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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:115 题号:8691414

At first glance, the business world is no place for young women. as my cofounders and I have been told on many occasions. In spite of this pessimistic view of women's opportunity in business,   We three college-age girl with zero experience in business started off with a highly ambitious goal: to start a seaweed farm in North Carolina, and grow as much seaweed as possible to help reduce carbon emissions(排放)and nutrient pollution from agricultural sources.

In the beginning, our ideas were either ignored or scoffed by the researchers from whom we sought help and advice.   But we carried on with our research-if others wouldn`t provide us answers, we weren't afraid to try to work them out ourselves. We discovered which species could grow in warmer waters, and we'd identified potential markets into which we planned to sell the product.   We've spent the last two years setting up the first seaweed farm in NC, applying for a patent(专利)and competing with five final teams in front of the United Nations for $ 1million.

Despite all of our efforts, many industry experts remained unwilling to take us seriously. But as often happens in business, the same characteristics we were ignored for were, in reality, our biggest competitive advantage. Our age gave us the strength to bounce back from failure, and our background as environmental scientists, rather than businesswomen, helped us find new marketing opportunities.   For every 10 farmers who claimed nobody would ever want to feed their cows seaweed, we found one who was interested. For every 15 cosmetics producers who refused to answer our cold calls, we stuck to the one with an interesting idea for a seaweed lotion.

Over the course of our early business development efforts, we have had access to a wealth of resources, programs, and individuals who work constantly to help us succeed. By staying focused on bringing our ideas to light,   our team has demonstrated that entrepreneurship(创业)is exactly the right place for the hopeful.

1. What was the major cause for their difficultly in starting business?
A.They were women.B.They were young.
C.They lacked experience.D.They suffered prejudice.
2. What did they do to make their business successful according to the passage?
A.They expanded their seaweed farms.
B.They experimented on seaweed species.
C.They got their product officially recognized.
D.They consulted the United Nations.
3. What is the third paragraph mainly about?
A.How they benefited from their weaknesses.
B.How they got others interested in seaweed.
C.How they made themselves more competitive.
D.How they approached potential customers.
4. Which of the following can best describe the three women?
A.Naive and simple-minded.B.Ambitious and self-centered.
C.Adventurous and persistent.D.Stubborn and courageous.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Recently, the acknowledgement section in a doctoral dissertation managed to stir up an online sensation. Huang Guoping, a Ph. D graduating from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 2017, wrote in this part that he had worked hard for 22 years before he was finally able to hand in his doctoral dissertation. He further expressed thanks for the countless difficulties he’d encountered along the 22-year-long path of receiving education from primary school, across the mountains surrounding his village all the way to the CAS.

Huang is now working with Tencent AI Lab, successfully transforming his life and fate. His words went viral and a growing number of people across Chinese society began to ponder the question: How can people change their fate through education?

For thousands of years, education, or knowledge, has long been seen as the most realistic and easiest way to transform people’s life. Actually, it’s not easy at all, but it is true that this is a relatively fair opportunity that almost everyone can use to change the course of fate.

As for students from poor families, fate seems to have dealt them a greatly cruel hand, as they have to go all out for even the most common of rewards. Indeed, knowledge helps to change their fate for good, but more accurately, it is their perseverance and hardworking spirit, throughout the whole process of studying, that contribute to their successful transformation. “Knowledge changes fate” will never lose its relevance. While working hard to gain knowledge, one is empowering oneself and thus altering the course of fate based on personal efforts. Fate is the result of one’s hard work and perseverance.

1. Which of the following best describe Huang Guoping?
A.Diligent and strong-willed.B.Generous and independent.
C.Modest and good-tempered.D.Adaptable and knowledgeable.
2. Why do Huang’s words arouse public interest?
A.People are eager to explore the link between education and fate.
B.People are really proud of his excellent academic achievements.
C.People are deeply impressed by his heartfelt acknowledgements.
D.People are attracted by his early tough life and study experience.
3. What does the underlined word “ponder” probably mean?
4. What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Time and tide wait for no man.B.Life is always about ups and downs.
C.Nothing worth having comes easy.D.Face tomorrow with joy and bravery.
2021-08-27更新 | 153次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Sharon downsized her parents’ home and then cleared out her father’s stuff after he died. “So much of it hadn’t been used in years. So I decided that we wouldn’t do the same thing to our children.” Sharon spent six months looking over each object in her home. Each day, she sold, donated or threw one away. “It was liberating,” she said. “Now, life is much simpler and the clutter (杂乱) is gone.”

