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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:253 题号:8215602

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, the poet, publisher, painter, social activist and bookstore owner, has been San Francisco’s honored poet. He turns 100 this month, and the city is making preparations to celebrate him in style. Readings and performances and an open house will take place at City Lights, the sacred bookstore he co-founded in 1953.

On March 24, 1919, Lawrence Ferlinghetti was born in Yonkers, New York. After spending his early childhood in France, he received his BA from the University of North Carolina, an MA from Columbia University, and a PhD from the Sorbonne.

He is the author of more than thirty books of poetry, including Poetry as Insurgent Art; A Coney Island of the Mind. He has translated the works of a number of poets, including Nicanor Parra, Jacques Prevert, and Pier Paolo Pasolini. In addition to poetry, he is also the author of more than eight plays and three novels, including Little Boy: A Novel, Love in the Days of Rage and Her.

In 1953, Ferlinghetti and Peter Martin opened the City Lights bookstore in San Francisco, California. It became a nerve center for the Beats and other writers. Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac and other writers from that era were Easterners who dropped into San Francisco for a spell. In 2001 it was made an official historic landmark. Now City Lights is almost certainly the best bookstore in the United States. It’s filled with serious world literature of all kinds.

If City Lights is a San Francisco institution, Ferlinghetti himself is as much of one. He has loomed over the city’s literary life. As a poet, he’s never been a critical favorite. But his flexible and plain-spoken and often powerful work — he has published more than 50 volumes — has found a wide audience. His collection “A Coney Island of the Mind” has sold more than 1 million copies, making it one of the best-selling American poetry books ever published.

1. What can we learn about Ferlinghetti from Paragraph 2?
A.He had a happy childhood.
B.He received normal education.
C.He had a gift for writing novels.
D.He had written lots of poetry.
2. Which of the following best describes Ferlinghetti according to Paragraph 3?
3. Why is City Lights famous?
A.Because it is a nerve center for the youth.
B.Because its collections have a long history.
C.Because it is an official historic landmark.
D.Because it has many modern world literature.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To speak highly of a great poet.
B.To introduce some English poetry.
C.To promote values of City Lights.
D.To celebrate the birthday of Ferlinghetti.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】In 1982, I had responsibility for Stephen Hawking’s third academic book for the Press, Superspace and Supergravity. This was a messy collection of papers from a technical workshop on how to devise a new theory of gravity. While that book was in production, I suggested he try something easier: a popular book about the nature of the Universe, suitable for the general market.

Stephen hesitated over my suggestion. He already had an international reputation as a brilliant theoretical physicist working on rotating black holes and theories of gravity. And he had concerns about financial matters: importantly, it was impossible for him to obtain any form of life insurance to protect his family in the event of his death or becoming totally dependent on nursing care. So, he took precious time out from his research to prepare the rough draft of a book.

At the time, several bestselling physics authors had already published non-technical books on the early Universe and black holes. Stephen decided to write a more personal approach, by explaining his own research in cosmology and quantum theory.

One afternoon, in the 1980s, he invited me to take a look at the first draft, but first he wanted to discuss cash. He told me he had spent considerable time away from his research, and that he expected advances and royalties (定金和版税) to be large. When I pressed him on the market that he foresaw, he insisted that it be on sale, up front, at all airport bookshops in the UK and the US. I told that was a tough call for a university press. Then I thumbed the typescript. To my dismay, the text was far too technical for a general reader.

A few weeks later he showed me a revision, much improved. Eventually, he decided to place it with a mass market publisher rather than a university press. Bantam published A Brief History of Time in March 1988. Sales took off like a rocket, and it ranked as a bestseller for at least five years. The book’s impact on the popularization of science has been incalculable.

1. What suggestion did the writer give to Stephen Hawking?
A.Simplifying Superspace and Supergravity.
B.Formulating a new theory of gravity.
C.Writing a popular book on the nature of the universe.
D.Revising a book based on a new theory.
2. Which of the following was Stephen Hawking most concerned about?
A.Financial returns.
B.Other competitors.
C.Publishing houses.
D.His family’s life insurance.
3. The underlined word thumbed is closest in meaning to     .
4. The greatest contribution of the book A Brief History of Time lies in     .
A.bringing him overnight fame in the scientific world
B.keeping up the living standard of his family
C.making popular science available to the general public
D.creating the rocketing sales of a technical book
2019-11-25更新 | 175次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难 (0.4)
文章大意:本文一篇记叙文。在饰演已故明星Cary Grant这个角色之前,为了真实再现Cary Grant的声音,Jason Isaacs设法找到了Cary Grant生前的谈话录音,从而可以模仿他的真实声音。因为大家熟悉的Cary Grant的声音都是他在电影里的声音,这与他真实的声音不同。

【推荐2】The British accent of Cary Gran has finally been revealed after a fellow actor tracked down a secretly tape recording of the Bristol-born big screen superstar.

