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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:182 题号:6005809

Are children becoming addicted to the Internet?

Children are becoming addicted to the Internet and for many it is one drug that can’t be beaten. Not all children, but an alarming number of them are being swept up in this age of digital information.

Websites like Myspace, Youtube, and Facebook, are becoming so popular that many kids can’t help but to be addicted to them just in order to fit. Why not become part of a society where you judged by how many friends on a friend list ? What has become of the world , when instead of calling your best friend on the phone you send them a message electronically and wait around for hours to see if they get on and read it ?Often on the web there just aren’t enough adults setting kids straight and too many teenagers causing trouble .

However, it is biased to claim all kids are addicted, or even that all kids who are addicted to the web are negatively affected by it. While the web can be a large waste pool of negative influence, it is also a wealth of positive knowledge, friendly social networking, and even gateways to future employment. Perhaps it isn’t so important whether or not a child is addicted to the web and more important that parents know exactly what the kids are doing there.

Many computers have optional parent controls that allow parents to block the children from entering certain types of sites, or even individual ones. Such programs are unfortunately not used enough by today’s parents, who in many cases are caught up on computers themselves. All one needs to do is google search parental controls and you will be provided with any number of companies that can help with programs for tracing child activity and, if necessary, limit time spent on the Internet .

1. The following can be inferred from the passage EXCEPT____________.
A.the fact of the matter is that today’s kids are becoming addicted to the Internet at an alarming rate
B.many parents aren’t skilled enough at the computer
C.many children are addicted some website because they want to follow the fashion
D.all of the kids are negatively affected by surfing the Internet
2. According to the second paragraph, we know_____________.
A.many websites like Myspace ,Youtube, and Facebook are so popular but the kids won’t be addicted to them
B.there are many adults teaching kids how to behave on the websites like Myspace, Youtube, and Facebook
C.the young can’t resist the attraction of some websites like Myspace, Youtube, and Facebook
D.the young prefer calling friends to sending them a message on some websites like Myspace, Youtube, and Facebook
3. According to the passage, the author may agree that ____________.
A.all of the kids are addicted to the Internet
B.all of the websites are dangerous for the kids
C.we should keep the kids away from the Internet
D.the kids can also benefit from the Internet
4. The underlined word “biased” in paragraph 3 probably means_________.
【知识点】 信息技术 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约490词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】“You’ll get square eyes!” my mother used to say as I sat for hour after hour glued to the TV. I ignored her, of course. Past-forward a few decades and now I’m the parent. My 5-year-old lives in a world where screens aren’t fixed pieces of furniture. You can’t even avoid them by going outside. Screens are not only in our pockets; they’re everywhere.

The concerns have grown with the screens. In the past decade, we have heard that they will damage our mental health. Many of us feel more distracted by them, feeling guiltier and more tired as a result.

The apps and websites we can access on our phones have also sparked widespread concern. Big tech companies are also good at making use of our need for social recognition, hooking us on likes, retweets and follower counts. Social media has created a culture of mass narcissism (自恋), which has led many to worry about the emotional stresses on teenagers. A quick online search brings up dozens of papers linking screen use or social media with harmful effects on mental health, including depression and suicide.

Such statements are alarming. They are also widely believed, thanks to popular books like iGen by Jean Twenge, which claims that digital technology has ruined a generation. Yet, Amy Orben at the University of Oxford, who studies the impact of digital technology and social media in particular on mental health, holds different views. She claims that the underlying data can be used to tell different stories. She also spotted shortcomings in several large studies that claimed to show correlations (相关性) between the use of devices with screens and depression in users.

Twenge stands by her own finding, pointing in turn to what she considers flaws in Orben’s research methods. For David Max, at Royal College of Child Health in London, the effect of screen time and social media use on mental health remains speculative. “We cannot regard social media overall as good or bad,” says Davie. “We don’t know whether in individual cases social media is not responsible,” he says.

The explosion of mobile phone use has revolutionized our lives. I can download movies, write articles, communicate with my family and broadcast to the world all at the push of a button. Rather than impose constraints (限制), we should take a look at our use of screens and ask how they fit with the activities and lifestyle.

Every new technology with widespread impact has given rise to new fears. So the best bet may simply be to ask yourself what level of screen use makes you and those around you happy and try to stick to it. If you find yourself over addictive, don’t panic—and certainly don’t feel guilty. Nobody knows anything worth getting scared about.

1. According to the passage, people give likes, retweet or count followers to __________.
A.share one’s lifestylesB.show respect for others
C.seek social recognitionD.relieve emotional stresses
2. The underlined word “speculative” probably means “__________”.
3. What can be learned from the passage?
A.Teenagers are more affected by screen use both physically and mentally.
B.Orben claims it is far too early to blame screen use for ruining a generation.
C.Big tech companies help to produce many research papers on mental health.
D.Twenge mainly introduces the overall benefits of digital technology in her books.
4. The passage is written to __________.
A.encourage readers to reduce the time of screen use
B.share different opinions on the effects of screen use
C.explain why screen use may have negative effects on people
D.relieve people’s concerns and worries about the use of screens
2020-03-05更新 | 365次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】An artificial intelligence chatbot (聊天机器人) called TacoBot from fast food chain Taco Bell now lets you order a meal in a smartphone text exchange that might look something like this:

TacoBot: Hello there. I’m your TacBot. I can help you order a meal for you or your team.

You: Can I order one soft taco (墨西哥煎玉米卷) with beef?

TacoBot: Sounds good. Do you want to keep adding stuff? Maybe some bacon?

