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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:137 题号:9078018

However, not everything lived up to Zhang Tian’s hopes. The school was much smaller than he     1    (expect), with only three classrooms. In front of the classrooms, there was a playground     2     got dusty on windy days and muddy on rainy days. Living in the village was also more     3    (challenge) than he had thought. The power and water supplies were unstable, so he could only shower every three or four days, and he had to learn how to cook. The thought of leaving once flashed through his mind, but he quickly gave up on the idea and     4     (find) ways to deal with the challenges.

【知识点】 学校生活 记叙文


语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中 (0.65)

According to a recent survey, violence (暴力) did exist in schools. Students showed their fear and parents and teachers also     1     (express) their great concern about it. Experts hope     2     whole society should pay more attention to the mental health of teenagers.

Nowadays, school violence is a hot topic, which     3     (call)for our great concern. We should make every effort     4     (prevent) violence happening at school because more and more students would drop out of school if their personal     5     (safe) could not be guaranteed(保证). In fact, violence can be imitated.    6     (actual), children learn violent behavior from adults or from     7     they see on television or on the Internet.

If I meet with school violence, I will not answer violence with violence, for it will result in     8     (much) fighting. I will tell my teachers and parents about it. I think they will help me deal with it well and they will protect me     9     the bad guys.

All in all, we students should behave     10     (we) and keep away from violence.

2021-11-18更新 | 156次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约140词) | 适中 (0.65)

My name is Li Kang. I live in the capital city of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang, It is my first day at Senior High school and I'm writing down my    1     (think) about it.

In my new school, the teachers are    2     (enthusiasm) and friendly and the classrooms are     3     (amaze). Our English teacher is a very kind woman    4     (call) Ms Shen. Her method of teaching is nothing like    5     of the teachers at my Junior High school. I don’t think I will be bored in her class. She wants to help us improve our spelling and handwriting. We do this    6     a fun way,     7     involves spelling games and other activities. I like her attitude very much, and the    8     (behave) of the other students     9     (show) that they like her, too.

There are forty-nine girls and sixteen boys in our class. And everyone in our class is hard-working. I’m looking forward to    10     (make) friends with them.

2021-11-12更新 | 44次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约130词) | 适中 (0.65)

After a long summer holidays, my new life at senior high school     1     (begin) at last. I was a little     2     (anxiety) in the morning because I was worried that I would not make new friends. I was not outgoing after all.

    3    , things turned out just fine. Both my teachers and classmates made a good     4     (impress) on me. They were friendly and helpful. In fact, one of my classmates was so talkative     5     he kept talking to me over the experiment! Maybe he was just trying to impress me, but I felt     6     (annoy) because I couldn’t focus, I was too afraid     7     (tell) him to leave me     8    . It would be awkward if I did     9    .

The classes were much more difficult than those at junior high school. There is a lot for me     10     (explore). I hope I can fit in soon.

2022-10-13更新 | 102次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般