组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 艺术 > 音乐与舞蹈
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:125 题号:9846317

The word “music” is easier to use in practice than to explain. Music is a reminder (提醒物) of how things once were, a symbol of how things are and a view of where society is headed. Music can bring us back to memories we wish to never forget, or bring us hope when we feel that all is lost. According to Nietzsche, “Nothing is worth living for without music.” And Albert Einstein once said, “Without the music education in my childhood, I would succeed in nothing.”

Most of us enjoy different kinds of music just to entertain (娱乐). Are there other reasons for us to listen to music? Some types of music can make us feel relaxed. After a long workday, classical music or certain types of jazz can physically relax our bodies and take our attention away from the cares of the day—at least for a while. On the other hand, loud, fast music with a strong beat can excite us. In fact, sometimes we may prefer one kind of music, but at other times, that’s the last thing we want to listen to.

Music also affects our feelings. Movie music can most clearly show this. If you close your eyes in an action movie or a disaster movie, you can pretty much tell what’s happening on the screen by the music alone. The same is true for a love story. Film composers (作曲家) such as John Williams get paid big money for their ability to change your feelings from moment to moment. So what’s going on between you and music? Clearly, music and feelings are closely connected in some non-physical way.

1. Why are Nietzsche and Albert Einstein mentioned in Paragraph 1?
A.To show music helps people succeed.B.To show the development of music.
C.To show the importance of music.D.To show music is everywhere.
2. Which of the following statements would the author agree with?
A.Classical music is more popular than jazz.
B.Entertainment is the whole story of music.
C.An artist’s character decides his music style.
D.People need different music at different times.
3. According to the last paragraph, what is film composers’ ability?
A.They can introduce different music to people.
B.They can produce an effect on people’s feelings.
C.They can connect with people non-physically.
D.They can help people become confident.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.The Power of MusicB.Different Kinds of music
C.The True Meaning of MusicD.The Entertainment Value of music


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Hip hop is a form of musical and artistic expression that started in urban (城市) areas in New York in the 1970s. The expression comes from joining together two words with special meanings. “Hip” means cool or current while “hop” refers to the style of dancing.

Kool Herc Campbell is considered very important in starting hip hop culture. He was from Jamaica and used the Jamaican tradition of poetry and speech over music. He started playing music and speaking poetry at outdoor basketball courts to give encouragement to the young dancers. This speech soon came to be known as “rapping”.

Then hip hop as a culture started to develop and spread throughout some areas of New York City. This culture featured graffiti (涂鸦) art as well as its own unique style and music. Artists and rap musicians came to consider hip hop as a new urban culture. As it grew in popularity, newspapers and magazines started reporting about it.

In the early 1980s, bands and musicians started experimenting with electronic instruments to make a new sound. Hip hop was starting to mature (成熟) as the art of making music in new ways spread. Rap artists also started to change their style. Many rappers talked about urban problems, showing their disappointment in drugs, unemployment, and unfair treatment by authorities such as the police.

Recently, hip hop has spread globally. In Europe, it has also become a way for many young people to express their anger at social problems and environmental issues. In many parts of Asia, hip hop has been adopted as a form of music for business, produced only with consumers in mind. Many people believe that this is not “real” hip hop music and argue that many countries have simply borrowed the “look” and “sound” of hip hop without really understanding the culture behind it.

1. Why does the writer introduce Kool Herc Campbell?
A.To inform us that he was the founder of hip hop.
B.To tell us how he became a world-famous singer.
C.To prove that he combined music with American poetry.
D.To explain why he inspired artists to explore urban culture.
2. What did the early US hip hop culture focus on?
A.Solving urban problems.
B.Developing its unique style.
C.Spreading around the world.
D.Using advanced musical instruments.
3. What concerns the author as hip hop spreads globally?
A.The culture behind it has changed.
B.It can easily cause negative emotions.
C.It sounds totally different from its origin.
D.Some people use it for improper purposes.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Hip Hop around the World
B.The Rise and Spread of Hip Hop
C.Hip Hop: The Most Popular Art Form
D.Kool Herc Campbell: The Father of Hip Hop
2021-02-04更新 | 172次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:文章是一篇记叙文。从小没有音乐天赋的Laurie Horam被自己的大儿子教会了口琴,让他丰富了自己的生活,扩大了自己的人生轨迹。

【推荐2】Laurie Horam never thought of himself as musical. At home, his dad never listened to music, while one of his boarding school teachers labelled him tone deaf. But last month he started to play the harmonica (口琴)on the streets of Bradford. People clapped, danced and threw coins into his case for the local food bank. Horam caught himself thinking. “How, at the age of 79, do I come to be playing music to people on the streets?”

