组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 自然 > 动物
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:107 题号:8600744

Seal Island is a 200-meter long island off the coast of South Africa, which is surrounded by 55 to 57 degrees Fahrenheit waters and covered with over 60,000 seals and some birds. This island has been home to many birds and seals. You may think this island is a paradise. In fact, the island is not famous for the seals or birds. However, the real stars are the great white sharks that leap out of the water to catch the seals they are hunting.

You may think that there is no way for a 15-foot long, 3000-pound shark to hurl its body out of the water and catch a seal in midair. Actually, these sharks are called “Air Jaws”.

Over the years, the seals have gotten smarter. Now, they go out in groups of seven and eight to feed. They swim down on the sea floor, which gives them extra cover. When they have to swim near the surface of water, they swim in a zigzag pattern(Z字形). But with all these tricks, they can still be cleverly beaten by the sharks. Usually, the sharks will take one seal away from its group and force it to swim on the surface, where it is easy to hunt. Sometimes, the seal is fortunate and gets away, but most of them die in the process of trying to survive.

Every year, tourists go to see these amazing animals leap out of the water, sometimes flinging their whole bodies into the air when they want to catch the seals. This is the reason why this island attracts thousands of tourists from around the world every year.

1. Which of the following statements is true?
A.Seal Island is covered with only 6000 seals.
B.Great white sharks always catch seals under the water.
C.The way the great white sharks hunt makes Seal Island famous.
D.Seal Island is a 200-meter-long island in North Africa.
2. Why do the seals swim in a zigzag pattern?
A.To prove they are smart.
B.To play in groups.
C.To search for food.
D.To avoid the white sharks.
3. According to Paragraph 3, we can know_______.
A.the seals have learned how to escape.
B.the seals usually swim near the water surface.
C.the sharks are often successful in hunting the seals.
D.the sharks are less intelligent than the seals.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Last year,my oldest son Matthew went off to college. Things at home were not as“busy”as they used to be. We still had our 15-year-old son Gabriel with us,but we missed having Matthew around.

My wife soon had a crazy idea. “Let’s get a dog. ”she suggested. I wasn’t exactly thrilled with the idea,but I agreed. I mean,what better way to replace a kid that has gone off to college than to get a dog.

When we got to the animal shelter,it seemed like every dog was a pit bull(比特犬). I'd had many bad experiences with pit bulls as a child,so I didn’t want to take one of them home with me.

While I walked along the rows and rows of cold metal cages,a dog caught my eye. He was scared,and looked like he’d given up on life. There was only one problem:he was a pit bull.

As he looked at me with his big,beautiful eyes,I could see into his soul. I could see how scared he was and that he just wanted a happy life. I couldn’t just walk away—I had to at least go over and look at him. I approached his cage,and he just sat there,looking at me. I stuck my finger through the hole in the cage and petted him on the head. I expected him to get mad,but he didn’t.

I knew that this dog had never felt love before,and that he was enjoying every bit of the love I could give him in that moment. Tears began to stream down my face because I felt everything that this poor creature was feeling right then. He just wanted to be loved;he just wanted a home and a family.

It’s been a year since we took the dog home,and our lives have been changed forever.

Now,his favorite thing to do is give us kisses with his giant tongue every morning. He is always there to greet us when we come home with a huge smile. He’s shown us more love than any other living creature on Earth ever had before. And every time I look into his eyes I see love,compassion(同情)and gratitude—things I never thought that a pit bull was capable of feeling.

1. Why did the author’s wife want to get a dog?
A.Because she likes pit pull.
B.Because she thought it was a crazy idea.
C.Because she wanted the dog to replace her kid.
D.Because their kid went to college.
2. Which word has the similar meaning to the underlined word“thrilled”?
3. What was the author and his wife’s life like with the pit bull?
A.They missed having Matthew around even more.
B.They found it hard to get along with him.
C.They lived a life full of love.
D.They regretted adopting him.
4. What is the main purpose of the article?
A.To share a warm story about adopting a pet.
B.To stress the benefits of keeping a pet.
C.To suggest people keep a pet of their own.
D.To give advice on how to keep a pet.
2021-01-17更新 | 142次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】If your family is thinking of getting a pet, consider adopting from an animal shelter, where all animals are in need of loving homes.     1     Here are some tips for you to find great animals.

