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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:149 题号:8087825

In early February 2019, 51-year-old Rainer Schimpf and his team set out to film South Africa’s Sardine Run off the coast of Point Elizabeth Sardine Run, the annual migration(迁徙)of billions of sardines (a small sea fish), is a big draw for large predators, especially the dolphin and whale. Predators are animals that kill and eat other animals. In an attempt to obtain the best images of the incredible natural phenomenon, Rainer dived into the middle of a spinning ball of fish. Suddenly the sea moved around violently, and the experienced diver and his photographer Heinz Toperczer, who was filming from the boat, instantly realized something strange was going on Suddenly dolphins shot out of the water, a white spray came out and then a whale appeared and grasped Rainer

While Toperczer was filming the terrifying turn of events with his video camera, Rainer, who was trapped had first and engulfed(吞噬)in darkness inside the whales mouth, was trying to survive. Nothing can actually prepare you for the event when you end up inside the pure instinct(本能), "the diver told Barcroft TV. “Knowing in the whale’s mouth, I tried to control my fear. But I was convinced that it was going to dive down and release me much deeper in the ocean.”

The whale quickly realized he was no sardine! As the whale turned sideways, he opened his mouth slightly to release me, and I was washed out, together with what felt like tons of water, of his mouth, " recalled Rainer. Though the entire incident lasted just 1. 8 seconds, it felt like a year to Rainer.

Still holding his underwater camera in his hand. the diver swam to his boat, where he was quickly rescued by the members of the team. The terrible adventure did not disturb Rainer for too long. After checking to ensure he had no injuries, the diver returned to the water to seek out more

1. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.A Diver's Narrow Escape From A Whales Mouth
B.The Annual Migration Of Billions Of Sea sardines
C.A Frightening And Fantastic Experience Under Sea
D.An Adventurous Trip Off Coast Of Point Elizabeth
2. What animals does Sardine Run appeal to most?
3. What did Rainer probably do first once in the whales mouth?
A.He dived aimlesslyB.He cried desperately.
C.He panicked immediately.D.He struggled violently.
4. According to the passage, we can say that Rainer was very_______.
【知识点】 故事 动物


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】“Your mind is a garden; your thoughts are the seeds. The harvest can either be flowers or weeds,” William Wordsworth wrote. In the above quote, William suggests that the process of gardening mirrors human life. Depending on what we “plant” in our lives, we bloom (生长茂盛) or don’t. Before you start to work in your garden, it’s necessary to have a vision for it. Thinking of what you want to grow in your garden and how to lay it out is a good first step in making your vision a fruitful reality. In life, you should consider what you want to create and what you want to achieve, because your mind-garden is like the white paper and the possibilities are endless.

Regardless of what you choose to plant, poor soil isn’t suitable for growth. This is why gardeners take the time and energy to upgrade the soil before planting. So, creating the right soil is important to the realization of your goals and dreams. Fortunately, there are countless ways to make your personal bedrock better. Getting an education is one of the most effective ways, which can help you enrich your life’s soil.

You don’t have to be an enthusiastic gardener to understand the meaning of “You reap(收获) what you sow.” When a gardener wants tomatoes, they just need to plant tomato seeds. It’s a very clear act that produces an expected result. Each of us has the power to decide which “life seeds” to plant. For example, if you plant ill seeds, it's likely that you’ll experience pain in return. Contrarily, if you plant seeds of kindness and understanding, your life will bloom with happiness and love.

A gardener’s truly arduous work begins after the seeds are in the ground because a garden requires a lot of care and attention. Regular watering and weeding are required for a healthy garden. So, to ensure your dreams take root, you should be devoted, aware, and present. After countless hours and energy spent, the crops have grown well and are finally ready to be harvested.

1. What is important before gardeners break ground in their gardens?
A.Receiving some training in planting.
B.Drawing up a good plan for their gardens.
C.Having the courage to accept the worst outcome.
D.Doing research on the common local garden plants.
2. What is compared to getting education by the author?
A.Improving the condition of the soil.B.Growing your most favorable plants.
C.Taking care of the plants in your garden.D.Selecting proper goals in gardening work.
3. What does the author want to express in Paragraph 3?
A.Your quality of life depends on your positive action.
B.Your experience can help you understand plants better.
C.Your choice of soil is an important part in your gardening.
D.Your knowledge of planting will make you a successful gardener.
4. What does the underlined word “arduous” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
2021-06-22更新 | 375次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】A few years ago,my younger sister and I were the first to board our flight for Norfolk,Virginia. Just as we were about to board the plane,a mechanic came out of the aircraft and blocked the door with his arms. He turned to the flight attendant and hurriedly stated,“We got problems!”

