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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:18 题号:8266108

Do you like eating processed meat? If you do, think twice now if you want to eat such meat for the sake of your health.   Why? "It's because eating processed meat can cause cancer, " World Health Organization (WHO) experts said last Monday.

Processed meat is the meat that has been preserved by salting, smoking, drying or canning. Experts from the WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer   (IARC) in Lyon, France studied 800 patients.   The experts connected processed meat, such as hot dogs and bacon, with at least three kinds of cancer.   A person who eats 50 grams of processed meat per day— about two pieces of bacon— increases his or her risk of bowel (肠) cancer by 18 percent.

The IARC has included processed meat in its Group 1 list, for which there is " enough evidence" of its connection with cancer. Tobacco is also on the Group 1 list.

The experts also said red meat, including beef, lamb and pork, is "probably" carcinogenic (致癌的)to humans. Dr. Kurt Strait is with the IARC. He said in a statement that the risk of cancer increases with the amount of meat a person eats. Health experts in some countries advised people against eating large amounts of red and processed meat. But those suggestions had been centered on the increased risk of heart disease and obesity.

However, meat industry groups protest the result of the WHO's study.   They say that meat is part of a balanced diet.   They also say the causes of cancer are broad, and include environment and lifestyle factors.

The WHO's report cites (引证) the Global Burden of Disease Study's project, which shows that diets high in processed meat lead to 34, 000 cancer deaths per year worldwide.

1. It can be inferred that the items on the Group 1 list of the IARC             .
A.are all processed foods
B.aren't often eaten by people
C.can be the most dangerous to humans
D.can greatly increase the risk of cancer
2. Which can take the place of the underlined word "protest"?
A.Learn from.B.Disagree with.
C.Take interest in.D.Pay attention to.
3. Which is the best title of the passage?
A.WHO: Processed Meat Can Cause Cancer
B.The Importance of Having a Balanced Diet
C.Eating Too Much Red Meat Is Bad for Humans
D.The Causes of Some Kinds of Cancer
【知识点】 科普知识


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】As we all know, trees are important to our life. They provide us with food, wood and most importantly, oxygen. Now there is one more thing we can add to this list—blocking out harmful bacteria in water.

The discovery was made by some scientists and high school students who were seeking for a natural water filter(过滤器)—one that could help people in developing countries that don’t have access to modern water systems.

The researchers, led by Rohit Karnik, a professor ,decided to turn to trees for help because they were able to allow liquid to flow through while blocking out air bubbles(气泡).

They began by cutting 1.5-inch-wide sections of tree bark from the branch of a white pine tree. The researchers then tested the wood’s filtering ability by pouring water containing red dye particles(染料颗粒)of different sizes through. To their surprise, they found it was effective in trapping all the particles. Encouraged, the team did another experiment, this time with water containing bacteria. Sure enough, the bark held back 99%of the bacteria, allowing only 1% to flow through.

Mr. Karnik said the bark was able to filter water containing much smaller particles. This means that it can be used to get rid of most of the bacteria. However, what troubles them is that tree bark cannot hold back viruses, which tend to be much smaller.

Though the experiment is successful, we must remember one thing—the bark only works when damp. This means that before this natural filter can be put to practical use, the researchers will have to figure out how to keep the bark damp, or find a way to keep the bark’s great filtering ability even when it’s dry.

But the study is not done. The researchers plan on testing other types of trees, including those flowering trees. They think those may be more effective in trapping smaller particles and even viruses.

1. How will the discovery affect the world?
A.No harmful bacteria will be found in water.
B.There will be no water pollution around the world.
C.More pine trees will be planted around the world.
D.Clean water will be more accessible in developing countries.
2. What problem troubles the researchers when using the trees bark as a water filter?
A.Viruses cannot be prevented.
B.Tree bark should be wet.
C.It’s hard to remove air bubbles.
D.Not all bacteria can be held back.
3. Why does the team plan to do other experiments?
A.To find other natural water filters.
B.To improve the filtering ability of other trees.
C.To find a way to keep the bark wet.
D.To test the filtering ability of other trees.
4. In which column of a newspaper can we read this text?
2017-07-07更新 | 57次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了荷兰罗宁根大学的Danelien van Aalst和她的同事调查了相对年龄是如何影响荷兰,瑞典和英国14到15岁青少年的受欢迎程度的。调查发现年龄越大的学生越有可能被认为是受欢迎的。

【推荐2】Danelien van Aalst at the University of Groningen and her co-workers have done research on how relative age (相对年龄) affects popularity among 14 to 15-year-olds.