Make some decisions.

Think about what you want in a pet and remember that all pets have different personalities. Cats tend to be more independent, but kittens need lots of attention.     2     However, they are usually great companions and love to spend time with their family.

Visit the shelter.

    3     Remember that you may need to visit more than one shelter, or you may need to make more than one visit. Try to bring along everyone who will be living with the new pet. Ask the shelter staff lots of questions. And never adopt an animal because you feel sorry for it—be patient so you can find a pet who is truly a good match for your family.


Buy all necessary supplies and food well before the animal comes home. Make sure that the entire household is in agreement about rules and responsibilities—will the dog be allowed on the couch? Who will clean the litter-box? Put it in writing before the pet arrives.

Bring your new friend home

You’ll probably be excited when your new pet arrives, but be sure to give it space and time to get adjusted to a new home and a new family.     5     Interact with your pet a lot and get it used to a routine, and soon you’ll be one big happy family!

A.Get everything ready
B.Both cats and dogs are human’s good partners.
C.Dogs need to be walked at least twice a day.
D.The pet may act differently once they leave the shelter.
E.Set aside at least a few hours to visit shelters in your area.
F.Put away the garbage cans.
G.Some may come with emotional or behavioral issues, but most are happy, healthy, and ready for a loving home.
2019-10-31更新 | 190次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】The climate change in California has caused terrible damage to California’s marine ecosystems. Untold billions of sea stars, or starfish, from at least 20 species disappeared from the entire Pacific coast because of the marine heatwaves. In the absence of sunflower sea stars, a major predator for sea urchins (海胆), the urchin populations exploded. They laid waste to kelp forests (海草林) already weakened by high ocean temperatures.

However, Central California’s kelp ecosystems have done somewhat better than those in Northern California. A new study led by Joshua Smith, an ecologist at the University of California, examines the role sea otter (海獭) populations — a natural predator for urchins — play in preserving existing kelp forests in the Monterey Bay.

The research project spanned three years, during which intensive under-water surveys produced some very interesting data about sea otter behavior. Sea otters have very high metabolisms (新陈代谢) that keep them warm in icy waters and which also make them greedy consumers of shellfish, urchin, and fish — sea otters can eat 25 percent of their body weight in food in a day. At the observed sites, as the urchin population grew, the otter’s diet shifted to become more heavily dependent on urchins. In fact, the otters were eating three times as many urchins as they had been before 2014. As a result, they provided crucial protection from urchins to the kelp forests.

The fact that otters were able to contribute to the health of the surviving kelp forests by keeping urchin populations in check provides Smith with hope for the forests’ continued survival. “The important thing is that the urchins are ultimately reduced,” he says. “The sea otters have maintained patches of kelp forest that can then help refill the barren areas to enhance the recovery of forests.”

1. What influence does climate change have on California’s marine ecosystems?
A.A greater diversity of marine species.B.The disappearance of urchins.
C.An explosive growth of sea stars.D.The weakening of kelp forests.
2. What is the study led by Joshua Smith about?
A.Urchins’ response to ocean warming.
B.The reproduction of marine animals.
C.Otters’ role in protecting kelp forests.
D.The current condition of marine ecosystems.
3. What is a direct result of the shift in otters’ diet?
A.The otters are more likely to stay warm.
B.The shellfish populations have exploded.
C.Urchins’ threat to kelp forests is relieved.
D.The kelp forests have made a full recovery.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Sea Otters to the Rescue
B.Marine Species in Danger
C.Urchins Are Destroying Kelp Forests
D.Otters Increase Kelp Forests’ Carbon Storage
2022-05-26更新 | 543次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般