I thought to myself,“Why did I have to be the one to hear that?Why couldn't I have been at the back of the line?I didn't need to know that!”Very soon we were back in the terminal,waiting,and then finally back on the plane. I waited for the pilot to give an explanation. Pilots take courses to ease passengers' mind,right?They know what to say to calm nerves.

Unfortunately,I didn't think this pilot took that course. Soon his voice thundered throughout the plane,"Sorry for the delay,ladies and gentlemen. We had no power on the plane. We have a generator on the ground right now,and we're going to jump---start the engines. Once we get them going,we'll get up in the air and head to Norfolk,and see what happens. ”

See what happens?We were going to get up in the air,and see what happens?Couldn't we have another plan,one that's been worked out just a little better?

At this point,all I could do was to laugh nervously. One woman started yelling,“Oh no!We're going to crash!”There were sighs of desperation and anxiety spreading throughout the cabin. Finally,we got up in the air thirty minutes later,and what happened?

Nothing--other than thrust(推力)and lift. We arrived in Norfolk,and no sooner had the wheels touched the ground than a round of applause burst out,as everyone throughout the airplane breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Although,I did sincerely like to have a plan better than “see what happens" worked out when flying--it really isn't such a bad life strategy. Success will never be guaranteed. The best thing you can do is just get up in the air,and see what happens. Sometimes adjustments would be made in the air,or shall we say,in the middle of the process.

1. The purpose of the text is to_____________.
A.introduce a frightening flight experience
B.prove that taking a plane is dangerous
C.show a way of making plans
D.tell readers a life strategy
2. What event was beyond the author's expectation?
A.The mechanic explained the problems to the passengers.
B.The pilot said nothing to calm the passengers.
C.The passengers arrived in Norfolk safely.
D.The flight was delayed for half an hour.
3. Having known the problems, many passengers _____________.
A.felt desperate and anxious
B.stood up and started yelling
C.waited calmly for the problems to be solved
D.complained about the mechanic's carelessness
4. From the text we can learn that_____________.
A.some passenger were sleeping all the way on the plane
B.the passengers arrived in their destination safely as planned
C.the author and his younger sister were the last to board the plane
D.the passengers clapped their hands once the plane landed safely
5. Which opinion would the author most probably hold?
A.To ensure success, don't get started before you've got everything ready.
B.To avoid repeating failure, give yourself all the reasons why you can't.
C.To set up a business, don't wait until you have everything you need.
D.To achieve success, try to prepare for the worst.
2019-05-10更新 | 283次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】It is obvious that all of our childhood memories are not accidental. When you are a child, every scent, every sound, every move, every toy, the first day of school, the first kiss, the first step. . . Everything together makes what is the personality of a man. All these are pieces of one whole entity.

I was about 6 years old. My mom's best friend left to another town and asked my mom to stay at her place with me for two days in order to look after her two sons. One was a little older than I was. and the second boy appeared to be super grown-up, for he was already fourteen. I always enjoyed staying at their place.

I remember the second day we were supposed to have the come-back party for my mom's friend at her place. I woke up. Mom went to work and reminded me to be nice and clean by the time she came back. I stayed with Tony, the older of the boys and suddenly somebody called him and though he was not permitted to leave me alone-he left. He said it would not be long. But it took him forever. I realized that I was alone. I could not come out of the house, so I opened the window. I was so desperate. So lonely. So betrayed. At that moment I pulled the curtain so strongly that I fell on the floor. And there I was standing-one little criminal-desperate to escape and knowing that I would be punished for destroying the curtain that was not even ours.

But then something changed. I stopped weeping. I looked around and realized that I was in a safe place, and that mom would come back and kiss me no matter what I had done.

This was a moment of pure happiness, not the happiness of getting a new toy or a dog, or going to the party of your best friend. It was the moment of clarity for me-the first time in my life when I realized that I was happy to have my mom and that I was safe. My eyes saw the world in different shades that moment. And by the way-I was not punished for the curtain. I fell asleep on my mom's knees.

1. What is the best title for this passage?
A.An Unforgettable Party
B.A Childhood Memory
C.A Happy Day in My Mom's Best Friend's Home
D.The Rules You Should Follow
2. What best describes the author's feelings toward childhood memories?
A.Childhood memories are easy to forget.
B.They make what is the personality of a man.
C.Good memories are always much easier for us to remember.
D.Childhood memories are always strange and incomprehensible.
3. What happened to the author when he was 6 years old?
A.His family moved to another apartment.
B.He always fought with mom's friend's children for toys.
C.He was punished by his mom for destroying her friend's curtain.
D.He was locked inside a house and failed to get out by the window.
4. In the last paragraph, the word " It " refers to______.
A.the moment he received a present from his mom
B.the time he spent in mom's friend's home
C.the moment he realized his mom's love
D.the time he destroyed the curtain
2019-05-07更新 | 142次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般