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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:81 题号:8280288

Ludwig van Beethoven is the most famous classical composer of the Western world. He is known for his powerful music and for continuing to compose after he became deaf.

Born to a musical family in the small German city of Bonn in December 1770, Beethoven was an excellent pianist and violinist as a boy. He soon became the first important composer to earn a successful living without working for the church or court. Beethoven began to lose his hearing in the late 1790s and by 1819 he was totally deaf. When he heard nothing, in order to hear the notes (音符), he cut the legs off the piano so that he could feel the vibrations (震动)as he played.

Beethoven enjoyed taking long walks in the countryside. The villagers respected him a lot and would not bother him when they passed him. He was a strange man with his untidy clothes, wild hair and a bad temper.

For his last 15 years Beethoven was regarded as the world’s best composer. The four-note beginning to his Fifth Symphony is one of the most famous moments in all of music. The notes were described as “Fate knocking at the door”. He wrote the popular Moonlight Sonata in 1801.

Beethoven never married. After his death in March 1827, his friends found his letters to a lover, but they never found out who she was.

Besides lots of concerts and broadcasts, over 200 films use Beethoven’s music. Although he died many years ago, Beethoven is still influencing the music world.

1. Most of Beethoven’s works are of___________.
A.light musicB.powerful music
C.sad musicD.violin music
2. According to the passage, what can we know about Beethoven?
A.He was totally deaf at the age of 28.
B.He didn’t like working for the church or court.
C.His family had some effect on him in music.
D.Many of Beethoven’s works were composed for a girl.
3. Why did many people think of Beethoven as a strange man?
A.Because he continued to compose after his deafness.
B.Because he never married all his life.
C.Because he enjoyed taking long walks in the countryside.
D.Because he didn’t care for his appearance and had a bad temper.
4. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Beethoven, the world’s best composer
B.Beethoven, a very strange composer
C.Beethoven, a struggling composer
D.Beethoven, the world’s most productive composer
【知识点】 记叙文 艺术家


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】To a regular person, Spitfire may look like just an ordinary dog, but to fans of the dock diving circuit, he is an incredible athlete in the same league as sport stars like Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant

Before COVH-19, eight-year-old Spitfire and his 16-year-old owner, Sydney, dominated the dock diving circuit like never before in the history of the sport. If you’re unfamiliar with the sport of dock diving, it’s essentially dogs running on a wooden dock and jumping as far or as high as possible before diving into a pool of water. And no dog did this better than Spitfire. Between 2016 and 2019, he broke 21 world records.

Spitfire came into the Mackey family in 2013. Back then, he was just an adorable dog with big eyes that Sydney instantly fell in love with. Sydney and her mother learned about dock diving in 2016, from a family friend who encouraged them to try it with Spitfire. In May of that year, they decided to give the sport a try and their pet proved to be a natural.

It wasn’t long after that very first jump that Sydney and Spitfire started making waves in the world of dock diving. They took the sport by storm and they dominated events across the United States like no team had ever done before. In three years, time, they broke many world records, and became known as an unbeatable pair of players.

Before he jumps into the air, the world’s best dock diver reaches a speed of about 30 miles per hour, and when he takes to the air he can reach a distance of 31 feet before hitting the water, or 8 feet 6 inches when he’s going for height. It’s no wonder they call him the flying dog.

But while Spitfire is undoubtedly the star of the show, most dock diving experts are convinced that despite his athletic abilities, he would have never reached his true potential without his young owner’s guidance. Sydney’s “Ready? Ready? Go, Go, Go!” pep talk to get Spitfire fired up has become famous on the dock jumping circuit.

1. Why are Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.To show Spitfire owns the same number of fans.
B.To show Spitfire’s incredible talent in basketball.
C.To show Spitfire’s excellent performance in sports.
D.To show the importance of sports stars to the league,
2. At first, what inspired Sydney to try the dock diving with Spitfire?
A.His friend’s encouragement.B.His devotion to the dock diving.
C.Spitfire’s good performance in diving.D.The popularity of the dock diving.
3. What can we learn about the dog and bis owner from the fourth paragraph?
A.They didn’t perform well at the beginning.
B.They achieved impressive results in the events.
C.They were ever defeated by other teams.
D.They seldom participated in the events in US.
4. What do most experts think of Spitfire?
A.He can’t live up to the title of sports star.
B.He doesn’t obey his owner’s orders at times.
C.They doubt whether he has his athletic abilities.
D.Sydney’s guidance contributed to his achievements.
2023-02-09更新 | 96次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】I remember the day when Dad first brought home the heavy accordion. He gathered my mother and me in the living room and opened the case as if it were a treasure. My thin smile didn’t match his broad grin, because I had wished for a guitar or a piano.

