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广东 九年级 期末 2021-12-24 407次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇

一、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65)

I have lived beside the Loch Ness (尼斯湖)for many years. My house has a good, clear _______ of the lake. In fact, it's only about a hundred meters from the lake. I've never been _______ the Loch Ness- monster. Until last Tuesday, I thought it was just a good story to attract tourists. But I've had to change my _______ after last Tuesday's experience.

I got up as usual at about 7 and went into my garden. Something attracted my attention to the loch. There was almost no mist (薄雾)that morning, and I could see there was something _______ quite fast, going north, in the middle of the loch. It _______ like a giant snake, with its head and part of its body above water. It was about thirty meters long. I rushed into the house to get my camera, _______ when I was back, it had gone.

I waited and it _______ again, this time nearer the road and my house. I could see it very well. I took several photographs of it. Most of the photos haven't come out, unluckily. But one or two of them show the creature quite _______. At one point it swam straight towards me. It was a _______ that a truck passed at that moment. It perhaps heard the noise of the engine because it ________ again. The whole incident (事件) lasted for about fifteen minutes, because I looked at my watch the last time, and it said a quarter past seven. I've never seen anything so strange in my life.

A.interested inB.proud ofC.bored withD.tired of
A.ran awayB.joined inC.passed outD.came along

二、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65)

Allison Johnson
Wrote 3 hours ago

Book Reviews of the Week

Little and Largeis a book about two animals. One is a small ant, the other is a big pig. They look very different, but in fact they're good friends and get along really well. This is a fun book, and all young children should enjoy it.

When We Were Youngis a book about teenagers and their lives. Sound interesting? No, I think this book is very boring. In fact, I don't feel like finishing it. I don't like any of the characters.

Glove Storyis a great love story. It starts when a man finds a woman's glove on a train. He wants to find out whose glove it is. Then he meets a few interesting people on the train as he does so.

A New Youisn't a story book. It was written by a doctor, and it tells people how they can take good care of their health. There is some useful advice here about how to eat right, how to exercise, and more. It's a great book to have around.

I don't agree with you about, I think that it is really good. I am 16 years old, and I like reading books about people who are my age. Many of the things in this story are the same as what I deal with in my life. Maybe you should read to the end. You might have a different idea about the book.

11. What isLittle and Largeabout?
A.An ant and a pig.
B.Young teenagers.
C.A man and a woman.
D.Ways to keep healthy.
12. What is true aboutGlove Story?
A.It is the writer's own true story.
B.Most of it takes place on a train.
C.It talks about the history of gloves.
D.It teaches you how to make gloves.
13. What does the author ofA New Youdo?
A.He is a teacher.
B.He is an engineer.
C.He drives the train.
D.He works in a hospital.
14. Which book is Eliot talking about in the ""?
A.Little and Large
B.Glove Story
C.When We Were Young
D.A New You
15. In which part of a website can we probably find this passage?
A.family & relationships
B.computer & Internet
C.science & mathematics
D.art & literature
2021-03-14更新 | 198次组卷 | 4卷引用:广东省广州市广州大学附属中学黄华路校区2020-2021学年九年级下学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65)
Saturday, June 22nd
Dear Diary,

It’s me, your best friend and brother, George! I just came back from a great party and I have to tell you about it. There was a really cool man there. He did magic tricks! He was really something. At first, he asked for a book. Someone gave one to him, and he opened it. He made sure we all knew it was a real book. Then he made all of the letters on the page change color-from black through yellow to red. He even had more than one color on the page at one time.

He was just getting started, though. The next magic trick was so cool that everyone at the party went crazy. He had a big hat with nothing in it. He put the hat on a table and asked someone for some money. I gave him some of mine. I know what you’re thinking, but wait until you know what happened. He put the money in the hat. Then he pulled out a special tool and pointed it at the hat. Right then, the hat was on fire! I thought he was burning my money, so I started to get cross. However, he told me it was OK, and he pulled the money out of his pocket and handed it to me. Well, I didn’t know what to say! This was such a great trick that I couldn’t help laughing and clapping. Everyone else at the party was also clapping loudly.

