience. He gave me his full attention, smiling through the whole book.

1. What made the author laugh while listening to the bedtime story?
A.His father’s unique voice.B.The cute animals in the story.
C.The funny plots of the story.D.His father’s vivid imagination.
2. Why did the author need his father’s reading after he could read alone?
A.To be accompanied by family members.B.To feel his father’s deep love.
C.To enjoy his father’s pronunciation.D.To continue this reading tradition.
3. What can we infer about the author from the third paragraph?
A.He once worked as an actor.B.He could apply his hobby to his work.
C.He had formed good reading habits.D.He would seize every chance to show talent.
4. Which of the following can best describe the last paragraph?
A.Two heads are better than one.B.Time and tide wait for no man.
C.Practice makes perfect.D.A good beginning is half done.
2023-04-30更新 | 93次组卷
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