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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:66 题号:9622554

A remarkable variety of insects live on this planet. Insects have survived on earth for more than 300 million years, and may possess the ability to survive for millions more.

Insects can be found almost everywhere—on the highest mountains, in the cold South Pole and in bubbling hot springs. They dig through the ground, jump and sing in the trees, and run and dance in the air. They come in many different colors and various shapes. Insects are extremely useful to humans,pollinating (授粉) our crops as well as flowers in meadows,forests, deserts and other areas. But some insects, such as mosquitoes and fleas, can transmit disease.

There are many reasons why insects are so successful at surviving. Their amazing ability to adapt permits them to live in extreme ranges of temperatures and environments. They can survive on a wide range of natural and artificial foods - paint, books, grain, plants and animals. Because they are small, they can hide in tiny spaces.

A strong, hard but flexible shell covers their soft organs and is resistant to chemicals, water and physical impact. Their wings give them the option of flying away from dangerous situations or toward food or mates. Also, insects have an enormous reproductive capacity: An African ant queen can lay as many as 43,000 eggs a day.

Another reason for their success is the strategy of protective color. An insect may be right before our eyes, but nearly invisible because it is cleverly disguised (伪装) like a green leaf, lump of brown soil, a seed or some other natural object. Some insects use bright, bold colors to send warning signals that they taste bad. Others have wing patterns that look like the eyes of a huge predator, confusing their enemies.

1. What does the underlined word “transmit” in Paragraph 2 mean?
2. How can the insects protect themselves from chemicals?
A.Have a strong shell.B.Fly away when necessary.
C.Hide in tiny spaces.D.Change colors or shapes.
3. Why do some insects disguise like natural objects?
A.To look bad—tasting.B.To send warning signals.
C.To avoid being discovered.D.To frighten away their enemies.
4. What’s the main idea of this text?
A.How insects survive in different places.
B.Why insects can survive so successfully.
C.What insects can do to the environment.
D.Where insects can be found in quantity.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The answer to protecting and saving marine(海洋) wildlife can start with cutting back on something Americans use every day—plastic drinking straws. Actor Adrien Grenier, best known for playing Vincent Chase in 2015 movie Entourage, has launched a campaign to reduce the amount of single-use plastic usage in this country in order to protect and save marine wildlife and the environment. Plastic drinking straws are among many single-use plastic products contributing to the shocking loss of marine life, but they’re a great place to start because they’re something Americans are using by the hundreds of millions without any awareness that they’re so damaging.

According to Ecocycle, an international environmental organization, Americans use more than 500 million straws daily, which are enough to fill 127 school buses each day, and they can’t be recycled. They means plastic straws end up in landfills or oceans, where fish and other marine wildlife mistake the small bits for food and swallow them. After seeing a photo of a whale beached on the shore with a belly full of plastic, Grenier felt the inspiration to launch the Lonely Whale Foundation, hoping to inspire and educate others on the challenges facing marine life.

Along with stopping the use of straws, Grenier hopes to educate consumers on the dangers of other single-use plastic items such as grocery bags and water bottles. While many Americans use these plastic products in their daily life, there are more sustainable alternatives that can help protect the environment. Ecocycle recommends the use of straws made from stainless steel, glass, and even bamboo instead of plastic. You can buy a number of these environmentally friendly straws online and in stores.

1. What initially contributed to the start of Grenier’s campaign?
A.Plastic straws in landfills.
B.A picture of a dead whale.
C.The severe damage done to the sea.
D.The disappearance of some species under the sea.
2. What is the primary purpose of the Lonely Whale Foundation?
A.To advocate a green lifestyle.
B.To promote Grenier’s latest movie.
C.To save precious natural resources.
D.To encourage people to protect ocean life.
3. Ecocycle advises people to use straws that are ________.
A.easy to recycle
B.convenient to use
C.special to marine life
D.harmless to the environment
2017-07-18更新 | 182次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A man in northwest Spain, 54, died after being stung by a “ murder hornet (大黄蜂)”, according to a report. The man from Villestro in Galicia was stung in the eyebrow by an Asian giant hornet while tending to a nest close to a beehive he owned. The deadly insects from Asia were first spotted last weekend in Washington State. Such reports have caused a national panic that may lead to more “needless” damage to those essential insect populations, the experts warned. “Millions and millions of innocent native insects are going to die as a result of this,” Dr. Doug Yanega, a professor at the University of California, Riverside, told the Los Angeles Times. “People in China, Korea and Japan have lived side by side with these hornets for hundreds of years and it has not caused the collapse of human society there. My colleagues in Japan, China and Korea are just rolling their eyes in disbelief at what kind of snowflakes we are.”

