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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:169 题号:5760774

Like it or love it, social media is a major part of life. Clicking on a thumbs-up or a heart icon (图标) is an easy way to stay in touch. Whether you’re on Facebook, what’s App or Twitter, the way, of keeping in touch is no longer face to face, but instead screen to screen, highlighted by the fact that more than 1 billion people are using Facebook every day. Social media has become second nature — but what impact is this having on us?

Lauren Sherman and her team, who study the brain at Temple University in Philadeiphia, mixed 20 teens’ photos with 10 other pictures from public Instagram accounts. Then they randomly gave half of the images many likes (between 23 and 45; most had more than 30). They gave the other half no more than 22 likes (most had fewer than 15).

The researchers wanted to find out how the participants’ brains were responding to the different images. While the teens were in a machine, researchers asked them to either like an image or skip to the next one. Teens were much more likely to like images that seemed popular — those that had more than 23 likes, Sherman’s team found. The kids tended to skip pictures with few likes.

As part of the experiment, participants were also shown a range of “neutral” photos showing things like food and friends, and “risky” photos concerning cigarettes and alcohol. When looking at photos showing risky behaviors, such as smoking or drinking — no matter how many likes they had — the brain region linked to cognitive (认知的) control tended to become less active. These kinds of pictures can lower the viewer’s self-control. That means what you like online has the power to influence not just what others like, but even what they do. Viewing pictures like these could make teens let down their guard when it comes to experimenting with drugs and alcohol, Sherman worries.

1. What does the text focus on?
A.The behaviors of teens.
B.The self-control of teens.
C.The influence of social media.
D.The popularity of social media.
2. Which of the following might be included in the experiment?
A.Seventeen images are given 20 likes.
B.Fifteen images are given 25 likes.
C.Fifteen images are given 42 likes.
D.Eight images are given 40 likes.
3. What’s Sherman’s concern about online photos?
A.More likes may be given.
B.Misbehaviors may be encouraged.
C.More risky pictures may be posted.
D.Cognitive control may become less active.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To condemn immoral social behaviors.
B.To promote modern social media.
C.To explain the brain system.
D.To introduce a new research.
【知识点】 信息技术 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约510词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】I ran into my favourite technophobe (抗拒技术者) the other day. “I see,” he laughed, “that your tech industry is in meltdown!” The annoying thing is that he was partly right. What has happened is that two major security weaknesses ― one of them has been named “Meltdown”, the other “Spectre”― have been discovered in the Central Processing Unit (CPU) chips that power most of the computers in the world.

A CPU is a device for performing billions of operations determined by whatever program is running: it fetches some data from memory, performs some operations on that data and then sends it back to memory; then fetches the next bit of data; and so on. Two decades ago someone had an idea for speeding up CPUs. Instead of waiting until the program told them which data to fetch next, why not try to predict what’s needed and pre-fetch it? That way, the processor would become faster and more efficient. This meant that — in a nice comparison made by Zeynep Tufekci, an academic who writes beautifully about this stuff   the CPU became like a super-attentive butler (管家), “pouring that second glass of wine before you knew you were going to ask for it”.

But what if you don’t want others to know about the details of your wine stock? “It turns out,” writes Tufekci, “that by watching your butler’s movements, other people can infer a lot about the stock.” Information is visible that would not have been available if he had patiently waited for each of your commands, rather than trying to predict them. Almost all modern microprocessors behave like attentive butlers — and the revealing traces left by their helpful actions mean that information that is supposed to be secret isn’t.

The biggest takeaway from the discovery of Meltdown and Spectre is the realisation of the shakiness of the foundations on which we have constructed our networked world. We have always known that there is no such thing as a completely secure networked device. Now we know that at the heart of every networked device there sits an insecure processor.

Initially, it was thought that the only answer would be to replace all those processors — an unconscionable option. But then it turned out that solutions exist in terms of patches (补丁) to operating system software. The industry is working on those and every conscientious user ought to install them when they become available. But there’s no free lunch here: fixing the problem will slow down processors by an amount that will differ from chip generation to generation. Microsoft, for example, says that patches will “significantly slow down certain servers and affect the performance of some personal computers”. Firing that attentive butler means that you have to fetch your own drinks. And that takes longer. Patience is a virtue, sometimes, even in computing.