Researchers surveyed more than 13,000 teenagers in England, Sweden and the Netherlands on who they thought was the most popular in their class. Then the researchers gave each student in their classroom a popularity score linked to their birth month as well as their age position in their class. They discovered this: the older the student was, the more likely he or she was to be considered popular.

“A child enters school before or after a certain cut-off date and that determines how old or young you are relative to your year group,” says van Aalst. “We found that if you’re born right after the cut-off date, which makes you one of the oldest members of your class, you’re going to be popular.”

They found that the same effect also applied at the year-group level. Here, it was the children who were the oldest relative to all of their peers in the year group-rather than just those in their own class-that were the most popular.

All three countries showed roughly the same pattern (模式). However, at the classroom level, it was in the Netherlands that the pattern was the strongest. This is partly because the country has a system of grade retention - when students don’t meet their academic requirements, their teachers will hold them back a year, which means they then become the oldest in their class and often the most popular.

This relative age effect has also been shown in other areas. “Relative age has earlier been proved to affect school performance-relatively older children do better in school,” says Herman van de Werfhorst at the University of Amsterdam. Similarly, previous research has shown that older children tend to be better at sports than younger students in the same year group.

1. How did the researchers know who the popular students were?
A.By recording students’ performance.B.By studying earlier research results.
C.By collecting answers from students.D.By comparing the ages of students.
2. What does the underlined word “that” refer to in paragraph 3?
A.Popularity.B.Relative age.C.The survey data.D.The cut-off date.
3. What might happen to students held back a year in Netherlands?
A.Their teachers would be happy to have them in the class.
B.It would be difficult for them to pass the exams in Netherlands.
C.They might gain more popularity than others in the same year group.
D.They might be the most popular among the peers of the three countries.
4. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.The older a child gets, the wiser he or she will be.
B.Many students want to be held back to be popular.
C.Older children are likely to perform better in school.
D.Older children are often more popular than their younger peers.
2023-10-04更新 | 132次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Raccoons are smaller relatives of bears. They are native to North America, but they can also be found in Asia and Europe. Raccoons live in wooded areas close to water, but they can be often found near urban areas. There are about 7 different species of raccoons. Pygmy raccoon is the only endangered species.

Raccoons usually reach 40 to 70cm in length and weigh between 5­26kg. Raccoons that live in colder climates are larger and heavier. They have grayish fur, black masks around eyes and long tails covered with black and brown bands. Because of their tails, they are also called "ringtail".

Raccoons are omnivores. They like to eat insects, eggs, small mammals, fruit, berries, garbage, and so on. Raccoon's hands look like human's. They each have five fingers and are used to collect food, open shells, door or trash cans. Raccoons often place food in water before they start to eat it. They have highly sensitive sense of touch and water increases their sensitivity even more. By touching the food, they get better insight about things they will eat.

They are easily adaptable to various environments. They can live in hollow (中空的) trees equally happily like they can in useless cars. Raccoons live on their own and hunt at night. They don't hibernate (冬眠), but they spend the coldest days of winters in their holes.

Mating (交配) season takes place from January to mid March. Two months later, female will give birth to 3­4 babies. Their tails don't have bands, and the mask around eyes is still missing. Mother is very protective and she will teach them how to survive and what to eat as they become­ready to leave the hole. Raccoons usually can live only 1.8 to 3.1 years in the wild, but they can live up to 20 years at a zoo.

Raccoons can pass rabies, a kind of disease, to home­raised animals and people, which is very dangerous. What's more, their waste often has roundworms.

1. What do we learn about raccoons?
A.They love living near water.B.They are at risk of dying out.
C.They love getting close to humans.D.They only live in areas far from urban areas.
2. What does the author most probably mean by saying "Raccoons are omnivores"?
A.They don't hibernate.B.They are very large animals.
C.They are sensitive to foods' tastes.D.They feed on many different types of food.
3. What are raccoons good at?
A.Finding food in deep water.B.Using their feet to open food.
C.Adapting to a new environment.D.Telling differences among smells.
4. After reading the text, we can say that ________.
A.raccoons like attacking humansB.people consider raccoons very lovely
C.raccoons and bears have a lot in commonD.it's better that humans keep away from raccoons
2021-08-21更新 | 54次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般