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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:133 题号:6836231

Nowadays we feel that we have become dependent on our computers, mobile phones and other media, and that we need these things to think and act creatively. But a recent study seems to indicate that the best thing we might be able to do for our creativity is to leave all of these high-tech (高科技) toys at home and just take a walk in the woods.

In the study, David L. Strayer and his fellow researchers worked with 30 men and 26 women who were about to go on a four-day hike, during which they would be taken away from all of the creative toys mentioned above. Before the hike began, Strayer gave the participants (参与者) a standardized Remote Associates Test, which is often used to test creativity and creative problem-solving abilities. After the hike, they were given the test again. The result showed that there was a 50% improvement in the participants’ creative problem-solving abilities. As Strayer says, “This is a great effect.”

This study is the first to document systematic changes in higher-level cognitive (认知的) function connected with entering nature. The researchers suggest that the effect nature seems to have on improving creative thinking is due to the lack of distractions (分心的事) in the natural environment — there are no ringing phones, noisy computers, etc. Other studies have shown that the colour green — the colour of much of nature — is felt by the brain as relaxing, and that increased relaxation may be one of the factors that improve creativity.

None of this is exactly news. The benefits of nature for the mind have been known for centuries. The philosopher and author Henry David Thoreau spoke eloquently (富于表现力地) about the two years he spent in the countryside. The experience certainly seemed to develop his creativity — he went on to write almost 50 books. Given this recent study, it looks as if his advice in Walden to “simplify, simplify, simplify” is good — if you want to relax your mind and make it become more creative, take a walk in the woods, and leave your cellphone behind.

1. What can we learn from the passage?
A.High-tech toys are useless for creativity.
B.There is much news about nature’s effect on human mind.
C.Participants were asked not to take their cellphones during the hike.
D.Strayer’s study is the first to deal with nature’s effect on creativity.
2. Which of the following can encourage creativity according to the study led by Strayer?
A.The colour green.
B.Feeling relaxed in nature.
C.The silence in the natural environment.
D.Learning more knowledge about nature.
3. Henry David Thoreau suggested that people ________.
A.live a simple life
B.throw away their high-tech toys
C.take a walk in the woods every day
D.live in the countryside rather than the city


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】The coronavirus has been a catalyst for change in many areas of our lives. As things return to normal, one thing that is likely to remain for many is the practice of working from home, known as telecommuting.

Much like the cloud classroom, the cloud office enables employees to cooperate, access resources and operate software from any location. Without doubt, communication tools play an important role. Video and voice chat allow a team, regardless of location, to work together as if they're in the same office.

The rise of telecommuting is due in part to time-tracking applications and software that allows employers to monitor productivity. Wechat Work and Work Examiner are all popular options that have been adopted by thousands of companies. These tools make employers feel secure that remote workers are staying on task. As an increasingly popular approach to work, the objective of the cloud office is to find the ideal balance between home and office work.

According to CNBC, a study showed that 85 percent of millennials(千禧一代)preferred working from home as it gives them a healthier work-life balance, flexible hours and more autonomy. It also showed that firms could save $ 11,000per person each year by allowing employees to work from home.

However, not everyone sees this revolution as positive. According to Bloomberg, in a survey of 1,001 US workers, 45 percent felt burnt out due to the increased workload, decreased communication and the requirement to juggle(兼顾)professional and personal life.

There has indeed been a mixed reaction to the move amid the pandemic.

It's believed that it will become more manageable once lockdown measures are fully lifted worldwide. And by then, who knows what tasks we could all achieve from the comfort of our sofas?

1. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the first paragraph?
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true about working from home?
A.Employers hold different opinions towards telecommuting.
B.The purpose of working from home is to help achieve work-life balance.
C.Working from home can help employers spend less on human resources.
D.Software that enables workers to monitor work gains increasing popularity.
3. What do we know about the author's position on telecommuting in the future?
2021-01-07更新 | 151次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Teenagers who spend more than three hours a day on social media may have double the risk of mental health problems as those who shun it, research suggests. The study of more than 6,000 children aged 12 to 15 found those who used social media more heavily were more likely to report issues such as depression, anxiety and loneliness, as well as aggression and anti-social behavior, than teenagers who did not use social media. The findings held true even when researchers took into account mental health problems experienced by any young person in the year before they used social media. The recent research, from a team at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Maryland, was published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry.

