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题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:254 题号:8259544

The first Thursday in May is World Password Day, but don’t buy a cake or send cards. Computer chip maker Intel created the event as an annual reminder.     1    .

The purpose of a password is to limit access to information. Having a very common or simple one like “abcdef” or even normal words like “password”, is barely any security at all.     2    . Hackers’ password cracking tools take advantage of this lack of creativity and get in our accounts easily. More experienced users would choose a less common password. However, they might still fall victim to cracking software.

    3    ? A secure password is all that stands between us and a cybercriminal. It should be unique and complex, which a hacker can’t easily guess or crack. The best passwords are supposed to be at least 15 characters long and full of random numbers and letters. However, a long password means a complicated process to log into a website.     4    . You may want to write it down, but it is not suggested due to risk.

Then what should we do?     5    . You can choose a phrase such as “I want to go to England.” Next, convert it to an abbreviation (缩略语) by using the first letters of each word and changing the word “to” to “2”. Then you get following password phrase: iw2g2e. You can make it even more complex by adding punctuation, spaces or symbols: %iw_2g2e!@. It is much easier to remember and safer.

Can’t wait to try? Let’s say goodbye to “666666” and change your password right now.

A.What do network security experts do
B.Try using shortened phrases for passwords
C.How can we ensure the safety of a password
D.Changing password regularly is an effective way
E.That is like closing a door but not actually locking it
F.It is used to say farewell to popular passwords like “123456”
G.And it is also difficult for us to remember a long irregular password
【知识点】 科学技术


阅读理解-阅读单选(约580词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Think about a remote control. Something so simple in function is seemingly capable of invisible magic to most of us. Only those with an engineering and electronics background probably have any real idea of why a remote control works. The rest of us just assume it should. And the longer a given technology exists, the more we take it for granted.

Consider for a moment a split screen showing modern remote control users versus the first remote control users: the original users would be carefully aiming the remote directly at the television, reading the names of the buttons to find the right one, and intentionally pressing the button with a force that adds nothing to the effectiveness of the device. The modern users would be leaning on a sofa, pointing the remote any which way, and instinctively feeling for the button they desired, intuiting (凭直觉知道) its size, shape, and position on the remote.

Humans are known for being handy with tools, so it is no surprise that we get so comfortable with our technology. However, as we become increasingly comfortable with how to use new technologies, we become less aware of how they work. Most people who use modern technology know nothing of its underlying science. They have spent neither mental nor financial resources on its development. And yet, rather than be humbled by its originality, we consumers often become unfairly demanding of what our technology should do for us.

Many of the landmark inventions of the twentieth century followed predictable tracks: initial versions of each technology (television, video games, computers, cell phones, etc.) succeeded in impressing the general public. Then, these wonderful new inventions quickly became commonplace. Soon, the focus of consumer attitudes towards them changed from gratitude with respect to discriminating preference.

Televisions needed to be bigger and have a higher resolution. Video games needed to be more realistic. Computers needed to be more powerful yet smaller in size. Cell phones needed to be smaller yet capable of performing other tasks such as taking pictures, accessing the Internet, and even playing movies.

For children of the last twenty years born into this modern life, these technological marvels seem like elements of the periodic table: a given ingredient that is simply part of the universe. Younger generations don’t even try to imagine life without modern conveniences. They do not appreciate the unprecedented (史无前例的) technology that is in their possession; rather, they complain about the ways in which it fails to live up to ideal expectations. “My digital video recorder at home doesn’t allow me to program it from my computer at work.” “It’s taking too long for this interactive map to display on my portable GPS”.

If it sounds as though we’re never satisfied, we aren’t. Of course, our complaints do actually motivate engineers to continually refine their products. After all, at the root of our tool-making instinct is the notion that “there must be a better way.” Thus, the shortcomings of any current version of technology are pinned on the limitations of its designers, and the expectation is that someone, somewhere is working on how to make the existing product even better.

