组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 个人情况 > 个人信息
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:60 题号:10209898
Name: Grace Smith          Class: 2       Birthday (生日): October 15th
Can: play the piano (钢琴), sing, play ping-pong
Telephone number: 683-3435
Name: Mike Brown       Class: 4          Birthday: December 21st
Can: play tennis, do Chinese kung fu (功夫), speak Chinese
Telephone number: 204-0603
Name: Helen Green       Class: 5          Birthday: November 7th
Can: play the guitar (吉它), dance, swim
Telephone number: 365-8012
Name: Sam Black          Class: 6            Birthday: January 2nd
Can: play soccer (足球), skate, ride a bike
Telephone number: 603-8315

1. What's Grace's telephone number?
A.It is 365-8012.B.It is 204-0603.C.It is 683-3435.D.It is 603-8315.
2. When is Mike's birthday?
A.On October 15th.B.On December 21st.C.On November 7th.D.On January 2nd.
3. Who can do Chinese kung fu?
4. What class is Helen in?
A.In Class 2.B.In Class 4.C.In Class 5.D.In Class 6.
5. What can Sam do?
A.He can skate.B.He can swim.C.He can sing.D.He can dance.


阅读理解-单选(约90词) | 较易 (0.85)


JackLiving in: New York
Profession (职业): Student
About me: I’m a kind and funny boy, always happy and friendly.
Want to be friends with: kind and outgoing kids.
KittyLiving in: Toronto
Profession: Dancer
About me: I’m outgoing, friendly, funny and a little shy at first but I won’t stop talking if you get to know me.
Want to be friends with: kind and caring kids, enjoying talking a lot.
MarkLiving in: London Mark
Profession: Teacher
About me: I’m a talented and funny man. I love to travel.
Want to be friends with: outgoing and hard-working people.
1. Who comes from Canada?
2. Jack wants to find ________ friends.
A.quiet and seriousB.quiet and talentedC.kind and outgoing
2023-10-14更新 | 18次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】I’m Kevin, a teenage student of Grade 9. I was born in Boston, but now I’m living with my family in New York. It’s been about 10 years since we moved here. So I’ve got quite a few friends around.

Most of my friends walk to school, but I like to ride my bike each day. I wake up at 7:00. After I wash my face and eat breakfast, I throw the school bag on my back. Do I have my books and homework? Yes, I do.

I take my bike, hop (跳) onto it and ride to school at 7:30. “See you later, mum,” I say. I pass my friends when I ride by. “Hi, Kevin!” they call when I pass. Mary does not want to ride with me. She does not like to wear a school bag. She likes to carry her books in her arms when she walks. She likes to kick the autumn leaves. But her favorite action is to look at the flowers along the way.

Not me! I like to ride my bike to feel the fresh air in my face. When I get to school, I lock my bike in the bicycle park. I walk across the field to say hi to Mr Brown and wait for my friends in our classroom.

1. Where does Kevin live now?
A.Boston.B.New York.C.London.D.Paris.
2. What time does Kevin ride to school?
A.At 6:30.B.At 7:00.C.At 7:30.D.At 8:00.
3. On her way to school, Mary likes to           the best.
A.ride with KevinB.look at the flowersC.wear a school bagD.kick the autumn leaves
4. Kevin likes to ride a bike to         .
A.feel the fresh airB.make some moneyC.show he’s braveD.carry his books
5. Where does Kevin wait for his friends?
A.At home.B.In the field.C.At the school gate.D.In the classroom.
2023-12-06更新 | 29次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约90词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Hi, I am a pencil box. I am blue. I am the house of two pencils and three pens. Oh! Two rulers and an eraser are here, too. They are good friends.

I have good friends, too. A pencil sharpener (卷笔刀) and some books are my good friends. We are in a black schoolbag. Our owner is a nice girl. Her name is Linda. She takes us to school every day. She is kind (善良的) to us.

1. The pencil box is ________.
2. ________ pens are in the pencil box.
3. ________ are good friends of the pencil box.
A.Two pencils and some books
B.Two rulers and a pencil sharpener
C.The black schoolbag, the pencil box and Linda
D.The pencil sharpener and some books
4. The underlined (画线的) word “owner” means (意思是) ________ in Chinese.
2023-10-23更新 | 30次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般