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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:257 题号:8351885

Many years ago, my dad was facing a serious heart condition. He was unable to do a steady job. He fell suddenly ill and had to be admitted to the hospital.

He wanted to do something to keep himself busy, so he decided to volunteer at the local children’s hospital. My dad loved kids. It was the perfect job for him. He ended up working with the seriously ill children. He would talk, play, and do arts with them.

One of his kids was a girl with a rare disease that paralyzed (瘫痪) her from the neck down. She couldn’t do anything, and she was very depressed. My dad decided to try to help her. He started visiting her in her room, bringing paints, brushes and paper. He stood the paper up, put the paintbrush in his mouth and began to paint. He didn’t use his hands at all. All the while he would tell her, “See, you can do anything you set your mind to.”At the end of the day, she began to paint using her mouth, and she and my dad became friends. Soon after, the little girl was sent home because the doctors felt there was nothing else they could do for her. My dad also left the children’s hospital for a little while because he became ill. Some time later after my dad had recovered and returned to work, in came the little girl who had been paralyzed and only this time she was walking. She ran straight over to my dad and hugged him really tight. She gave him a picture she had done using her hands. At the bottom it read: “Thank you for helping me walk.”

My dad would cry every time he told us this story and so would we. He would say sometimes love is more powerful than doctor, and my dad—who died just a few months after the little girl gave the picture—loved every single child in that hospital.

1. The author’s father worked at the local hospital to_______________.
A.make his serious heart condition less seriousB.keep himself occupied and pleased
C.realize his childhood dreamD.earn money to pay for treatment
2. How did the author’s father help the paralyzed little girl?
A.He helped her practice walking.B.He visited her and made a toy for her.
C.He showed her she could still do things.D.He painted special pictures for her.
3. According to Paragraph 3, the paralyzed girl _______________.
A.eventually became a unique painter
B.was sent home and never seen again
C.gradually recovered and walked
D.sent the author’s dad a picture painted with her mouth
4. What message does the passage mainly convey?
A.It’s better to give than to receive.
B.A sick person should not focus on his disease.
C.Volunteering is a worthwhile thing to do.
D.Love can sometimes bring great results.
【知识点】 故事 哲理感悟 友谊


阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】A poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apples he grew.

One day, his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to take it home and plant it. The farmer was pleased with the gift, but when he got home, he did not know where to plant it.

He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the fruit. If he planted the tree in one of his fields, his neighbors would come all night and steal some of the apples. If he planted the tree near his house, his children would take the fruit.

Finally he planted the tree in his woods where no one could see it. But without sunlight and good soil, the tree soon died.

Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a poor place. “What’s the difference?” the farmer said angrily. “If I had planted the tree near the road, strangers would have stolen the fruit. If I had planted the tree in one of my fields, my neighbors would have come at night and stolen some of the apples. If I had planted it near my house, my own children would have taken the fruit.”

“Yes,” said the friend, “but at least someone could have enjoyed the fruit. Now you not only have robbed everyone of the fruit, but also you have destroyed a good apple tree!”

1. What did the farmer’s friend give him one day?
A.An apple.B.A gift.C.A young tree.D.Some apples.
2. Why didn’t the farmer want to plant the tree in his field?
A.He thought his neighbors would steal the fruit.
B.He thought the tree would die.
C.He thought his children would take the fruit.
D.He thought strangers would steal the fruit.
3. Where did the farmer plant the young tree?
A.Near the road.B.On the farm.C.In his woods.D.Near the house.
4. Why did the farmer’s young tree die in the end?
A.Strangers pulled out the tree.
B.His neighbors cut down the tree.
C.His children broke the tree.
D.There was less sunlight and poor soil.
2022-11-10更新 | 114次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】I’m a TV show host. One Sunday, I took my7-year-old daughter by the sea for lunch. On arriving at the beach, I saw JoJo, a wealthy man in the hotel business. We sat down to chat in an open air café.

Suddenly our conversation was interrupted(中断)by a stranger, who politely asked permission(容许) to speak to me. Often people want to tell me something about my controversial(有争议的)TV show, when I’m out on the streets.

He asked to speak to me privately, so we stood a bit away from my table. He said, “I’m James, 35 years old, father of a 7-year-old girl, who’s very sick. She needs treatment abroad. The doctors said that if she was treated in the UK, she would probably survive. But I’m poor, so can you please help me?”

Speechless, I stared in the man’s eyes full of tears and asked how I could help. After we talked for a while, I went to sit back at the table. JoJo asked me,“What’s wrong with you? Your face changed.” I told him. JoJo was very sorry for this family and said I had the means through the media to help him. Later we headed off to our destinations.

All weekend I thought about James, his daughter and his family. I even considered doing a special TV show to raise money for this sick child.

On Monday morning I was at the office after I finished presenting my show, when my secretary said a man needed to speak to me. It was JoJo. He walked into my office. Actually JoJo is so busy with his hotel business that I never imagined he had time to come and see me at the studios.

“Please, call the man with the sick child and tell him that I’ll pay all expenses for his sick daughter’s treatment,”JoJo said, with a check in his hand. “I’ve been married for 35 years. I wasn’t lucky enough to have a child. I want to help this child now.” I picked up the phone to call James.

Now James’ daughter is well and living a normal life. JoJo often visits her. I’m so happy that there are so many good people on this earth.

1. According to the text, the author_______.
A.often has lunch at the beach with his daughter
B.was once helped by JoJo
C.met JoJo at the beach by accident
D.was hesitant to help James
2. According to the text, the author thought that JoJo’s arrival at his office was_______.
3. Why did JoJo make up his mind to help James?
A.To support the author’s work.
B.To show his sympathy for the poor.
C.To show his love for a child.
D.To set a good example to other rich people.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Famous hosts are always troubled
B.Kind people are everywhere
C.The media is powerful
D.Even the richest person is not always lucky
2019-08-24更新 | 137次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Growing up, I understood one thing about my dad: He knew everything. This was our relationship :     1    

In my teen years, he taught me things I’d need to know to survive in the real world. When I moved out on my own, I called him at least once a week, usually when something broke in my apartment and I needed to know how to fix it.     2    I got married, and my husband had most of the knowledge I lacked. For everything else, we had Google.

I don’t know when it happened, but our conversations when I called changed into six words. “Hi, Dad, sweets. Here’s Mom.” (Because I still needed her. ) I loved my dad, of course, but I wondered at times if maybe he had already shared everything I needed to know.    3     Then, this summer, my family and I moved in with my parents for three weeks while our house was being renovated (翻新). One day, Dad asked me to help him rebuild the board at their dock. As we put the new board together piece by piece, my dad knowing exactly what went where. I looked at him. “How do you know how to build it?” The heavy hammer he was swinging paused in midair. “I spent a summer in college building them on the Jersey Shore.”    4    But I never knew this. I realized that maybe it’s not that there’s nothing left to say.

A few weeks later, after my family moved back into our house, I called my parents. Dad answered. “Hi, sweets,” he said. “Here’s Mom.” “Wait, Dad,” I said. “How are you?” We ended up talking about what he was working on. To anyone else, it would sound like a normal conversation between a dad and his daughter.     5    I spent the first part of my life needing to talk to my dad. Now I talk to him because I want to.

A.But to me, it was novel , a new beginning.
B.We loved each other very much.
C.I asked him questions and he told me the answers.
D.I thought I knew everything about my dad — his various jobs.
E.He was not as strong as before and out of breath.
F.But then, eventually, I needed him less.
G.Maybe, after knowing a man for 40 years, there’s nothing left to say.
2021-08-31更新 | 96次组卷
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