Some previous studies have suggested no link between poorer mental health and screen time. Dr. Rina Dutta, senior clinical lecturer at King’s College London, said, “A major strength of this study compared to previous research is that the researchers take into account mental health problems the young people already had a year prior to the measurement of social media use. This largely overcomes the ‘what came first—mental health problem or high social media use?’ question.”

Lead author Kira Riehm said, “Many existing studies have found a link between digital or social media use and adolescent health, but few look at this association across time. We cannot conclude that social media causes mental health problems, but we do think that less time on social media may be better for teens’ health.”

The study found that fewer than 17 percent of adolescents did not use social media. Of those who did, 32 percent spent less than 30 minutes a day, 31 percent spent 30 minutes to three hours, 12 percent spent three to six hours and 8 percent spent more than six hours per day.

Ms. Riehm said, “Social media has the ability to connect adolescents who may be excluded in their daily life. We need to find a better way to balance the benefits of social media with possible negative health outcomes.”

1. What does the underlined word “shun” in paragraph 1 mean?
A.Slightly hate.B.Are doubtful about.C.Are crazy about.D.Avoid on purpose.
2. What is special about the recent study on the link between mental health and screen time?
A.People from all walks of life were involved.
B.It allowed for previous mental health problems.
C.Advanced equipment was used to measure screen time.
D.It is the first to find the existence of the link.
3. The statistics in paragraph 4 are mainly about teenagers’ ________.
A.academic performanceB.mental health problems
C.social media useD.social skills
4. What is suggested by Kira Riehm?
A.We should use social media in our favour.
B.Importance should be attached to mental health problems.
C.More related researches should be carried out.
D.Teenagers should get more engaged in their daily life.
2022-07-13更新 | 98次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较难 (0.4)
文章大意:本文是夹叙夹议文。文章通过米歇尔·潘(Michelle Phan)说,因为精疲力竭她不得不停止制作她在YouTube上很受欢迎的“化妆和美容”视频引出一个社会问题,尽管作为一个有影响力的人有缺点——总是需要发布更多的视频或帖子,以及可能的网络虐待——但是很多人还是想成为一个有影响力的人。这是一种有趣又有利可图的谋生方式。

【推荐3】Michelle Phan says she had to quit making her popular “makeup and beauty” YouTube videos because she was burned out.

“It became harder and harder for me to pretend to be happy,” she says. “And I had become unpleasant with my relationships and friendships. I was on the edge of collapse.”

As a so-called social media influencer or creator, she says she needed time off from the constant pressure to upload ever more content, and try to chase (追求) more and more views and likes.

But what exactly is a social media influencer?

There is no hard and fast definition, but in essence it is someone who has enough followers on social media, and typically YouTube, Instagram or TikTok, that they can change it into money.

The income comes from two main sources—a share of the advertising revenue (收入), and deals with companies to promote their bands.

While there is potentially big money to be made, Ms. Phan says that creators “need to know when to draw the line, and take care of themselves” rather than post all the time.

This concern is echoed by media analyst Rebecca McGrath, of research firm Mintel, who says that some influencers are trying to chase revenues so much that they post “even if they don’t have anything new to create or say”.

Ms. Phan also warns that you have to be able to deal with online trolls writing horrible things below your videos. “You’re also exposed to hateful comments, which I think people aren’t prepared for.”

Despite the downsides to being an influencer—the need to always put up more videos or posts, and the likely online abuse—a great many people would like to be one. It can be a fun and profitable way to earn a living.

Yet psychologist Stuart Duff of Pearn Kandola warns that you need a certain personality to hope to be successful at it

“Successful influencers will relate to others, tell great stories, have a strong, unique brand, and stick to the message. They will have great passion for what they want to say, and always seem to know what their audience wants to hear.”

1. Why did Michelle Phan stop putting up more videos?
A.Her videos were not as popular.B.She became the envy of friends.
C.She was in poor physical health.D.She felt like running out of ideas.
2. What does the underlined “this concern” in Paragraph 8 refer to?
A.Influencers make potentially big money.
B.Influencers go too far in chasing revenues.
C.Influencers often suffer from poor health.
D.Influencers are always posting new content.
3. What can be inferred from the text?
A.A successful influencer should be passionate and empathetic.
B.A social media influencer refers to the person who has many fans.
C.Exposure to online game violence discourages some influencers.
D.Influencers make money mainly by advertising and running companies.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.How one can make a successful influencer.
B.Why Ms. Phan quit being an influencer.
C.Pressures and rewards of being an influencer.
D.Warnings against pursuing instant wealth.
2022-04-24更新 | 139次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般