The question preoccupied him, because, some years ago at a family gathering, Gavin, his eldest son, said: “You know what, Dad? It can’t be coincidental. We must have got our musical abilities from you.” Horam has three sons and they cover a range of instruments. He was surprised. “There can’t be music in me, because I can’t play! ”he said.

Eight years ago, Horam, a retired civil servant, was on his way back from a trip with his family. Gavin stopped at a music shop. He walked out and said: “Here you are. I bought this for you, Dad. It’s a harmonica. I’ll try to show you how to play a bit.”

They went to a session at their local pub. Gavin played the guitar and Horam sat in the corner with his harmonica, trying to make a sound that no one would hear. After six months, he was invited into the group. He discovered a talent for improvisation(即兴表演),responding to a note within a millisecond without batting an eyelid. “I don’t play by ear. I play by heart.” Actually, Horam says: “My harmonica plays me-how I feel, what I am, what I’ve been.”

Music has enriched life with friendship and made Horam feel “part of something much bigger” than himself. “At a time when the circle of life might be shrinking, mine is expanding,” he says. “Maybe we never know completely who we are or what we can do.”

1. Why did Horam play the harmonica on the streets of Bradford?
A.To recall the good old days.
B.To beg food from passers-by.
C.To live his childhood dream.
D.To collect money for charity.
2. What is Gavin’s attitude to his father’s musical ability?
3. What does playing the harmonica allow Horam to do?
A.Enjoy the quiet.
B.Listen to his heart.
C.Express himself.
D.Sharpen his hearing.
4. What does music bring to Horam?
A.A lost soul.
B.A comfortable life.
C.A broader circle of life.
D.A new perception of family.
2022-02-17更新 | 675次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】An unlikely combination of Irish dance and hip-hop music is flying high on the Internet as a young African-American dancer combines her passions in her videos during quarantine.

With fast-paced steps on TikTok, college student Morgan Bullock, 21, has got more than l million views and the hearts of fans worldwide. “It was really unexpected and it happened really fast,” Bullock said in an interview.

Bullock has been dancing since she was 3 and began Irish dance training at the age of 10.She placed 43rd in 2019 at the World Irish Dance Championships, which has been put on hold during the quarantine.

As Morgan's videos became very popular, she faced questions about whether this style of dance is fit for her. “I haven't really had to think about my race as an Irish dancer,” she said. “At the beginning, my mom had reservations just because it was something that we had never heard of and it's not very typical for someone who looks like me to want to do Irish dancing. But after years of competing with Irish dancers across the globe, my mother rejects what others say. You wouldn't tell an English girl she can't do ballet just because she's not French. It's just a form of dance. Because Irish dance is also a dance form, it's such an amazing thing that it is something that people can enjoy all over the world without, you know, shame from the Irish dance community.”

Morgan is grateful that her dancing can educate and inspire a wider audience about Irish culture. “Growing up, I didn't really have someone to look to as an Irish dancer who really looked like me. So it's just really great that I can be that person for young girls and boys or whoever wants to do Irish dancing or do something that's a little bit out of the box for them.”

1. What can we learn about Morgan Bullock from the first two paragraphs?
A.She flew high in the sky.B.She listened to hip-hop music.
C.She became very popular on the Internet.D.She put pictures of Irish dance on the Internet.
2. What kind of question did Morgan face?
A.Whether Irish dance suited her.B.Whether she had a gift for dancing.
C.Whether she could win some awards.D.Whether she could get her mom's support.
3. How did Morgan deal with others’ disagreement?
A.By training with other dancers.B.By traveling around the globe.
C.By studying other dance forms.D.By insisting on her dance form.
4. What is Morgan's attitude to her dance in the last paragraph?
2021-07-08更新 | 136次组卷
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