Following the initial hornet sightings on May 2, the Washington State Department of Agriculture issued instructions on how to trap the hornets, stressing that so far, the hornets have been sighted only within the state. “There are no known sightings of Asian giant hornets anywhere else in the United States and trapping for them there will likely do more harm than good. PLEASE DO NOT TRAP FOR ASIAN GIANT HORNETS IF YOU LIVE OUTSIDE OF WASHINGTON STATE,” the warning read. The concern for bees has originated from their role in the general ecosystem: Bees are responsible for pollinating (授粉) approximately 75 percent of the fruits, nuts and vegetables grown in the United States, according to the U. S. Geological

Numerous bug experts said that what they call “murder hornet” reminds them of the 1970s public when Africanized honeybees, nicknamed “killer bees”, started moving north from South America. However, they just kill people in rare situations.

1. What does the underlined word “snowflakes” in Paragraph 1 refer to?
A.People favoring cold weather.
B.People with a habit of rolling eyes.
C.Someone easily getting mad or offended.
D.Small pieces of frozen water falling from the sky.
2. Why does trapping hornets do more harm than good?
A.Because these insects seldom kill people.
B.Because insects do harm to the general ecosystem.
C.Because they are seen only in Washington state.
D.Because most plants in America depend on bees to grow.
3. What is the purpose of writing the text?
A.To teach the public ways to trap hornets.
B.To warn the public to stay away from hornets.
C.To appeal to people to live in harmony with hornets.
D.To remind people of the past killing cases by hornets.
4. Where is the text most likely from?
A.An essay.B.A news report.
C.A tourist brochure.D.A geography textbook.
2020-06-22更新 | 66次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】“Jewel wings fly around like little helicopters until they see preys (猎物), usually smaller flying insects,” said Bellido, a biologist at the University of Minnesota. “Then they dash at their meals in a burst of speed.”

You might mistake jewel wings for their cousins, dragonflies. New research shows that these two insects share something more significant than their appearance, however. In a paper published in Current Biology, Dr. Bellido and the dragonfly colleagues reveal that the neural (神经的) systems behind jewel wings’ vision are shared with dragonflies, with whom they have a common ancestor that lived before dinosaurs. But over the centuries, this brain wiring has adapted itself in different ways in each creature, enabling sharply different hunting strategies.

Jewel wings’ behavior involves attacking what’s directly in front of them, the team found. But recordings made in the lab by Dr. Gonzalez and her colleagues confirmed that dragonflies rise up in a straight line to seize unsuspecting insects from below. Researchers are particularly interested in the neurons (神经元) that send visual information to the wings.

To look closer at the neurons linking vision and flight, the researchers equipped jewel wings with sensors and showed them a video of a moving dot, comparing it with earlier dragonfly research. When a neuron fired, a popping sound filled the researchers’ ears, allowing them to tell exactly which movements-left, right, up, down or some combination-each neuron responded to. Jewel wings best see what’s right in front of them, they found, while dragonflies’ clearest vision is just above them.

The team was interested to find that while jewel wings’ neurons didn’t always respond like those in dragonflies, the number of neurons and organization were similar. That suggests that the system that conveys this information from the eyes to the wing muscles did not evolve recently, but has roots that are millions of years older than the oldest dinosaurs. And that ancient common ancestor likely had already developed remarkable speed in both vision and flight. Then, in the following years, the system has evolved to suit individual insect species.

This shared neural system may be more than 250 million years old, but it is also flexible enough to transform itself to meet the needs of a variety of creatures in different eras and environments, the findings suggest.

1. Jewel wings usually catch their meals ________ them.
A.on the right ofB.on the left of
C.straight ahead ofD.at the back of
2. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.What actions jewel wings take to catch preys.
B.How jewel wings ‘neurons respond to vision.
C.When jewel wings start to hunt for their preys.
D.Where researchers did the research into jewel wings.
3. What can we learn about dragonflies and jewel wings from the passage?
A.The two insects possess similar neural systems.
B.Jewel wings’ vision is sharper than dragonflies’.
C.Dragonflies ‘brain wiring is the same with jewel wings’.
D.The oldest dinosaurs react as rapidly as the two insects.
4. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To analyse the habits of two similar insects.
B.To tell the difference between dragonflies and jewel wings.
C.To assess the effects of different insects ‘hunting strategies.
D.To present the result of a study on two insects neural systems.
2020-06-02更新 | 175次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般