This process has its own reality TV show, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning. Inspired by a best-selling book by Magnusson, 89, three Swedes travel across the Atlantic to help Americans clean house and face death. “A loved one wishes to inherit (继承) nice things from you,” mentions Magnusson in her book, “not all things from you.” If you’re lucky enough to meet your material needs, then letting go of some of your stuff, or not buying it in the first place, can bring immediate benefits. The clutter is linked to stress and anxiety, even depression. Prioritizing relationships and experience over possessions has been proven to boost our happiness.

What is Swedish death cleaning? It isn’t about clearing out closets. It’s about rethinking your relationship with things. Rather than making do with less, it’s about getting more from the things that make you happy. Death cleaning happens to agree with scientists’ understanding of our relationship with things and why we’re unwilling to part with them. Decades of research has shown that we subconsciously see our possessions as physical extensions of ourselves. For most of us, of course, a degree of attachment is healthy, but it’s not the number of things or the quality that matters. It’s about the symbolic meaning of it. That can bring a lot of happiness.

Things take up space in our minds, well beyond what our storerooms and garages hold. By clarifying what’s important and what’s not, you make room. Your loved ones can receive what they might like before you go, relieving themselves of the burden of cleaning up once you’re gone.

1. Why does the author mention Sharon’s experience in paragraph 1?
A.To lead to the topic.B.To make a comparison.
C.To support an argument.D.To reach a conclusion.
2. What is the purpose of Swedish death cleaning?
A.To reduce the waste.B.To remember their loved ones.
C.To boost their happiness.D.To make the reality TV show.
3. What should one focus on when cleaning up the old things?
A.The quantity.B.The popularity.
C.The significance.D.The degree of attachments.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Old Stuff: a Heavy Burden or a Sweet Memory.
B.Everyone’s Stuff: Physical Extensions of Himself.
C.The Way to Deal with Your Belongings: Give Away.
D.Swedes’ Secret to Happiness: You Aren’t Your Stuff.
2024-05-25更新 | 34次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Last week I went to a different grocery store. When I was just to check out, the person in front of me at the checkout was using a WIC card to check out and it kept telling her that it wasn’t working .A manager came over and told her to come to a different register(收音机);maybe this one was the problem. After I checked out, I noticed she was still there, trying to get her card to work.

It was obvious that the young woman was getting anxious about the purchase so I offered to pay for her purchase. She was shocked. She thanked me and I went on my way with a smile from her.

Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes and you never know when it will be your turn. Today I found that it was indeed my turn.

I went boating north of the city. It was a very hot, sunny day so I brought a large bottle of sports drink, thinking it would be plenty to drink. I didn’t have a clear expectation of the drain(消耗)which the heat would have on me.Because I got back to shore, I realized that I had finished the bottle. I still had to get back, load the boat on the car, and it would be at least a 10-minute drive to somewhere to buy more to drink. When I got back to shore and managed to drag my boat to the car and get it tied, I was very hot and thirsty. So, I swallowed my pride and asked a family picnicking nearby if they had an extra bottle of water, which they gladly gave me. That bottle of water wasn’t a big deal to them, but it meant a great deal to me.

The little things that can be done for others don’t usually seem important to the people doing them , but it can be huge to the receivers. Many thanks to all the joyful givers who don’t think twice about helping others.

1. The author helped the woman because________.
A.the author wanted to shock her
B.the register in the store was out of order
C.the author had enough money to help others
D.Her card for payment didn’t work.
2. It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that________.
A.the author wasn’t well prepared for his boating
B.the author offered his own water to others
C.the author didn’t know his own water to others
D.the author was helped by the family also boating there
3. What does the author think of little kind things?
A.It takes great effort for people to do them.
B.They can make a big difference to the receivers.
C.They must be done after careful consideration.
D.They always mean a lot to people who do them.
4. The text is written mainly to________.
A.introduce two experiences of the author
B.remind us to smile at others in our daily life
C.encourage us not to hesitate to help others
D.tell us not to be shy to receive others’ help
2021-11-07更新 | 19次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般