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题型:阅读理解-六选四 难度:0.65 引用次数:155 题号:9174075
Directions: Read the following passage and choose the most suitable statement from A-F for each blank. There are two extra statements, which you do not need.

Life would be a lot sweeter if you were a memory athlete. Most of us however, are not wired that way. But don’t be discouraged: thanks to neuroplasticity, anyone can transcend their fallible memory.     1    

There are a few relatively simple things a person can do to help improve their memory function. First up, the basics: the foundation of good memory is good health.     2    

Then there are more deliberate approaches like practicing mnemonics. A mnemonic device is a trick designed to make remembering things easier. So instead of remembering to buy eggs, rice, apples and dog food, it might be easier to think of READ, which stands for rice, eggs, apples, and dog food. This is the acrostic method.

    3     Let’s use the same shopping list as an example. Instead of focusing on the word ‘rice,’ this technique works by focusing on the image of rice thrown on the ground in a yard. For eggs, picture a hen pecking at the rice, followed by a nearby tree of apple blossoms, the petals falling around the hen, falling on a sleeping dog. Once the interconnected scene is created it’s a simple visual to ease your way around the halls of the grocery store with no list needed. This technique, where you base a memory around visual images, is more formally called ‘method of loci’.

A recent study published in Neuron has unearthed some interesting insights about the brains of competitive memorizers. The researchers invited 23 of the world’s top 50 memory athletes to have their brains scanned in rest states, and while performing memory tests, and matched each champion to a control participant. Anatomically, the scans showed there was no difference in brain structure or region size between the groups.     4     And what’s more, after they gave the ‘naive’ control group training in     the method of loci, their neural connectivity began to look more like that of the pros.

A.What you're born with isn't what you're stuck with.
B.Where the difference was observed was in connectivity.
C.Another more complicated mnemonic technique is called a mind palace.
D.Training in method of loci can physically change the way a person remembers.
E.Eating and sleeping right will lead to optimal brain function, the flow-on effect of which is a better memory.
F.The improved memory observed after mnemonic training persists for as long as 4 months after training concludes.
【知识点】 方法/策略


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】When someone asks me what I do first thing in the morning I feel ashamed. Then, I have to shamefully admit that I turn my alarm (闹钟) off on my phone and scroll (滚屏) through WeChat. Before I’ve even had the chance to brush my teeth or wash my face I’m already right away attracted by whatever people are doing online. And I know it needs to change.

But the last time I was asked this question was about two months ago and have I changed my ways? Not even a little bit. We all know how unproductive social media (社交媒体) can be. So why is it so easy to get addicted to (沉溺于) a huge mass of pretty pictures, and funny behavior and ideas? And why is it so hard to change? Lisa Lewis, a doctor in Brookline tells me the answer is simple. “It’s because the point of these apps is to keep you looking,” she says. “They want you to buy, and get you to follow and like. Their only purpose is to win your attention.”

She says you must have a purpose when it comes to using any social media apps. “Don’t just go on and scroll.” she explains. “Just like you wouldn’t walk up to the refrigerator and stare at what’s inside for no reason, don’t do the same with social media.” If social media is reducing your productivity and overall health, Lewis offers these steps:

First, set a goal whenever you use a social media app. If you use WeChat to get inspiration to exercise, do that and then get off it. Next, you can use a timer. These days you can set a timer for how many hours a day you spend on social media. Set it and stick to it. And finally, you can create a prize to strengthen the behavior. When you set that timer and stick to it, positively strengthen the behavior with anything from tasty food, to things you’ve been eyeing on Amazon.

1. What can we say about the author according to Paragraph 1?
A.She is shy about answering others’ questions online.
B.She cares little about other people’s life.
C.She works busily early in the morning.
D.She is a heavy user of social media.
2. Why is it difficult to beat the addiction mentioned in Paragraph 2 according to Lewis?
A.The apps are aimed at attracting users.
B.Social media are a good way to kill time.
C.People want to communicate with friends.
D.Online information is key to most people’s life.
3. Why does Lewis mention the refrigerator?
A.To show how attractive social media could be.
B.To discuss why social media reduce productivity.
C.To explain one should use social media when necessary.
D.To prove some content of social media is useful.
2024-01-11更新 | 24次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The picnic is a good activity to enjoy the great outdoors. It is an opportunity to appreciate nature, relax with friends and family, and enjoy good food together.     1     This is proved by online searches for picnic ideas, which have seen an increase of 385 percent m the last year. There are some ideas to help you plan a memorable picnic.

