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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:68 题号:7013995

Because Skyler and Kreed are speechless teens with autism (自闭症), making friends hasn’t always been easy for them. Now that they have each other, their friendship is stronger than what any word could ever describe.

Aside from having autism, 14-year-old Skyler is currently deaf and is losing his sight. He also has no effective means to communicate. Kreed, 17, uses a device to communicate and has multiple medical conditions. Once Kreed learned Skyler was also speechless, their friendship began.

“We were able to explain to Kreed that Skyler is deaf and also speechless like him,” Kreed’s mother, Erin Polk, said. “He seemed to understand and ever since then has wanted to be with Skyler and calls him his best friend.”

The best friends, who live down the street from each other, hang out just like typical teenagers. They eat pizza and French fries and watch movies together. They also give each other a helping hand.

“Kreed will help Skyler by leading him to places he is afraid to walk into,” Polk said. “We think his lack of good sight makes it scary for him in new places, so Kreed will always offer his hand to help him through those times.”

For Kreed, his best friend role has given him confidence. According to his mom, being able to help others helps him as well.

“Skyler has given Kreed more social confidence. By having a friend, he can 100 percent be himself and finally to be able to actually help another peer rather than being the person always helped,” she said.

Even though they're speechless, the teens communicate in their own way by giving certain looks or connecting through touch. Kreed doesn’t mind if Skyler gets close to him or touches him, which seems to please Skyler. According to Polk's blog, the teens simply want to be around each other.

It's clear that something unites Kreed and Skyler, but it's more than their autism or speechless communication. It's their beautiful friendship --- that clearly has no boundaries.

1. From the passage, we can learn that Skyler and Kreed ______.
A.have something in commonB.are of the same age
C.are unable to see each otherD.have no ability to communicate
2. How does Kreed help Skyler?
A.By taking him where he dare not go alone.
B.By giving him good advice on where to go.
C.By taking him to the places where he used to go.
D.By getting rid of his scare on the way to school.
3. According to his mother, by helping Skyler, Kreed ______.
A.has gained confidenceB.is also benefited
C.is able to communicate betterD.is more outgoing
4. We can infer that in Skyler and Kreed’s culture, it is the custom for people ______.
A.to touch each other a lot in small talkB.to talk to each other in close distance
C.to avoid eye contact while chattingD.to keep their distance while chatting


阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】How to Try to Fix a Friendship After You Broke It

It can seem impossible to restart a friendship after you messed it up, but it’s definitely worth the effort.     1    . If not, at least you gave it your best shot.

●Look at yourself and the situation long and hard. This will help you to know how to form a solution. This is not the time to just think you can text or call the person and expect everything will be just fine. After all, it was your fault.     2    .

●Get in touch. After you have looked at the situation and have seen in your own mind how the other person felt about it, contact the other person and apologize. They may not be ready to hear from you, but at least they know that you are sorry for your actions.     3    , do not get upset and do not keep texting them. This could cause them to block your texts and make it almost impossible to get in contact with them.

    4    . After the first attempt to apologize, give it a day or two. This could feel like a lifetime when you care so much for someone and you know you hurt them. Rushing to get that person to accept your apology could hurt things even more. Give them time and plenty of space.

●Be thoughtful. When you do text back to that person after a few days, just let them know that you are still thinking about them.     5    . It could be as simple as “just wanted you to know that I am still thinking of you and I know I messed up”.

A.Give it time
B.Let things go
C.With luck, you may just succeed
D.If you truly did love them at one point
E.If the person is not ready to talk to you
F.You need to prove to them that they are worth fighting for
G.Don’t go all crazy and leave a long text that takes days to read
2023-05-04更新 | 80次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】“I feel unlikable, lonely and hopeless,” said Lisa, a bright teenager from a loving home. “It seems that nobody wants to become my friend. What’s wrong with me? ”

Like Lisa, many of us experience loneliness. The truth is that all people, no matter what their age or character — even the most outgoing, wealthy and popular — experience loneliness at least sometimes. It’s healthy and natural to want to be around people who care. After all, we’ve all heard “No man is an island.” That’s true. We all need others in our lives.

Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, explains that if we want friends, we must be friendly and reach out to others. But it has risk. Because we are often afraid of rejection (拒绝), many of us are unwilling to reach out to others. We take a safer way and wait for others to make friends with us. But if we want friends, we’ve got to get beyond this.

If making friends is your goal as well, you need to consider taking some measures (措施).

Be willing to take the initiative (主动权). If you see someone whom you would like to know, don’t wait for her to make the first move. Get close to her and begin a conversation. Let her know in a non aggressive (无攻击性的) way that you are interested in being friends with her.

Reach out to those who are lonely. When you see someone at school sitting alone, go over and talk to her. And don’t let popularity decide whom you reach out to. You’ll often be surprised at the beautiful qualities behind a shy appearance.

Ask questions. Start your first conversation by asking this possible friend what she likes to do or asking about her family. Be sure to ask questions that cannot be replied with “yes” or “no”. For example, don’t ask “Do you have a dog?” Instead, say “So, tell me about your pets.” Avoiding asking “yes” or “no” questions makes your possible friend not end your communication with a one word answer.

1. Why does the author begin the text with Lisa’s worry?
A.To set a sad tone.B.To share Lisa’s pain.
C.To introduce the topic.D.To teach readers a lesson.
2. What can be a risk caused by reaching out to others according to the passage?
A.Being refused by others.B.Putting ourselves in danger.
C.Being treated in a rude way.D.Losing interest in communicating.
3. What can we know from Paragraph 5?
A.Shy people are hard to talk to.B.Popular people are often easy going.
C.Just waiting for chances will waste our time.D.A proper manner is important in making friends.
4. Why does the author suggest not asking “yes”or “no”questions?
A.It is considered unfriendly.B.It will leave a bad first impression.
C.It shows the poor quality of the speaker.D.It isn’t good for keeping a conversation going.
2023-12-02更新 | 76次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Tom was a helpful boy. Every Sunday morning, he walked to the newspaper kiosk (报刊亭) at the supermarket to buy a newspaper for his dad. He liked to leave the house early as it was more peaceful then, with fewer cars in the streets.

One Sunday morning, when Tom arrived at the supermarket, he saw his neighbour, old Mrs. Jackson. She was choosing apples at the fruit shop. Tom greeted her and then went to get his newspaper.

As he was leaving, Tom saw Mrs. Jackson walking in front of him. Her bag looked very heavy.

“Would you like me to carry that for you, Mrs. Jackson?” Tom asked.

“What a helpful boy you are, Tom! Thank you. It is heavy,” she replied.

Tom picked up the heavy bag and began walking slowly home with Mrs. Jackson. The bag seemed to grow heavier with each step. Then, just as they were about to cross the road, it fell off Tom’s hand and dropped on the hard road!

“Oh, no!” cried Tom. “The fruit will be squashed (压扁).”

Mrs. Jackson looked into the bag. “Yes, the fruit does look a bit squashed. But don’t worry, Tom. I like fruit juice. I’ll just make juice instead. Call at my house this afternoon. We’ll have some delicious cold fruit juice together!” she said with a wide smile.

1. Tom went to the newspaper kiosk every Sunday morning to buy a newspaper for ______.
A.his dadB.his mum
C.his neighbourD.himself
2. Mrs. Jackson was ______ when Tom arrived at the supermarket.
A.reading a newspaperB.buying some apples
C.carrying a big basketD.making some juice
3. The underlined sentence “The bag seemed to grow heavier with each step” in the passage means ______.
A.the bag became heavier and heavier on their way home
B.Tom was strong enough to carry the bag easily
C.Tom was tired and didn’t want to carry the bag any more
D.the bag was so heavy that Tom couldn’t carry it easily
4. We can infer (推断) from the last paragraph that Mrs. Jackson will ______ in the afternoon.
A.buy some delicious juice for Tom
B.sell the squashed apples to others
C.ask Tom to make some juice for her
D.make some juice and share it with Tom
2018-09-24更新 | 153次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般