1. The second paragraph is used to illustrate the idea that ________.
A.modern humans do not pay enough attention to instructions
B.remote controls have become far more effective over the years
C.consumer behavior toward new forms of technology changes over time
D.the first consumers of new technology used new devices with ease and comfort
2. The passage states that original users of remote controls likely did all of the following EXCEPT ________.
A.aim the remote directly at the televisionB.feel instinctively for the desired button
C.read the names of the buttons carefullyD.use more strength pressing the button than is necessary
3. One form of consumer behavior the author describes is a discriminating preference for ________.
A.less realistic video gamesB.wanting to make sacrifices
C.more powerful computersD.needing to understand technology
4. The author uses the underlined statement in paragraph 6 most nearly to mean that ________.
A.space exploration gives us most of our technology
B.children learn technology while they learn chemistry
C.consumers complain when modern conveniences break down
D.consumers regard many technological inventions as unremarkable
5. The principal tone of the passage can best be described as ________.
2020-08-17更新 | 142次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】I bet that your daily routine is probably something like mine, which is divided among seeing movies, streaming shopping videos and playing video games. All of these activities involve staring at a screen.    1    . So I turned to psychology experts for their advice. Here’s what we can do.

Come Up With a Plan. You should first assess which parts of screen time make you unhappy. That could be reading the news or scrolling through social media apps.    2    . You could set modest goals, such as a time limit of 20 minutes a day for reading news on weekends. If that works, shorten the time limit and make it a daily goal.

    3    . We need to recharge our phones overnight, but that doesn’t mean the devices need to be next to us while we sleep. Many studies have shown that people who keep phones in their bedrooms sleep more poorly. So you’d better have a charging station outside the bedroom. And we can create many no-phone zones outside our bedrooms.    4    .

Resist the Hooks (诱惑). Tech companies employed many techniques to make us addicted to their products. For example, the recommended video can be played automatically to keep users engaged. What to do? We can turn off notifications (通知) for all apps except those that are necessary.    5    . That said, we can remind ourselves that a lot of what we do online doesn’t matter, and it’s the time that can be better spent elsewhere.

A.Create no-phone zones.
B.Not all screen time is bad.
C.Avoid charging phones overnight.
D.Remember, there has to be more to life than surfing the internet.
E.But too much screen time is harmful to our physical and mental health.
F.Then create a realistic plan to minimize consumption of those contents.
G.The dinner table, for example, is a good one for families to put phones away.
2022-04-29更新 | 252次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The most common way of studying diversity is by setting camera traps. But a new study finds that a better answer might be in the water. Research finds sampling large amounts of stream water, looking for environmental DNA (eDNA) can measure the diversity of mammals just as effectively as camera trap monitoring.

“Camera trapping can trace a range of species effectively, but requires trained and skilled observers,” Arnaud Lyet, a conservation scientist says. “Besides, camera trap surveys are still too expensive to be used in large amounts.”

As animals move through the environment, they drop cells with DNA through their skin, hair, and feces. By sampling water, researchers can access that eDNA. The DNA in a sample is analyzed through a process which recognizes short sequences of DNA. These sequences are compared to those of known species in order to identify them.

For their work, in 2018 the researchers set up 57 camera traps and took water samples from 42 locations to match the camera traps in the South Chilcotin mountains in British Columbia. The next year, they kept the same camera, and collected 36 samples from only two large streams. They found the eDNA sampling detected the presence of 35 mammal species and cost $46,415. The camera trap survey detected 29 mammal species and cost $64,195.

“Our results suggest that the application of eDNA sampling strategies could change how biodiversity is monitored in large landscapes, providing decision-makers with more complete biodiversity data, improving our ability to safeguard biodiversity,” Lyet says. “A single sample containing eDNA can be used to potentially detect the presence of any organism from a bacteria to a large elephant. eDNA can be used to monitor endangered species, study the impact of climate change, warn us of invisible threats, and access the overall health of ecosystem.”

1. What is the distinct advantage of sampling water strategy?
A.It can be used in large areas.B.It requires skilled researchers.
C.It can trace many species.D.It is relatively cost-effective.
2. Which is the key point in identifying a species?
A.Collecting animal's feces.B.Analyzing DNA sequence.
C.Accessing animal's DNA.D.Collecting stream water.
3. How do researchers conduct their study?
A.By making a comparison.B.By working out the data.
C.By analyzing former studies.D.By sampling stream water.
4. What can be a practical use of eDNA?
A.Offering the government advice.B.Protecting people from dangers.
C.Monitoring the ecosystem.D.Influencing the environment
2021-09-17更新 | 100次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般