Choose a theme that you really enjoy. Pian a style of dressing for the picnic. Another idea is to host an Alice in Wonderland picnic. It could be a Mad Hatter tea party complete with cupcakes and freshly cut flowers. Or, go for an art theme by using some old-fashioned things. For example, wrap (包) your sandwiches in traditional paper as your grandparents used to.    2    

Food is the center stage of all picnics. There are countless menu and picnic recipe sites that can help you plan.    3     To keep your picnic sustainable (可持续的), use normal dishes from home, such-as putting cheeses , nuts, and fruits on a wooden plate.

Find a fantastic site for your picnic.    4     It could be under a large tree, or on a sandy beach. Even the time of day will create a sense of wonder. Someone suggests making a sunrise picnic, a sunset exercise, or a night gathering. If you’re having a picnic at night, hanging fairy lights on trees will add natural softness to your outdoor get-together.

    5     Remember those childhood days of playing ball games? This classic activity is a fun way to bring back happy memories of the past. How about picking apples? It is fun for kids and adults alike. Don’t forget music. Invite your friends to bring their musical instruments for a performance. Or, create a list of songs that everyone will enjoy.

A.Picnic experts can help design anything.
B.In fact, picnics are becoming more popular.
C.There is nothing wrong with mixing two styles.
D.Include some simple pleasures in your picnic.
E.Besides, ensure your foods are easy to transport and serve.
F.These creative ways can make your picnic a special experience.
G.This is because a beautiful place will make your picnic more enjoyable.
2024-04-10更新 | 31次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】In her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo makes the case that decluttering (清理杂物) can dramatically transform your life. Ridding your spaces of unused and unwanted stuff can make you happier, more confident and maybe even slimmer.

Judging by the popularity of her message and method, Kondo’s philosophy satisfies many people’s need. Yet the evidence backing the benefits of decluttering is mixed.

One 2013 study found that orderly spaces promote healthy choices but also conventional thinking, while working in a messy or disorganized space promotes creativity and new ideas. Einstein, famously, had a very untidy desk and has been quoted as saying, “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?”

Another study linked physical clutter (杂乱) to lower levels of life satisfaction. But one of the authors of that study says that clutter, rather than a problem in and of itself, seems to be a symptom of other problems, especially unchecked consumerism (无节制的消费). “In this society of abundance we live in, I think the idea that we have to have more makes us less satisfied with life,” says Joseph Ferrari, coauthor of the study. “It isn’t abundance that’s the problem as much as attachment to abundance.”

Other psychologists say technology may also be contributing to America’s keenness for organization. The complexity and disorderliness of life online encourages many people to seek order in their physical spaces, Dr. Dodgen Magee says. “But then you find when your room or your inbox is organized, your world hasn’t stopped being complex, ” she says. At this point, many people decide even more organizing is needed, she says. But this can lead to compulsive (难控制的) tidying and, unavoidably, a sense of failure when you just can’t keep things as neat and orderly as you’d like them to be, she explains.

“The more of a mess our internal world becomes, the more likely we are to grab onto something that gives us this sense of peace,” she says. While a little tidying can be a calming distraction, she says, it’s a temporary bandage, not a cure.

1. What do we know about Kondo’s philosophy?
A.It’s based on solid evidence.B.It involves spirit-lifting methods.
C.It’s popular with many people.D.It leads people to recycle unused stuff.
2. What does the example of Einstein serve to show?
A.An empty desk is a sign of an empty mind.
B.Orderly workspaces can bring health benefits.
C.An untidy desk can damage working efficiency.
D.Messy environments are likely to encourage creativity.
3. What does Joseph Ferrari say about physical clutter?
A.It determines people’s life satisfaction.
B.It contributes to unchecked consumerism.
C.It reflects people’s attachment to technology.
D.It arises from the desire for more possessions.
4. What can be inferred about tidying from the last two paragraphs?
A.It can lead to a feeling of frustration.B.It makes people’s world more complex.
C.It can provide lasting peace of mind.D.It works better with the help of technology.
2023-05-18更新 | 436次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般