16. What did the writer describe in the diary?
A.A cool magic show.B.An exciting and funny man.
C.A wonderful birthday party.D.An experience of playing tricks.
17. Why did the man ask for a book?
A.To read the book aloud.B.To know the color of the book.
C.To see whether it was real or not.D.To play a magic trick with the book.
18. Which is the right order of the second magic trick?
①I laughed and clapped.
②The hat started to burn.
③I gave the man some money.
④The man put a hat on the table.
19. What does the underlined word “cross” probably mean?
20. What did George think of the magic tricks?
A.He didn’t mind them.B.He enjoyed them a lot.
C.He couldn’t stand them.D.He thought they could be better.
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65)

Taking pictures of an empty plate is becoming popular in the canteens (食堂)at Shenzhen University (SZU), a report by Shenzhen Economic Daily showed.

According to the Daily, Tencent is now working with SZU to introduce Al technology to a campaign on WeChat to encourage clear your plate". The campaign is to reduce food waste and encourage students to save food.

After finishing a meal, students can take photos of their plates and send them to the AI system. Once their photos are accepted, students can get a reward. Tencent's AI Lab provides technological support for the campaign. It takes only 40 milliseconds for the system to check a photo.

A total of 20,000 students at SZU took part in the second phase of the campaign on Monday and Tuesday. And the food waste has dropped greatly after the campaign was started.

“By using AI technology to encourage the "clear your plate" campaign, our university can have a better understanding of students, role in the campaign so as to carry out a rewarding system for keeping students interested in it," said Xu Xiaoling from SZU's student department.

The service has also been used in other universities in China, including Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Academy of Art in Zhejiang Province and Jishou University in Hunan Province, attracting over 100,000 students so far.

21. What is the purpose of the campaign?
A.To protect the environment.
B.To develop the traditional culture.
C.To reduce food waste among students.
D.To improve the safety in the university.
22. What does the underlined sentence mean?
A.No food was wasted any more.
B.More food was dropped than before.
C.The campaign has made a big difference.
D.There is no difference in the food waste.
23. What does the word "it" refer to in Paragraph 5?
A.The campaign.
B.The AI technology.
C.The university.
D.The student department.
24. How many universities have taken part in the campaign so far?
25. What is the best title of the passage?
A.The Importance of Saving Food
B.How AI Helps with Food Safety
C.How AI Helps' with the Food Waste
D.The Development of AI in Shenzhen
阅读理解-六选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65)

The term “culture shock” is used to describe the anxiety(焦虑)produced when a person moves to a new environment. When you visit a new place, you are forced to meet your everyday needs, like food and language in a totally new and different way.     26    . After all, it is you who must take steps to feel better. There are a few suggestions.

    27    . You may feel annoyed that you are experiencing a culture shock after having prepared so long and so hard for your trip. No matter how much information you read and how well you speak English, you can’t always do everything perfectly.

An open mind helps. Try not to form an opinion about the new culture soon. You might be quick to judge the food, manners and the ways to communicate and as a result would want to do things the way you are used to. Do not think of the US culture as better or worse, just different—you will be more willing to try new things.     28     .

Participate(参与). Just watching life go by you is not going to help you much. You will have to try out a few things for yourself.     29    . People around you will usually be ready to help if something goes wrong. If you are unsure of what to do in a new environment, follow others.

Be Humorous.     30     . Finally? believe that you can live with the differences and confusions(困惑)and still learn and enjoy yourself.