1. What can be learned about “Meltdown” and “Spectre” from the passage?
A.They are coined by Zeynep Tufekci.
B.They refer to the basic computer problems.
C.They have been existing since computers came into use.
D.They were used by technophobes to attack the tech industry.
2. What change did the “someone” (paragraph 2) bring to CPUs 20 years ago?
A.CPUs’ ability to access data before receiving a command.
B.CPUs’ ability to make alterations to a computer’s memory.
C.CPUs’ ability to perform operations without the help of programs.
D.CPUs’ ability to correct the mistakes in data that used to be invisible.
3. Which of the following statements is true of the patches to operating system software?
A.They will prove to be an unconscionable option.
B.They will one day replace all those processors.
C.They will affect CPUs’ working efficiency.
D.They will cost programmers their patience.
4. What is the author most likely to agree with?
A.The current computer processing is fast but unsafe.
B.Too much attention is paid to “Meltdown” and “Spectre”.
C.The comparison that Tufekci makes is not that accurate.
D.Information security has slowed down CPU development.
2022-12-17更新 | 326次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】The United States Patent and Trademark Office recently granted Microsoft a patent for software capable of creating a chatbot, or online conversational application, based on the characteristics of a particular dead person. The chatbot would use all of the dead’s social data and create a sort of virtual version of the dead, managed by artificial intelligence.

According to the new Microsoft patent, it is possible to use images, voice memos, social media posts, instant messages and emails to create an avatar (化身) or profile of the dead’s personality. With the digital profile, engineers can “train” a chatbot to speak like the dead. More worryingly, the application could also take the form of a dead love done with a 2D or 3D “model” and use their voice while talking to the person.

The creation of such a chatbot, apart from the moral, ethical and religious aspects, opens a complicated scenario (设想) regarding the data and privacy rights of the dead.

Faheem Hussain, a clinical assistant professor at Arizona State University, told Reuters “In most countries around the world, the data of dead people is not protected. Therefore, nothing in the laws would prevent the creation of an avatar or android that looks like the dead.”

“This could be done without the dead’s permission and the data used could violate the privacy of others if, for example, it included conversations the dead had with friends, relatives and others who were involved in their lives at various levels,” he added.

In February, one channel aired a tearful reunion between a mother and her dead 7-year-old daughter, recreated through virtual reality as a digital avatar using the mother’s photos and memories. But that’s not all. Some are thinking far ahead. ETER9 is a social network from a Portuguese developer Henrique Jorge, which has the feature of paring each user with an AI “counterpart” that learns to copy the user’s online behaviour to be able to post comment and share autonomously, even after the account owner has passed away.

1. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A research paper.B.A sales brochure.
C.A product presentation.D.A scientific magazine.
2. What can we do according to the patent?
A.Talk to the dead.B.Protect the dead’s privacy.
C.Live after our death.D.Post the dead’s memories.
3. What is Faheem Hussain’s attitude towards the patent?
4. What does ETER9 do?
A.It helps people with Portuguese.B.It opens a complicated seenario.
C.It airs tearful family reunions.D.It creates a real second virtual life.
2023-12-23更新 | 130次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Faster, cheaper, better-technology is one field many people rely upon to offer a vision of a brighter future. But as the 2020s dawn, optimism is in short supply. The new technologies that dominated the past decade seem to be making things worse. Social media were supposed to bring people together, but they are better known for leaking privacy. E-commerce, ride-hailing (网约车) and the gig economy (零工经济) may be convenient, but they are charged with underpaying workers, worsening inequality and blocking the streets with vehicles.

Today's pessimistic mood is centered on smart phones and social media, which took off a decade ago. Yet concerns that particular technologies might be doing more harm than good have arisen before. The 1920s witnessed a criticism against cars, which had earlier been seen as an answer to the problems caused by horse-drawn vehicles which filled the streets with noise and animal waste and caused accidents. And industrialization was criticized in the 19th century by Romantics who worried about the replacement of skilled workers, the robbing of the countryside and the suffering of factory hands.

However, that pessimism can be overdone. Too often people focus on the drawbacks of a new technology while taking its benefits for granted. Worries about screen time should be weighed against the much more substantial benefits of convenient communication and the instant access to information and entertainment that smartphones make possible. A further danger is that Luddite (反对技术进步者) efforts to avoid the short-term costs associated with a new technology will end up denying access to its long-term benefits-something Carl Benedikt Frey, an Oxford academic, calls a "technology trap". Fears that robots will steal people's jobs may discourage their use. Yet in the long run countries that wish to maintain their standard of living as their workforce ages and shrinks will need more robots, not fewer.

Any powerful technology can be used for good or ill. It is the choices people make about it that shape the world. Perhaps the real source of anxiety is not technology itself, but growing doubts about the ability of societies to hold this debate, and come up with good answers. So as the decade turns, put aside the pessimism for a moment. To be alive in the tech-obsessed 2020s is to be among the luckiest people who have ever lived.

1. What phenomenon is described in Paragraph 1?
A.The seriousness of social inequality.
B.The rapid development of technology.
C.Problems brought by personal privacy leaks.
D.Worries about the influence of new technologies.
2. Which word can best describe Romantics' concern over industrialization?
3. What might be a result of a "technology trap"?
A.A lack of good jobs in the job market.
B.An increase in the number of Luddites.
C.A decrease in the number of skilled workers.
D.An interruption to the advancement of a new technology.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Pessimism vs ProgressB.Technology vs Civilization
C.2020s: The Age of TechnologyD.Robots: Our Future Caretakers
2020-12-17更新 | 417次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般