Jason Isaacs, who plays Cary Grant in a coming ITV biopic (传记片), said that although setting his mind on figuring out the actor’s real accent, he had become upset by the absence of interviews with Cary Grant.

The star, whose death aged 82 in 1986 brought to an end one of the 20th century’s greatest screen careers, rarely spoke in public and would always adopt a mid-American accent for the cameras

Isaacs, 60, said this week that after some “detective work”, he found out about an interview Cary Grant gave to a student from the University of Iowa months before his death. The student’s classmate secretly recorded the interview in which Cary Grant spoke about his hatred (厌恶) of being approached by fans. The secret recording reveals Cary Grant’s true accent.

At the launch of the ITV drama Archie-after Cary Grant’s birth name Archibald Leach — Isaacs said that when he landed the role, “the first thing I did was look for interviews of Cary Grant.” Isaacs added; “He didn’t want to be seen and he didn’t want to be known. There was nothing at all. Only the films. And that’s not what he spoke like. His accent changed a lot in the films.

Isaacs said of listening to the tape: “I felt like I’d finally made a real connection with him and that’s the voice you hear on screen in Archie. It’s more English than he is in the movies. People think they remember Cary Grant’s voice but what they remember is Tony Curtis in Some Like It Hot.”

The ITV biopic focuses on Grant’s troubled family relationships. Jennifer Grant, Grant’s daughter, said her father had rarely spoken about his childhood. “Sadly I think there was so much shame wrapped up in it,” Jennifer Grant said.

1. Why did Jason Isaacs attempt to get a recording of Cary Grant?
A.To recreate his accent for real.
B.To show sincere respect to him.
C.To get the role of Cary Grant easily.
D.To make the film more profitable.
2. What can we infer about Cary Grant from Paragraph 4?
A.He acted as a detective.
B.He worked in a university.
C.He hated being recorded secretly.
D.He disliked having his life disturbed.
3. Whose voice is familiar to the audience?
A.Cary Grant.B.Tony Curtis.C.Jason Isaacs.D.Jennifer Grant.
4. What kind of person is Jason Isaacs?
2024-05-23更新 | 148次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】I go to a gym in west London, always unwillingly. Exercise is too exhausting and boring. Always was. At school I made believe that I had headaches and parental notes too, to get out of PE classes and compulsory games. Now, twice a week, I dutifully get on cycling machines and other equipment and make myself work out for an hour. To get through the difficult hour, I people-watched: young and old, fit and unfit and Clayton Rose, one of the instructors.

Clayton is a personal trainer not only to body perfectionists, but to people who are mentally and physically disabled, the obese and hopeless. He treats them all the same. I have witnessed him listening keenly to a middle-aged working-class woman who goes on and on about her life, holidays, everything. Slim and attractive now, she was once so heavy that she was in a wheelchair. I have seen him calm down a young man with Tourette's syndrome(抽动症)and get him on a treadmill. I have also watched him pushing and coaching strong, cool men.

Clayton was shocked when I said I wanted to write about him. “Why? You know I'm not educated? I'm not clued up about politics and all that. Just an ordinary guy.”

He grew up in Twickenham, where his dad worked in a timber yard, his mum in an office. After college, the young man got into personal training and found his work. One of his best friends got seriously ill and was given months to live. Clayton put him on a program that kept him alive for almost five years: “I don't earn much, but I love my work; training and talking really helps people who don't have confidence, who are lonely, afraid, sick. Lots of people can't step into a gym. They need someone they can trust, someone who will be on their side.

The gym recently updated its equipment. The flashy new stuff confuses and upsets disabled customers. Me too. The private firm running these centers made decisions without considering these needs. Clayton is managing the chaos with grace and strength. Last week, when a young woman in a wheelchair started sobbing loudly, he calmed her down, restored her dignity, superhumanly contained his anger.

One of his colleagues thinks Clayton's “a legend”. He is, and doesn't know it—a rare thing in this age of extreme narcissism(自恋)and monetized(货币化) everything.

1. Why was I unwilling to go to a gym?
A.Because I suffered from headaches.
B.Because I had bad memories of PE classes.
C.Because I had to watch a large crowd exercising
D.Because I felt it tiring and no fun
2. How does Clayton Rose help people in the gym?
A.He brings out the best in them.B.He helps them with illness advice
C.He treats them differently.D.He focuses on body perfection.
3. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Reasons to go to a gym.B.An instructor inspiring confidence.
C.Exercise with push and inspiration.D.Rays of hope in the age of narcissism.
2021-05-17更新 | 150次组卷
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