组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 人与动植物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:46 题号:8049968

It’s undeniable that spending time outdoors and in nature lifts our spirits and makes us feel more centered and at peace. When we breathe in fresh air, and enjoy the beauty of trees, streams and oceans, we naturally tend to feel more connected to ourselves and others.

Over the past decade, scientists have been exploring why nature — and dirt specifically — is such a powerful tool in improving our mood. According to researchers, the secret may lie in the mi¬crobes (微生物)of the soil. One bacterium specifically----Mycobacterium Vaccae (M. Vaccae) —has been identified as having the power to affect our moods and cognitive function as well.

Experiments conducted at Sage Colleges in New York found that contact with M. Vaccae can increase serotonin levels in the brain — a chemical that is associated with higher levels of happi¬ness ,increased focus, and reduced anxiety. In order to explore how the bacteria can improve learn¬ing, researchers Dory Mathews and Susan Jenks experimented with mice in a maze. Mice that in¬gested the bacteria navigated the maze twice as fast as the control group and proved less anxious as well.

Humans can absorb M. Vaccae just by playing in the dirt. We take in it when we breathe, we consume it in organic vegetables, and it can also enter our bloodstream through skin contact, espe¬cially where we have open cuts. This may explain why children in school perform better after break.

Neuroscientist Christopher Lowry at the University of Bristol in England believes that he has i- dentified why this incredible bacterium works. "What we think happens is that the bacteria activate immune cells, which release chemicals called cytokines that then act on receptors on the sensory nerves to increase their activity. ”

Beyond the power of M. Vaceae, scientists have been proving for decades that exposure to dirt, and the huge number of microbes found in dirt, can strengthen our immune system. When our body comes into contact with bacteria, it stores die infonnation in a type of library and can then use that information to fight sickness and infection more effectively.

Happiness, focus, less anxiety......I’ll   take a double dose of dirt; please!

1. What raises people’s spirits while spending time outdoors?
2. How does M. Vaccae work?
A.By working on sensory nerves.B.By fighting sickness and infisction,
C.By strengthening the immune system.D.By making immune cells active.
3. According to the text, what does the author intend to do next?
A.Provide some advice on reducing anxiety for readers,
B.Summarize the previous paragraphs about lifting one’s mood.
C.Explain how he or she will expose himself or herself to dirt.
D.Introduce a new topic related to dirt for discussion.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Fight Sickness and Infection More Effectively
B.How Getting Dirty Can Actually lift Your Mood
C.Let’s Take a Deep Breath of Fresh Air
D.Enjoy Beauty and Naturally Connect to Others


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Sometimes the simple act of being outside every day can be good to you. We often forget about what nature has to offer by staying inside too much. Going outside, you’ll probably be exposed to numerous sensations (感觉). You might hear the crunch of leaves under your feet, concentrate on how the breeze cools your skin, and feel the sun offering its natural warmth.

Time outside also reminds you how you share your time on Earth with countless creatures and that you must live in harmony with them. The more often you encounter animals in their natural habitats, the easier it will be to recall why it’s so important to treat the outdoors with respect. After coming in contact with a squirrel, for example, you may be especially careful to throw your trash away in the nearest garbage can in case of some harmful leftover food. That’s because you’ve just been reminded that you’re not the only living thing to come in contact with what’s now rubbish.

Spending too much time indoors may cause us to become too isolated from others, especially if we use much time in front of computer screens. It seems that a computer connected to the Internet allows you to share parts of your world with other people, but actually it can also make us feel more disconnected from others for lack of face-to-face communication. The time outside with a loved one allows you to take part in a shared experience. For instance, you can call attention to a type of flower that’s just started blooming and allow your companions to marvel (奇迹) at its beauty. That’s a similar shared experience.

Anyhow, it is not as hard as you might imagine. You may just decide to start an outdoor practice that takes you outside for a certain amount of time, preferably every day. The last 15minutes of your lunch break strolling outside with a friend and some after-dinner family time discussing your days can be good options. Get off the computer and head outside! You’ll feel how your choice pays off.