A.Don’t worry about making a mistake
B.Getting over culture shock depends upon you
C.Do not expect to do things perfectly the first time
D.Our cultures help us understand who we are and what we believe
E.Try to accept the differences you are finding between your home and host cultures
F.Never forget that humor is one of the best methods for almost any difficult situation
阅读理解-匹配(约310词) | 适中(0.65)

    31     My parents are asking me to teach my sister piano. Any tips?


    32     I always feel strange when people clap for me. What should I do?


    33     People say I’m lying, even though I’m not.


    34     I think I can be strong, but my friends think I’m gentle.


    35     I have six siblings(兄弟姐妹), I want to spend time alone with my mom, but I can’t.


A. It can be sad when people don’t believe what you say. You might think about why this has been happening. Be true to everyone. Over time, your honesty will speak for itself and people will know they can trust you.

B. Tell your mom how you feel. Perhaps you both can find some time for just the two of you. Maybe each of your siblings wants the same. Be sure to share your mom—she loves every one of you!

C. What exciting news for you and your sister! It shows your parents are confident with your musical talent. Talk to your parents and sister. Together, make a clear plan for the lessons. You’ll do a good job.

D. It’s certainly possible for a person to be strong and gentle, often at the same time. If you practice kindness often, you may discover many chances to be strong and gentle at the same time.

E. It’s great that you want to say “thank you”. Make a list of the people who do things for you. Another idea is to write thank-you notes. You may be surprised by how much a thank-you note can mean to someone!

F. It’s common for one to feel a little uncomfortable when he or she receives praise or attention. It shows people enjoy what you’ve done and they feel proud of you. You should feel proud of yourself, too.

2021-12-21更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市光明区2020-2021学年九年级上学期期末英语试题

三、短文填空 添加题型下试题

短文填空-语法填空(约190词) | 适中(0.65)

Jane Goodall’s love for animals started from her childhood.     36     she was a girl, she loved to watch birds and insects. She took notes about how they acted. She dreamed about going to Africa and doing     37     same thing there.

She got her chance when she was 23 years old. A childhood friend     38     (invite) her to a farm in Kenya. There, she met Louis Leakey     39     is well known as an anthropologist (人类学家). Goodall was good at     40     (work) alone. That made her perfect for one of Leakey's special     41     (project)—studying chimpanzees (大猩猩) in the wild.

Goodall began to study a group of chimpanzees in Tanzania. Her methods were not common. She lived with the chimpanzees so that she could make a     42     (care) study of their daily life. She even joined a group of chimpanzees. So she knew     43     (exact) how the chimpanzees live and hunt.

Because of Goodall’s work, people find out that chimpanzees are more intelligent than they thought before. Sadly,     44     (they) homes and lives are in danger. Goodall thinks that humans should protect them. She hopes that all animals will     45     (treat) with respect. Goodall wants people to remember that we are members of the animal world, too.

四、书面表达 添加题型下试题

书面表达-材料作文 | 较难(0.4)

46. 2020年深圳公园文化节(Park Culture Season of Shenzhen)期间深圳市各大公园举办了各种文化活动。你参加了哪项活动?请你根据以下提示,写一则活动评论。(参考词汇: 荧光夜跑shining run;沙滩音乐节beach music festival;网球公开赛open tennis tournament;欢乐剧场 happy theater)

要点:1. 你参加了哪项(些)活动?
2. 活动的内容。
3. 谈谈你的感受和想法。

Park Culture Season of Shenzhen is a yearly event. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



试卷题型(共 8题)





细目表分析 导出

题号 难度系数 详细知识点 备注
1-100.65寓言童话  叙事忆旧
11-150.65阅读  应用文  细节理解  推理判断单选
16-200.65应用文  叙事忆旧单选
21-250.65青少年问题  说明文  细节理解  推理判断  词句猜测  最佳标题单选
26-300.65文化差异  意见/建议六选五
31-350.65青少年问题  其他语篇  意见/建议匹配
36-450.65常见动物  人与动植物语法填空
460.4庆祝活动  叙事忆旧材料作文
共计 平均难度:一般