Shortly after my lessons began, I was ordered to practice half an hour every day. Gradually, I was able to string notes together and play simple songs.

Someday, I found a case at home. Opening it, I saw a beautiful violin. “It’s your father’s,” Mom said. “His parents bought it for him. I guess he got too busy on the farm to ever learn to play it.” I tried to imagine Dad’s rough hands on this delicate instrument — and couldn’t.

With the fall school concert nearing, I would have to play a solo on a local movie theater’s stage. I wanted to skip the whole thing.

Emotions boiled over in the car one Sunday afternoon. “I don’t want to play a solo,” I said. “You have to,” replied my father.

“Why?” I shouted. “Because you didn’t get to play your violin when you were a kid? Why should I have to play this stupid instrument when you never had to play yours?” Dad pulled the car over.

“Because you can bring people joy.” He added softly, “Someday you'll have chance I never had: you’ll play beautiful music for your family.”

I was speechless. I had rarely heard Dad speak with such feeling about anything, much less the accordion.

The evening of the concert, I walked onto the stage and performed without a mistake. Dad slipped an arm around me and held me close. “You were just great,” he said. Then he shook my hand and was slow to let it go.

Dad never learned to produce sweet sounds from his violin. Yet he was wrong to think he would never for his family. Every time my husband and children laughed and danced, hearing my accordion, I know it was my father’s music.

1. How did the author feel at the first sight of her accordion?
2. Why did the author mention her father’s not playing the violin in his childhood?
A.To prove a theory.B.To find an excuse.
C.To give an example.D.To make a comparison.
3. Why did the father insist the author play the accordion?
A.She could perform on stage.B.She could realize her father’s dream.
C.She would enjoy the pleasure music brings.D.She would have a chance to play music for her family.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.My father’s music.B.My music lessons.
C.My first solo performance.D.My journey to an accordionist.
2022-04-23更新 | 105次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了主人公Toumi在一次去突尼斯旅游的过程中激发了她要帮助当地人的热情,由此创立了“Acacias for All”项目,改善当地农田,实践其可持续农业的理念。

【推荐3】As a young girl growing up in France, Sarah Toumi dreamed of becoming a leader who could make the world a better place. Her passion to help others was awakened when, from the age of nine, she accompanied her Tunisian father to his birthplace in the east of the country during holidays. There she organized homework clubs and activities for children.

Toumi witnessed first-hand the destructive effect of desertification. “Within 10 years rich farmers became worse off, and 10 years from now they will be poor. I wanted to stop the Sahara Desert in its tracks.” A decrease in average rainfall and an increase in the severity of droughts (干旱) have led to an estimated 75 percent of Tunisia’s agricultural lands being threatened by desertification.

Toumi recognized that farming practices needed to change. She is confident that small land areas can bring large returns if farmers are able to adapt by planting sustainable crops, using new technologies for water treatment and focusing on natural products and fertilisers (肥料) rather than chemicals.

In 2012, Toumi consolidated her dream to fight the desert. She moved to Tunisia, and set up a programme named Acacias for All to put her sustainable farming philosophy into action. “I want to show young people in rural areas that they can create opportunities where they are. Nobody is better able to understand the impact of desertification and climate change than somebody who is living with no access to water.”

By September 2016, more than 130, 00 acacia trees had been planted on 20 pilot farms, with farmers recording a 60 per cent survival rate. Toumi estimates that some 3 million acacia trees are needed to protect Tunisia’s farmland. She expects to plant 1 million trees by 2018. In the next couple of years, Toumi hopes to extend the programme to Algeria and Morocco.

1. How did Toumi’s holiday trips to Tunisia influence her?
A.They fired her enthusiasm for helping others.
B.They helped her better understand her father.
C.They made her decide to leave the country.
D.They destroyed her dream of being a teacher.
2. What is the main cause of the desertification of Tunisa’s farmland?
A.Cold weather.B.Soil pollution.C.Low rainfall.D.Forest damage.
3. Why did Toumi set up Acacias for All in Tunisia?
A.To create job opportunities for young people.
B.To facilitate the protection of their farmland.
C.To persuade the farmers not to use fertilizers.
D.To help the children obtain a basic education.
4. How can we best describe the young girl?
A.Patient and honest.B.Selfless and humorous.
C.Devoted and selfless.D.Positive and responsible.
2024-05-15更新 | 47次组卷
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