1. According to paragraph 1, going outside offers an opportunity for people to ________.
A.enjoy sensory experienceB.achieve better concentration
C.bring back distant memoriesD.participate in simple activities
2. The underlined word “encounter” in the 2nd paragraph is closest in meaning to ________.
3. According to the passage, those spending most time indoors may suffer from ________.
A.attention disorderB.loneliness attack
C.Internet addictionD.communication barrier
4. Which of the following is the best title?
A.Too Much Time Indoors Does Great Harm.
B.Time Outside Involves a Shared Experience.
C.Staying Inside Gives a Different Perspective.
D.A Daily Exposure to Nature Makes a Difference.
2024-01-14更新 | 55次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Have you ever noticed how plants can teach us all about the intricacies of life, if only we take the time to observe and listen? Look at how each plant plays a part in the loving whole.     1    

Put down roots

It can be long term or short term, but putting down roots and grounding yourself is important for your growth. When you’re stuck, it gives you a certain sense of freedom to grow in a way that’s most beneficial to you in that particular space while sharing your love.

Be flexible

You read about putting down roots. But a huge part of nature is learning how to be uprooted and blossom wherever you are.     2     Do you notice how plants just keep on changing with the seasons and the times? They are unbelievable!

Get lots of sunshine

    3       Even when it’s muted through the clouds, smog or fog. Not only is sunshine lifting and inspiring for your soul but for your body, too. Get outside and experience all the joys of beautiful sunshine.

Keep growing

    4     Sometimes they may not grow so fast due to lack of nourishment in some form, but they keep on growing. They obey their time and keep doing everything they can until the time when the food fills them up to fully flourish into their best plant selves. Just like humans.

Be attractive as you

You know all those different plants out there? You know —the ones that are regarded as weeds in some areas and as attractiveness in other areas?     5     Every plant serves a purpose just as it is. You are beautiful just by being you, too!

What are you waiting for? Get out there and Be like plants!

A.It’s like each of us.
B.Everything in nature is beautiful.
C.Every day the plants get sunshine.
D.Plants can recover from natural disasters.
E.Plants continue growing whatever happens.
F.Every plant is as beautiful as human beings.
G.You can put down roots once or many times.
2019-06-19更新 | 150次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】About 97% of the world’s water is salty and is found in our oceans and seas. But, as we can’t drink sea water, how can it be important?

Every part of our seas and oceans contains an amazing number of animals that live at different ocean depths. Most of the different species of animals and fish depend on simple plants for their food. These simple plants called algae (海藻) drift near the surface of the ocean and use sunlight to turn carbon dioxide and water into food and oxygen. In fact, algae produce over half of the oxygen people breathe. How important sea water is!

Each plant or animal in our seas and oceans is an important link in a food chain. The algae are eaten in large amounts by microscopic (微小的) animals, which are in turn consumed by larger animals. These food chains are delicately balanced.

The bad news about the food chains in the oceans is that they are under threat because of man. People once thought that the oceans were so big that it didn’t matter if we dumped rubbish into them or caught huge quantities of fish and whales for food. But we now know this is not true and fish stocks in the oceans have started to drop.

Thankfully, the world is taking steps to protect the future of our oceans by introducing international agreements to protect marine habitats (海域). Most countries have introduced fishing restrictions to protect fish stocks in the oceans and new techniques are being pioneered (提倡) to cope with pollution. Finally, the importance of protecting oceans is being made known to more people. This is just the beginning of a long process to protect the oceans for our future. We depend on the oceans for fish which are an important part of the human diet. How important sea water is!

1. Which of the following is the proper order of the food chain?
A.small animals→algae→microscopic animals→large animals→man
B.algae→microscopic animals→large animals→larger animals→man
C.small animals→algae→large animals→microscopic animals→man
D.microscopic animals→algae→large animals→larger animals→man
2. People used to think that the rubbish thrown into the sea ____.
A.wouldn’t harm the fish in the sea
B.would change the balance of the food chain
C.would be broken down in the sea
D.wouldn’t do much harm to the sea
3. From the passage, we learn that ____.
A.most fish and sea animals live at the surface of the seas
B.it is very difficult to break the balance of a food chain
C.excessive fishing has caused the decrease in fish stocks
D.it won’t be long before the problems concerning oceans are solved
4. Which of the following is NOT a way being used to protect the oceans?
A.The use of international agreements.
B.Forbidding fishing to protect fish stocks.
C.The use of new techniques.
D.Raising people’s awareness of protecting the oceans.
2018-10-06更新 | 182次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般