Brands like Taco Bell and some tech companies are betting that more and more people will start using this conversational way of interacting online instead of clicking through on-screen menus.

If the trend catches on --- as firms like Facebook and Microsoft expect --- it could transform the digital landscape by allowing smartphone users to find information or make purchases with simple text messages, ignoring apps and search engines. Among the companies already developing or launching chatbots are the Wall Street Journal, CNN and retail giants Sephora and H&M.

“I believe we are headed to a shift where this will become one of the primary ways we interact with the digital world,” says Mark Beccue of Mark Beccue Consulting, who follows trends in the messaging market. “The chat user interface (界面) is what makes sense for a mobile-first world. You can be more specific and be quicker.”

Messaging services have become a natural place for chatbots to reside (居住), since their usage is growing: at least 1.4 billion people used a messaging app last year. According to Business Insider Intelligence, messaging apps have overtaken the largest social networks in the world.

The messaging service Kik meanwhile launched its own “bot shop”, with partners including retailers and game developers. Kik said the move was a response to the trend people using fewer apps and spending more time on chat platforms. “There’s nothing to download, no new registration required, and you can use an interface you’re already familiar with: chat,” Kik said in a statement.

However, some analysts remain skeptical on chatbots as the wave of the future. Jan Dawson of Jackdaw Research said the movement is largely driven by Microsoft and Facebook, two firms which would like a greater presence in mobile even though they don’t control the biggest smartphone operating systems. “There’s a lot of hype (炒作) around chatbots,” Dawson said.

Artificial intelligence has come a long way with systems like Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa and Microsoft’s Cortana, but still cannot deal with all possible situations, says Roger Kay of Endpoint Technologies Associates. “There’s a kind of hubris (自大) that someone could expand the one-to-many communication method to every human interaction,” Kay said.

1. Why does the author mention the smartphone text exchange at the beginning?
A.To indicate that more and more people begin to hate ordering food by clicking online.
B.To reflect that Taco Bell is turning to a new sales method to compete in the market.
C.To inform the readers of a convenient way to purchase what they want online.
D.To show that chatbot will become more and more popular among people.
2. We can learn from the passage that _____.
A.using chatbots has been a main way we interact with the digital world
B.messaging apps still haven’t taken the place of social networks at present
C.people could use chatbots by downloading messaging apps on the Internet.
D.Microsoft thinks that tech companies should no longer develop search engines.
3. The messaging service Kik launched its own “bot shop” for the following reasons EXCEPT that _____.
A.more and more people tend to use fewer apps
B.chatbots are more convenient to use than some apps
C.some tech companies have developed their own chatbots
D.people are accustomed to chatting in an interactive way
4. Jan Dawson thinks that regarding chatbots as the wave of the future is _____.
2018-03-13更新 | 208次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】“Is data the new oil?” asked advocates of big data back in 2012 in Forbes magazine. By 2016, with the rise of big data’s fast-growing cousin deep learning, we had become more certain: “Data is the new oil,” stated Fortune magazine.

Amazon’s Neil Lawrence has a slightly different comparison: Data is coal. Not coal today, though, but coal in the early days of the 18th century, when Thomas Newcomen invented the steam engine. Newcomen built his device to pump water out of the southwest’s rich tin (锡) mines.

The problem, as Lawrence said, was that the pump was rather more useful to those who had a lot of coal than those who didn’t: it was good, but not good enough to be able to buy enough coal in to run it. That was so true that the first of Newcomen’s steam engines wasn’t built in a tin mine, but in coal works near Dudley.

So why is data coal? The problem is similar: there are a lot of Newcomen in the world of deep learning. New companies are coming up with revolutionary new ways to train machines to do impressive tasks, from reconstructing facial data from images to learning the writing style of an individual user to better predict which word they are going to type in a sentence. And yet, like Newcomen, their innovations are so much more useful to the people who actually have large amounts of raw material to work from.

But there is an ending to the story: 69 years later, James Watt made a nice change to the Newcomen steam engine, adding a condenser (冷凝器) to the design. That change, Lawrence said, “made the steam engine much more efficient, and that’s what triggered the industrial revolution.”

Whether data is oil or coal, then, there’s another way the comparison holds up: a lot of work is going into trying to make sure we can do more, with less.

“If you look at all the areas where deep learning is successful, they’re all areas where there’s lots of data,” points out Lawrence. That’s great if you want to classify images of cats, but less helpful if you want to use deep learning to diagnose rare illnesses. “It’s generally considered unacceptable to force people to become sick in order to acquire data.”

It’s not as impressive as teaching a computer to play a game better than any human alive, but “data efficiency” is a vital step if deep learning is to move away from simply taking in large amounts of data and giving out the best correlations (关联) possible.

1. The first of Newcomen’s steam engines wasn’t built in a tin mine because________.
A.its operation required a lot of coalB.it would lose its function in a tin mine
C.it was in greater demand in coal worksD.the rich mines required more advanced aids
2. According to the passage, in which situation is deep learning the least successful?
A.Reconstructing facial data.B.Predicting a word in a sentence.
C.Classifying images of cats.D.Diagnosing rare diseases.
3. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Watt’s condenser helped the steam engine consume less coal.
B.Data involving patients is often collected through immoral ways.
C.Teaching machines to learn is a vital step towards data efficiency.
D.Thomas Newcomen’s steam engine had revolutionary applications.
4. Neil Lawrence compared data to coal to indicate that________.
A.acquiring data is as complex as mining for coal
B.a change is required to make more out of less data
C.data is the new fuel to start an information revolution
D.a larger amount of data is needed to accomplish something
2022-01-04更新 | 145次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般